Sunday, January 30, 2011

So Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go from Here?

So Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go from Here?


2011 January 29

by Steve Beckow
Let’s look at the situation we’re in at the moment – from our vantage point, from that of the Obama Administration, and from that of the protesters on the ground in Egypt, Yemen, and elsewhere, etc.
From our vantage point, we know that the energies being beamed to Earth are raising our sense of well-being and our desire to right situations of injustice and exploitation that have existed on Earth since time out of mind. Of the increasing light and people’s reactions to it, SaLuSa said in November of 2010:

“You are ever moving onwards, and your goal is well in sight as the Light lifts you up. This month is one that promises a surge of energy that will yet again power the Light Grids upon Earth. Gradually it is affecting each soul upon Earth and raising their level of consciousness. Even those that have hardly awakened to their true selves are feeling a stirring inside. They know not what is happening, but feel the air of expectancy and sense that changes are occurring. …

“No longer will people be able to gamble with the lives and property of others, and responsibility and caring will be foremost. The Light is now so powerful it is bringing people together, with a new resolution to live in love and peace. That aim will be fulfilled before Ascension, and expanded to bring harmony and balance into each person’s life. It is almost impossible to describe the feeling that will abound in the New Age, and to be a free soul totally released from all cares and worries.” (1)
SaLuSa confirms that the growing unrest in the world is a result of this increase of light:
“In most countries you are learning of unrest, and it is because of the awakening consciousness of the people. You no longer desire to be at the mercy of those who dictate how your lives are led.” (2)

“The mood of the people is moving towards achieving true democracy, and you will find there is some degree of unrest in many countries.

“The energy that is being created is having the desired effect, and changes for the better will come into being. Apart from this the plan for radical and far-reaching changes proceeds at a pace, as time continues to speed up. Together they will deliver your release from the clutches of the dark forces.” (3)

The people of Earth are awakening to their right to something different, something better, and demonstrations and riots are the result, SaLuSa says:

“Demonstrations and riots are becoming more frequent, as people reject a return to the past. They are awakening to the potential that exists to make a clean start, and have no desire to accept any form of compromise. Before matters can get out of hand, certain events that are near to happening will help calm matters.” (4)
The greatest likelihood is that disclosure is at least one of the events that SaLuSa is referring to.

We know – but few others do – that millions of galactic warriors, engineers, diplomats, healers, teachers, etc., are here to prepare and

Egyptian Protests

guide us to the experience of Ascension which we expect in less than two years time. As SaluSa told us in 2008:

“Do not worry about the size of the problems, as we have more than adequate resources to handle them. Bear in mind we have millions of ships and personnel just waiting to move into action. Each know their function and responsibilities in restoring the Earth, and taking Mankind into the New Age with all of its advanced technology, and marvelous benefits for everyone.” (5)

We expect these visitors to reveal themselves in under two months from now – that is, by the end of the first quarter of this year, as SaLuSa acknowledged on Dec. 29, 2010: “In one way or another we will expect disclosure to become worldwide within the first quarter of this coming year.” (6)

We know that the rising light energies are enervating the dark forces who have controlled this planet and that the Light forces, according to SaLuSa, have recently been given the authorization to remove some of the leaders of the dark and to interfere with their operations.

“As our authority has been extended beyond our original remit, we now take more direct action to stop the black operations aimed at you or other countries. We echo your sentiments that “enough is enough” and it is now the turn of the Light to direct the path of the people on Earth. Such a lot of work has already gone into paving the way to the final years of this cycle, to ensure it is a smooth and successful journey. You of course have played a major part in achieving such an accomplishment, and you have helped create the grid of Light that now encircles the Earth.” (7)

We know from Hatonn other new steps the galactics are taking, but others don’t know them.

“We have been given leave by God to use stronger methods wherever necessary to dismantle the Illuminati’s remaining power bases. This does NOT mean killing anyone – God never sanctions killing, nor would we ever want to do that! For quite some time we have been permitted to override the dark ones’ free will by blocking their powerful weaponry when they attempt more events like ’9/11,’ and we have done that on numerous occasions.

“Now we also can foil their efforts to create major disruptions by blocking their communication systems and transportation modes and by diverting their intelligence couriers. We also have God’s permission to temporarily relocate a few key individuals to areas where they can do no mischief whatsoever. This is done somewhat like the cloaking of our ships in an invisible force field, which makes the disappearance baffling to those individuals’ co-workers too. So, even though you won’t see evidence of our new allowances, you know that now we’re taking even longer strides to help you rid your world of dark deeds.” (8)

More recently Hatonn has shared more on the subject:

“Some of our colleagues on the planet have made their presence known undeniably because they appeared in their real forms. They are meeting with powerful individuals, including some who operate out of public view, to inform them about our on- and off-planet network, and rats are starting to abandon the ship around the world. You won’t hear about that or the mopping up that’s underway.

“Don’t interpret this as our taking control! Our colleagues among you are working with Obama and others with influence to dislodge the Illuminati’s remaining strongholds and establish groundwork for wide-scale reforms.” (9)

Furthermore, we know that the Light forces will be victorious, which few other people on the planet know. According to SaLuSa:

“Be assured the Light and its supporters will be victorious, and the dark Ones will be defeated not by force or military power, but by the power of Love and Light. It may sound unlikely when you look back at history but you are now in a totally different era, when outside forces with the backing of the Brotherhood of Light are directing the outcome of activities on Earth. Mother Earth also plays a part and is desirous of working with us as her own cleansing takes place.

“So, Dear Ones, whatever happens that is not in accord with the Ascension process, have no fears, as it will not affect the outcome one iota. As you sometimes learn, many countries now are going through self-analysis as they realize the old paradigm no longer works. Those who wish to keep the status quo are fast becoming a minority and their influence will not interfere with the program of changes about to commence.” (10)

At the same time, Hatonn has told us that the next few months will be chaotic and we can see that they are.

“It’s a matter of all that must be accomplished within a comparatively short time and the dark resistance has to be dismantled before that can happen.  We’ve been telling you that for some time to prepare you for the massive changes coming. The next several months will be quite a ride — stay in the light and you’ll navigate the rough waters in good stead.” (11)

Turning from what we know, let’s look at what the Obama Administration knows. According to Hatonn, President Obama knows about the galactics and is a strong supporter of disclosure but is surrounded by squeamish colleagues and opponents.

“It’s just as well that no decisions are being made without Obama’s involvement. He strongly favors extensive and speedy disclosure and most of your other principal participants are being squeamish about both. We can suggest and recommend but not impose our judgment upon your representatives, much less take any action because it can be considered arbitrary at best or unilateral at worst. So we are being patient. That’s the only thing we can do until either your representatives reach agreement on all the important issues pertaining to the TV program or God in His wisdom decides what shall be done and when.” (12)

Hatonn tells us that the President was recently made aware that the galactics guarantee his own safety and that of his family and that he now knows of the plan for Ascension and its schedule. Hatonn also tells us that the President is in contact with “the Orient,” which must mean at least the Chinese and possibly Japan as well, coordinating efforts to take down the dark.

“Obama now knows we have him covered and he can proceed without fear for his family’s safety and his own. Media report what they are told, of course, but the truth is, now that he knows Earth’s ascension timetable, he’s negotiating with powers that be either personally or via safe communication channels to shut down Illuminati strongholds in his country, Europe and the Orient.” (13)

We have a sense that the Chinese leadership must also be in contact with the galactics because the leadership has made a radical turn in its policies and appears friendly to disclosure, solicitous of its own population’s well-being and cooperative toward the West. (14) It has dropped its aggressive stance towards Taiwan and has done nothing in response to various aggressive moves towards containment by the West.

We also believe that for at least three, perhaps four years, the Chinese have had the power to render the American war machine useless. All motherboards supplied to American military hardware (and most motherboards in that hardware have been supplied by the Chinese) have trojans in them that can be used to render the equipment inoperative. (15)

Moreover, the Chinese have shown that they have the ability to take over American planes, like that which flew Vice-President Cheney home from Australia, and cause them to land. They also have the ability to take over American military computers like those at the Cheyenne command and control facility. It is suspected that they caused the B-52 carrying nuclear weapons to the Middle East to land. It may also be that the galactics have helped them in all these efforts; we don’t know about that.

We know that the Chinese have unstoppable carrier-busting Russian missiles (the Iranians do as well, which may be why the American fleet huddles against Dubai, out of harm’s way) and need no longer be afraid of American carrier groups. And yet the Chinese have not acted on their demonstrated military superiority and recently SaLuSa congratulated and praised them:

“Notice how the Chinese leaders are making concessions to the West, and that they are using their power to prevent the Illuminati from making further footholds in the East. They are a part of a growing movement to stabilise the world, and root out the influences that have tried to lead you into another war scenario.” (16)

The recent visit of Hu Jintao to Washington was a stunning display of cooperation between Presidents Obama and Hu and went beyond mere diplomacy. Hu admitted that China had more work to do on human rights and allowed President Obama to invite him to dialogue with the Dalai Lama without storming out of the room. (17) In a setting in which saving face is usually a large consideration, these are great steps forward and cannot be explained, in my view, without assuming that China is working with the galactics.

So at least the leaders of the two superpowers – China and the United States – can be assumed to be working with the space fleet. Matthew Ward told us back in 2008 that Vladimir Putin has been falsely portrayed in the western press and is also in fact working to free Russia from the Illuminati’s grip:

“Be aware that mainstream ‘news’ in the United States is falsely portraying some leaders as posing a danger to democracy or destabilizing their nations, whereas they are light beings distancing their countries from the Illuminati’s empire-building, which in large part has grown through two centuries or more of the US government’s covert intrusion into other countries’ affairs. Foremost among these leaders vilified by the Bush administration is Vladimir Putin.” (18)

We are aware as well that the Russians have had numerous opportunities to take advantage of the West and have not. These include their successful repulsion of America from Georgia and the opportunity their support for Iran has provided to arm and encourage Iran to make more mischief than it already has. American speculators even caused the rouble to collapse, but, through all of this, Russia has shown restraint in its dealings with the West, leading me to believe that they too are cooperating with the galactics.

We need to realize that, since perhaps 1962, Russia has had the means to totally defeat the West militarily and has not used it. At least since that year, according to Tom Bearden, Russia has had scalar weaponry (the U.S. did not until much later) that would allow them to overcome the United States militarily. At one point Russia was pushing nuclear disarmament, which would have meant that America would give up nuclear arms, leaving Russia alone with devastating scalar weapons with which to defeat the West. (19)

It is known that the Russians have tested these weapons on British airplanes and shown their devastating effect and it is suspected that they have used them on occasion to control the weather. But again their use has been nowhere near the devastation caused by the American cabal in many places in the world through the use of HAARP and scalar weapons. Compared to the record of the American shadow state, the Russians have shown restraint.

But none of this is known to the crowds on the ground in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen and little or none of it is known to the vast majority of Americans, British, or other nations. The crowds in North Africa and the Middle East who are rousing themselves from their slumber and resisting their undemocratic governments are responding to the rising energies but without knowing it.

If they are responding, I consider it reasonable to expect that others will as well. And it becomes a guessing game to predict who those others may be. SaLuSa tells us that we can expect dissent to spread like dominoes:

“Like you we wait and hold our breathe, knowing that the old system is creaking at the joints and cannot hold together much longer. We can see the domino effect taking place once the first part falls.  Once it commences we can see quite clearly that there will be no shortage of people coming forward to support the Light.

“You are spread across the globe, and your persistence in pushing for change is about to pay off. Clearly it cannot all happen at once, and some will by the nature of what is involved take many months to complete. The important thing is that you the people see the beginning of real action, and know that it cannot be interfered with. For our part we are involved because you have so often pleaded for help, and we have been given the necessary authority to do so.” (20)

We heard a Tanzanian newspaper say that their suffering was not much different from a Tunisian’s and that dissent could arise there too:

“The suffering of an ordinary Tanzanian is not very different from that of a Tunisian. Maybe they are only different from us because they are white and we are black, and maybe their ‘boiling point’ is different from ours, but the reality on the ground is that we are all boiling in the same pot.” (21)

I think we can expect that a lot of people in our world are having the same thoughts.

We know from Kryon that the fall of one dictator will not be followed by the rise of another – not any longer:

“History will not repeat itself. You have moved off of the groove where those things take place in that fashion. Dictators will not [beget] new dictators. Hunger and famine will not [beget] new hunger and famine. There is a change at hand, and history will stop repeating itself. It’s a new energy, if you’ve noticed.” (22)
So here we are in a world that’s awakening and arising from its slumber, but not knowing that it was asleep or what’s causing it to awaken or what it’s awakening to. We know what these factors are and yet there’s no one we can turn to who probably would believe us yet and so we watch the process without knowing what to do to assist or declare it.

The only way we can contribute seems to be by encouraging that process to continue and expand, being a voice for peaceful change, and remaining calm ourselves.


(2) SaLuSa, April 15, 2009.
(3) SaLuSa, May 21, 2010.
(4) SaLuSa, Oct. 4, 2010.
(5) SaLuSa, Dec. 19, 2008.
(6) SaLuSa, Dec. 29, 2010.
(7) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.
(8) “Jean Hudon and Suzy Ward on President Obama,” at
(9) ”Hatonn: Galactics Neutralized the Missiles, Obama Knows About Protection and Ascension, at )
(10) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.
(11) ”Hatonn: Galactics Neutralized the Missiles, Obama Knows About Protection and Ascension, at
(12) Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010, at
(13) Hatonn in Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Nov. 15, 2010.
(14) See “What in the World is Happening with China?” at and “One Small Step for Man…” at
(15) For articles on motherboards, the commandeering of American planes, and the other matters referred to here, see the various articles on China’s military supremacy under “The Myth of Invincibility Exposed.”
(16) SaLuSa, Jan. 21, 2011.
(17) See footnote 10.
(18) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.
(19) Tom Bearden, “Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons,” 1990, at
(20) SaLuSa, Jan. 5, 2011.
(21) “Popular Revolt Spreads Across North Africa,” at

(22) Kryon, “The Shift is Here,” Oct. 20, 2008, at

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 15, 2011

Now we say Farewell in this message only, as never are we away from you in spirit.
 We are with you every step along your journey into the Golden Age even as we see you already joyously living in that magnificent world.

Tucson, AZ shooting; mass deaths of birds, fish; manmade weather; Wikileaks' effect; Haiti; pole shift; human cloning; soul contracts, multiple lifetimes; 2012/Golden Age misconceptions, reality

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew to speak about happenings in your world as observed from our vantage point. By far the most requests for our comments are two matters of great concern to many, thus we begin by addressing those.

2. The shooting in Tucson, Arizona, was as reported, a mentally unstable young man’s attempt to kill Congresswoman Giffords and as many of her supporters as he could, but it was not the “senseless act” as often described.  The shooter was acting under mind control and all who were killed or wounded either followed original soul contracts wherein they had chosen to participate in an event with “a higher purpose” or just prior to the shooting, they amended their contracts to include that incident for that same purpose.  

3. While it was unquestionably traumatic on a conscious level for those who were wounded and their families, and a tragedy for all who loved the persons who were killed, at soul level the participants willingly served to force attention on the inevitable results of increasingly vitriolic rhetoric in a society that has become inured to that kind of speech as well as violence. This pervasive conditioning had to be brought to the forefront of national, international, awareness so the outcry for an end to incivility and violence can change the collective consciousness of your civilization, which in large part has accepted that kind of behavior as an innate aspect of human nature.

4. That behavior is NOT an innate aspect of human nature—it is taught!  The makeup of souls is pure light, which is the same as love, and it is the most powerful force in the universe. Violence, divisiveness and hatred are deliberately introduced through the many influences that impact life on Earth.  And because whatever constitutes your collective consciousness is what creates your world, it is essential that those influences be brought to light so healing and unified spirit can be the legacy not only of the lives affected by the shooting in Tucson, but the lives of all souls who have helped to cleanse your world of darkness. Not punishment or revenge or retaliation will ever bring peace and harmony—only LOVE can end the illusion of separateness and let the innocence and purity of infants reenter hearts and minds. 

5. Light beings throughout the universe honor the souls who agreed to be “victims” in Tucson. Those who died were lovingly, gratefully greeted in Nirvana, light is being intensely beamed to their grieving families and friends, and those who are recovering from wounds have angelic helpers assisting the medical teams. However, do not for a moment underestimate the relevancy and power of untold numbers of prayers and heartfelt sentiments in those respects! 

6. US President Obama’s memorial address was transmitted to us from Earth’s monitors in Nirvana.  We know the soul of this man, thus better than he knows himself, yet without his conscious awareness that he willingly left his spiritually advanced civilization to serve in the vanguard of the Golden Age master plan, his words on that memorial occasion were from his heart and soul in concert with all the heavenly hosts. 

7. As much as we wish we could tell you that that assassination attempt is the last incident of its kind, we cannot know that—with Creator’s exception of nuclear detonations in space, Its law of free will must be honored by God and all of His emissaries. What we do know is that the shooting’s effects, the shock, horror and prayerful sentiments in its aftermath, have given the energy of reconciliation an enormous thrust forward. Although in the weeks and months ahead, other acts of violence will occur and warring and stubborn political partisanship will continue as the duality in humankind runs out its course, the energy momentum toward peaceful coexistence is far too strong to be derailed and the stage is set for the emergence of long-hidden truths. Regardless of individuals’ choices to accept or reject these truths, the forthcoming revelations and ensuing changes will propel Earth into her era of love, peace and harmony. 

8. The other concern in many minds is the mysterious sudden deaths of millions of birds and fish in various locations around the globe. This was not from a single cause, but a “last straw.” The small bodies of those animals are more vulnerable than human bodies to the many forms of toxic pollutants in your air, water and soil, so their immune systems were seriously weakened before they were hit by a blast of low vibrations from manmade electromagnetic grids.

9. If you are wondering why our space family did not use their technology to prevent such a blast, it is because doing so exceeds their authority. They are, however, permitted to deflect or neutralize harmful radio waves aimed at the peoples, and they did so; without their intervention, there would have been many human bodies sickened or killed along with the mass exodus of birds and fish.          

10. To address other inquiries, it is completely understandable that you would like to have “forecasts”: When the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations will be officially announced; when spacecrafts will land; when the economy will get straightened out and the new system running smoothly; when chemtrails and genetically altered foodstuffs will stop; when the truths about “9/11” and religions will be disclosed; when suppression of free energy sources and natural health therapies will end. Those are some of the primary questions in your thoughts, which we see as clearly as we see your light that sparkles as brilliantly as a field of diamonds in the sunlight.

11. If we could give estimated times for those and other developments of interest to many, we would do so joyfully. Earth’s energy field of potential is in such commotion, with the dark ones fighting bitterly in desperate last stands, that it would be folly to offer even “best guesses.” So we tell you what we DO know with absolute certainty—your patience and steadfastness in the light will be rewarded beyond your grandest imagining.   

12. Yes, the unusually severe weather conditions in many parts of your world, including heavy snowfalls, flooding and temperature extremes, are man’s handiwork. It is not necessary for the scientists who are doing the Illuminati’s bidding to initiate each incident anew—once elements in the atmosphere have been strongly set in motion, the domino effect takes over. When conditions start to ease as the energy within them dissipates, weather control technologists set off another disruption, and the same is so with volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Your off-planet brotherhood reduces to the extent possible the intended harmful results of all the manipulated happenings while still enabling their full release of negativity. Why is the Illuminati controlling weather and creating ‘natural’ disasters? To produce the negativity that arises out of high death toll, grief, fear, chaos, widespread destruction, disease, economic disasters and hopelessness.

13. It is not within our province to assess as light-filled or dark the reason underlying the dissemination of secret documents via Wikileaks, but we can say that the overall effect is beneficial. Even though the previously suppressed information has been released only in minimal amount, it can lessen the shock of that country’s citizenry when evidence shows the extent to which their government has betrayed them through the workings of its members in the Illuminati and those who succumbed to that international group’s threats or payoffs.  

14. With so much money donated for the reconstruction of Haiti after the earthquake a year ago, why is that country still a disaster zone?  Because those funds were stolen by the Illuminati after their technology caused the quake—that stealth is why former US presidents Clinton and Bush rushed to Haiti so quickly after the quake.

15. Concerns about a shift in Earth’s magnetic pole and where this may be leading are needless. The shift underway is a corrective measure that began over 60 years ago, when Earth’s planetary body was so deeply entrenched in third density that it was on the brink of flying out of orbit into certain destruction. God authorized powerful distant sources to beam massive amounts of light to stabilize the planet’s orbit, and that stabilization process will continue until Earth is within fourth density. 

16. When a clone commits a crime, how does that affect the real person’s karma and lifeprint review?  It doesn’t affect karma at all, and in the lifeprint review, it is simply a factual happening during the physical lifetime. On Earth persons are cloned to keep their powerful positions intact in case of natural death or assassination, and since it usually is individuals high in the ranks of the Illuminati who are cloned, it is done voluntarily.

17. Since the cloning process “downloads” all the person’s character traits, behavior patterns and knowledge to that point, the clone continues the person’s own ruthlessness and deception that resulted in criminal activities prior to the clone’s production.  It is the same with successive clones; however, mental and physical deterioration occurs with each downloading into a replacement clone, and if a person is cloned after a chronic disease has set in or after years of ingesting drugs or alcohol, even the first clone’s condition is compromised and replacements are frequent. An example is former US President George W. Bush— that is why the cloned vice president, Cheney, actually was running the presidency.

18. Souls may choose to enter clones with the intention of changing negative character traits and behavior patterns into positive, but rarely is this successful. Most often souls enter clones of persons who resisted and were killed, such as Pope John Paul and former US President Jimmy Carter. The souls that entered their clones succeeded in their intention to not succumb to Illuminati demands and they became the respected individuals you know of.

19. No, Barack Obama has not been cloned, nor will he be. 

20. Please do not be dismayed because attempts to manifest strong healthy bodies or high energy levels haven’t produced desired results. Third density powers of manifestation are not sufficiently developed so that a weak body can be transformed into glowing health or a low energy level raised to high in the twinkling of an eye. But by all means, continue to “see” yourselves in those prime states—positive thoughts about well being attract the energy of similar thought forms in the universal soup and enhance your chances of success. As Earth’s ascension journey continues, the higher vibrations will improve health conditions and strengthen your abilities to manifest along with your belief that you do indeed have that power.

21. We make soul contracts to evolve spiritually but we can’t remember what’s in them, and that doesn’t make any sense.  If we knew what our missions are, life would be a lot easier. No more making big mistakes and wasting lifetimes trying to get it right. 

22. If you remembered all your contract provisions, what purpose would the physical lifetime serve?  What advancement could there be in spiritual clarity, application of universal laws and use of free will if you simply followed decisions you made before knowing what circumstances you would encounter during the lifetime?  

23. Forgetfulness of soul contracts, which cover the foundation and major players that fit the soul’s chosen experiencing and let the personage fill in the details as life keeps unfolding, isn’t meant to drown anyone in a lifelong sea of confusion, and it doesn’t if folks pay attention to their soul level guidance that is as unmistakable as gigantic flashing arrows.  Following those bright blinkers that are conscience, inspiration, instinct and so forth, aligns conscious decisions with contract choices.  

24. However, that does not negate your free will to deviate from the contract when other opportunities for growth arise. Contracts aren’t rigid, but rather allow for flexibility as different kinds of situations can offer the same measure of learning—actually, it isn’t learning, it is remembering what your soul knows. Spiritual growth is a series of self-discoveries that get passed on from lifetime to lifetime, and each contract is designed to provide opportunities for the soul to keep evolving.   

25. Awareness of a “mission”—a term that denotes a soul’s primary purpose for embodying—doesn’t pop up as an Aha! moment, it comes as meaningful accomplishments that impart a sense of fulfillment. And no lifetime ever is wasted!  What you consider “mistakes” because they lead to situations that are very difficult to handle are not a waste if you learn from them. Furthermore, they may be part of your contract—not all lifetimes can be on Easy Street or there could be no advancement for the soul. Evolvement requires balance, and attaining balance requires dealing with stressful situations as well as enjoying ideal circumstances.  Incarnating offers myriad possibilities and probabilities, but no certainties that would preclude your making the many choices that let each lifetime become a unique learning adventure.

26. God explained this more succinctly in His reply to my mother when she asked why people can’t know everything that their souls know: 

If all were absolutely known, if nothing required any independent thinking or decisions or activity, then why would there be any need for multiple experiencing?  What would there be to learn?  Why would life itself be necessary?  We could just fast forward to The End, which is The Beginning, and let all lives of all times reside at that initial point of Being.

27. Now that holiday observances are over and your thoughts are back into routine tasks, various misconceptions about the year 2012 also are back. Beliefs that the major reforms required to usher in Earth’s Golden Age cannot be accomplished in the two short years remaining are paralleling beliefs that darkness will continue right up until the end of 2012, then abruptly disappear. Beliefs that three days of darkness or some other dramatic occurrence will herald the beginning of the Golden Age. Beliefs that profound geographic changes will precede Earth’s entry into fourth density. Beliefs that two Earths will emerge out of the ascension process.  Beliefs that going along with Earth into the Golden Age is the pinnacle of spiritual growth. Beliefs that after 2012, your world will be unchanged henceforth.  

28. Because your beliefs create your reality and collectively those beliefs create your world, you need to know the universal reality of what is happening and what is ahead.  To dispel beliefs born of misconceptions, we start by assuring you that all essential reforms to rid your world of darkness will be completed in good time and in stages, not in one fell swoop at the end of calendar year 2012.

29. Nothing profound will happen immediately prior to Earth’s entry into her Golden Age; the last days of 2012 will be similar to the first days of 2013.

30. While some seacoasts will gradually move a short ways inland and some low lying islands will slowly become submerged, there will be no drastic changes in land mass or seas. 

31. Earth is a soul residing in a planetary body and she has no need for a second such body.

32. Souls will continue evolving until once again they are within the Cosmic Oneness of Creator, thus “the immortal soul” and “the eternal life of the soul.”

33. And nothing in this universe is static—changelessness is contrary to the scientific laws that govern all life in this universe. 

34. Let us speak a bit more about what is ahead.  It is so that relatively little linear time remains prior to Earth’s total exit from third density—that is why the transitional phase you are entering will be tumultuous, with changes coming thick and fast. You will be in the midst of people who are fearful because all the systems familiar to them are in chaos and collapse.  You know that this is part of world transformation and you are there to assist in the process; by calmly dealing with forthcoming circumstances, you can ease the grave concerns of those who don’t understand that the turmoil is leading to the “better world” they want.

35. As for the onset of the Golden Age, not all of its glories are sitting on its doorstep, so to say. Yes, everything born of dark intent will have ceased with the advent of that Age—so no more warring or other violence, no more impoverishment or disease, no more polluting or mind control or corruption. All necessary truths will have been revealed and there will be reformed governments and economic, legal and judicial, energy, educational, communication and transportation systems. That is but a partial list of great changes underway, and at the end of 2012, none of them can be considered as perfected. Refinements will continue in all of those areas and other advancements too, and as you keep growing spiritually and intellectually, you will greet all forward strides with rejoicing. [To all who sent questions about specific aspects of life in the Golden Age, please read “Essay on 2012,” dated December 31, 2007, in Matthew’s Messages on

36. Now we say Farewell in this message only, as never are we away from you in spirit. We are with you every step along your journey into the Golden Age even as we see you already joyously living in that magnificent world. 


Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy: Thank you for holiday Ecards, mailed greetings and thoughtful notes. My time with family in Panama was heartwarming and restorative.   

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