Monday, September 24, 2012


Message from Matthew

September 24, 2012

Original Golden Age master plan; most essential reforms to come simultaneously; subsequent changes; disclosure; free will; off-planet light beings’ limitations; Gaia’s vision for Earth; violence in North Africa and Middle East; record of Jesus’ wife; health in fourth density; redistribution of wealth; Earth’s ascension into fifth density 

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  The view from our vantage point could be likened to a global hurricane with millions of eyes, the tranquil areas within the massive storm: violence erupting in North Africa and the Middle East, random acts of violence elsewhere, national economies tenuous or bankrupt, unstable governments, tyrannical regimes still in power, growing numbers of refugees. 

2. However sad it is that these conditions still are plaguing our beloved Earth family, none is unexpected at this late stage of Earth’s ascension out of third density.  Her pathway for the past 70-some years has been into successively higher vibratory levels and she has reached the level of duality’s positive and negative extremes. At this juncture in the original Golden Age master plan, only wisps of negativity, if any, would still be on the planet.

3. Time and again the plan has had to be revised in keeping with prevailing conditions on Earth.  We have spoken in previous messages—indeed, Hatonn did in the last one—about the 10-year delay in initiating sweeping measures to rid your world of violence, greed, corruption, deception, divisiveness, disease and fear, all of which produce an immense amount of negativity. 

4. The decade delay is because it was that long ago when the souls who agreed to play dark roles that would provide the masses an opportunity to complete third density karma finished that part of their agreement.  The other part was, those souls then would work with the light forces to prepare Earth and her humankind for the Golden Age. There would be no violence, tumult, poverty or even tempestuous weather today if those souls had honored their commitment to end their dark activities and join the lightwokers.  But they didn’t.  Instead, they continued wreaking devastation on the planet and creating more and more negativity. 

5. The process of old systems giving way to the new would have occurred with comparative ease a decade ago, when the lower vibrations would have had much less pronounced effects on people and circumstances.  Today’s much higher vibrations are greatly intensifying everything based in negativity as that energy is reaching its zenith.  It cannot be otherwise—that energy must play itself out swiftly because it cannot come to a screeching halt mid-stream and it can’t enter fourth density with the planet. 

6. Another effect of the delay is that the third density karmic merry-go-round kept going around.  Many souls who incarnated during the past 10 years came in for the chance to complete third density karmic lessons in this unprecedented one-lifetime opportunity. They chose very harsh lives that would achieve balanced experiencing so they can physically accompany Earth into the Golden Age or transition to Nirvana with fourth density evolvement status. 

7. If those two ongoing situations can be called “the bad news,” the good news is, none of that has slowed Earth’s pace one iota or detoured her steady pathway.  She is right on target to exit third density shortly before or shortly after the end of this year, and she will leave negativity behind.

8. This astounding feat is in large part due to the millions of “calm eyes in the global storm,” the souls whose light is shining brilliantly despite the turmoil around them.  All light beings in the universe honor you who know that you are lightworkers and the millions who still are unaware that their godly living has been helping Earth to ascend.  Your collective steadfastness in the light, dedication, patience, courage and perseverance is unequaled in this universe! 

9. It is natural to wonder how the mess your world is in can be cleaned up in the short time remaining before the onset of the Golden Age.  It can’t be. Never were all the glories of that wondrous Age going to greet you at its doorstep, but because of the 10-year delay, neither will the early stages of grand differences in your lives be there as originally envisioned by the master planners. 

10. Therefore the “mopping up,” so to say, will get off to a late start.  However, with the release of your own technologies from Illuminati control and the assistance of other civilizations and their technologies, efforts can begin on many fronts simultaneously.

11. The primary priority is to provide survival essentials to the peoples in war-torn areas and refugee camps and to indigenous peoples and nomadic tribes in dire straits. 

12. Warring will have ceased, but much will remain to be done in its aftermath.  Building or rebuilding countries’ infrastructure, commercial centers and houses will be undertaken expeditiously, not only for current inhabitants, but so refugees can return to villages or cities where there are residences, hospitals, schools and supplies of clean water and food are plentiful. 

13. The ridding of corruption in the global economy will occur in tandem with the same in governments so those areas of paramount influence in your lives can start operating with the honesty and fairness inherent in moral and spiritual leaders.

14. Your waters, soil and air will be purified and toxic waste, including radioactive materials, will be dematerialized.  Areas will be cleansed where disease has flourished due to the unsanitary living conditions of the impoverished masses.  

15. Other reforms that will be instituted quickly include ending cultural practices and customs that are unfair, injurious or lethal and the repeal of all unjust laws and regulations.  Millions now imprisoned on false charges or for minor infractions or as a result of simply being on “the other side” in wars will be released—yes, it will be easy to identify all who are innocent!       

16. Those are among the first changes because the current status is intolerable for the affected peoples.  The plight of many millions of animals—endangered species and animals that become part of your diet—is another situation that will be addressed in earnest.

17. Initial structures, particularly housing for all who now are homeless in their own country or uprooted due to violence, and buildings for medical care and schooling, will be rudimentary.  As rapidly as possible, those types of accommodations will be replaced with finely built structures. 

18. Free and renewable energy sources incrementally will replace current dependence on oil and natural gas. Other measures soon to be implemented also will assist Earth’s own efforts to restore areas of most severe environmental damage so that crops can be grown in abundance, forests can make a comeback and rivers can flow as Nature intended. 

19. According to the original Golden Age master plan, all of those vast improvements in your world would have happened by now. The global web of corruption that so long enabled the dark ones to control the peoples would have ended and long-hidden truths would have come forth in stages to give the populace time to more easily accept the realities. 

20. You’re approaching the continuum, where there aren’t ten more of your linear years for all of that to come about in “adjustment” stages—remedies must get going with all speed and efficiency possible.  So some confusion will be unavoidable due to the haste to get the most essential changes underway, but it will be relatively short-lived. The dark minds and hearts that would attempt to create chaos to prevent those changes no longer will be on the planet, and the people who are there will be of a loving, helpful, cooperative nature!

21. My mother has received numerous inquiries, partly spurred by Hatonn’s comments about the timing of introducing our universal family and the vital nature of the presidential election in the United States, and partly by related issues stirring in many minds.  We are happy to answer questions in those categories. 

22. Our universal family members cannot, nor would they want to, “just arrive and start setting things to right.” The timing of landings and brothers and sisters already there identifying themselves is the decision of the universal highest council, which acts within God’s guidance.  Only from that pinnacle of awareness can the most advantageous timing be determined for the well being of all involved. 

23. The purpose of what commonly is referred to as “disclosure” has nothing whatsoever to do with any nation’s political system.  The purpose is to prove what has been ignored or denied by governments—many advanced civilizations are in this universe and some of them are in your midst.

24. Yes, it is likely there will be considerable commotion when ships land, but every effort will be made beforehand by some of your leaders and the ETs who have been living among you to prevent “mass hysteria.”  You can help to prepare family and friends by telling them that the multitude of spacecraft sightings over the years indicate that these people from other civilizations are peaceful—if they were not, they would have invaded long ago. 

25. By Creator’s law that governs life in this universe, never are lighted beings allowed to interfere with the free will decisions of any persons. This includes even our personal family members living on Earth who are tending toward decisions that will incur heavy hardships they didn’t choose in their soul contracts.

26. The only exception to that law of honoring free will is Creator’s own—it cannot be used to start a nuclear war. In accordance with Earth’s free will decision made immediately after “9/11,” no other major terrorism effort can succeed.  In both cases, it is God’s responsibility to prevent all such attempts.  He has authorized civilizations with preventive technology to comply with those mandates, and they have done so successfully on more than a dozen occasions. 

27. What all light beings are permitted to do—and do so with joy!—is beam love-light energy streamers to all souls on Earth to assist them in raising their consciousness and gaining spiritual clarity. Attaining greater heights of awareness spiritually and consciously is what all beings throughout this universe desire at soul level.

28. Those who receive the light start opening their minds and hearts, and that leads to wiser decisions and kinder actions.  But each individual has the free will to do that or not—never is it within the province of a light being to exert influence other than sending forth the pure love-light essence of Creator. 

29. You cannot measure the amount of light other civilizations are sending to Earth, so there is no basis for thinking that if they would increase that amount, all darkness would be eliminated.  That thought omits the free will that everyone has except in the two aforementioned situations.    

30. Gaia, Earth’s soul, desires all of her life forms on her planetary body to flourish in abundance and live in peace, love and harmony with Nature.  Setting the stage for Earth’s entry into the Golden Age and the manifestation of Gaia’s vision transcends all aspects of third density, whether based in political, ideological, cultural, societal, economic or religious separatism.  

31. If you want your children and grandchildren to inherit a world free of all darkness, you share Gaia’s vision.  If you want leaders at every level of governing from community level to national and international to cooperate for the betterment of all peoples, you share her vision.  If you want to see your homeland planet restored to the paradise it once was, you share her vision.  If you want love, honesty, kindness, generosity and fairness to prevail throughout Earth’s humankind, you share her vision.  If you want everyone to respect animal souls and live in harmony with all of Nature, you share her vision.

32. Now then, we shall briefly address other inquiries.

33. Indeed the Illuminati had a hand in the eruption of violence in North African countries.  Their worldwide power base has crumbled, but their “black ops” agents still are initiating foment wherever they can make a wedge.  With the impetus of publicity about a provocative, irrational film, the agents easily manipulated a firestorm of outrage among many Muslims while many others of that faith are demonstrating their regret about the violent reactions.  This is an example of how the prevailing high vibrations are intensifying all characteristic and behavior, with the “good,” better and the “bad,” worse.

34. The recent discovery of part of an ancient record that mentions Jesus’ wife is not “by chance”—nothing happens by chance!  It “came to light” as the first step that may inspire Christians to being receptive to the truth about Jesus’ long life with his beloved Mary Magdalene and their children.  

35. Although each case will be as unique as the person is, generally speaking, chronic illnesses will not be cured immediately after the affected individuals enter fourth density, but rather those conditions will ease into sound health.  The de-aging process also will be gradual, and the re-growth of organs, limbs and teeth will be incremental as well.

36. Current medical procedures and therapies won’t change abruptly at the end of this year, but beneficial therapies and substances now banned will become openly available.  Yes, this includes marijuana, and people will choose to use it judiciously. The Illuminati in pharmaceutical companies, who have powerful influence on FDA, AMA and CDC decisions, have made anything illegal that would cut into their profits, and they won’t be around to enforce those edicts   

37. The unconscionable disparity between the haves and the have-nots will end, but not by taking money from people who have earned it through just means and handing it over to the poor. We do not know details of the redistribution process, but we can assure you that it will be fair and will not deny anyone the riches they have honestly earned.  The intention is to recover the nearly incomprehensible fortunes that have been garnered ruthlessly and illegally and hoarded, and to use those funds to uplift the lives of impoverished peoples around the world. That redistribution is separate from both the new monetary system based on precious metals and the reallocation of the world’s natural resources that the Illuminati have controlled.

38. We don’t know how long it will take the planet to transit fourth density and enter fifth—it depends on Earth’s residents’ collective consciousness.  Please remember, the planet’s rise out of deep third density and entry into fourth in less than 80 years is unique in this universe!  Some civilizations spend many thousands of years accomplishing that, but none other has been given the extensive, intense and constant assistance that Earth has received. 

39. It would not be realistic to think that traveling through fourth density and well into fifth will happen in that same blink of an eye, universally speaking.  Once the planet is firmly within fourth density and all profound reforms have been completed worldwide, the highly evolved beings who came to help in those achievements will want to return to their homelands.  Throughout the rest of Earth’s journey to her destination in fifth density, she’ll be on her own and her ascension pace will be in accordance with her peoples’ collective consciousness, which no longer will include those advanced beings. 

40. Our beloved Earth family, living with unconditional love is unparalleled joy. That you, too, soon will experience this is our wish for every one of you. 
Suzanne Ward
[NOTE from Suzy: This message is early because the Yahoo group administrator will be leaving on vacation and won’t return until October 14.

The “Scenario 2012” conference in Sedona, AZ, quickly sold out, so the sponsors are holding a duplicate conference October 30-November 1to accommodate the others who also want to attend.

In proofing printer galleys of Earth’s Golden Age – Life beyond 2101, I discovered that in cutting and pasting, I put a section in one chapter that belongs in another, and my awful mistake is in the eBooks for Kindle.  If you purchased one of those eBooks prior to its correction September 21, please email me—I’ll happily send you a copy of the print edition as soon as the books are available, in about three weeks.  

If this message was forwarded to you and you would like to receive future messages directly, please follow the instructions at the top of Matthew’s Messages page on]

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Message from Matthew

September 1, 2012

Ascension process on target; Earth’s destination fifth density; ongoing ET assistance; disclosure process; Hatonn: Obama reelection key to ET arrival, Golden Age master plan; fear deters soul evolvement

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Such excitement is in the air for all lighted souls—the countdown to the threshold of Earth’s Golden Age is months and weeks, not the decades, then years that followed the onset of her ascension!

2. Especially among newly awakened souls, but also some long-time dedicated lightworkers, there are differing perceptions about two aspects of this accomplishment that is unique in this universe:ascension itself and disclosure.  Some view these as singular, unrelated events while others consider ascension to be a process and disclosure an event. We shall speak about our perspective of these ongoing processes as the two sides of a coin, so to say.

3. By your late1930s, economic depression had taken a heavy toll on your society and the rise of Germany’s Third Reich was leading to invasions of nearby countries.  Gaia, Earth’s soul, knew what was brewing in her energy field of potential.  She knew that her planetary body, which was nearly bereft of light, was too weak to survive the inevitable World War II and other savagery that would ensue due to the hold of darkness on her humankind’s consciousness. 

4. That is why—and when—she cried out for help.  The immediate response was the massive infusion of light from distant civilizations that enabled Earth to jar loose from deep third density and slowly start rising into a higher, yet still very dense, energy level.  That was the beginning of her ascension.

5. Now we shall fast-forward to this year at hand. During its last days and the early days of 2013, the planet will travel through the celestial window between third and fourth densities, where the energy wisps of both densities briefly comingle, and it will enter fourth density, where Earth’s Golden Age begins.  

6. But that glorious milestone is not the end of her journey. Ascension will continue until the planet is securely within fifth density, where Gaia originated in antiquity and so did her planetary body.  After eons of being in the low densities that were commensurate with the collective consciousness of successive civilizations, Gaia’s body will have returned home.

7. Indeed, Earth’s exiting third density will be heralded throughout the lighted universe!  However, knowing that this brilliant process will continue for long years to come will prevent despondency from befalling those who are expecting a dramatic event to occur on December 21st.   When nothing of dynamic proportions happens that day or any other in that same narrow timeframe, how sad it would be if those who are counting on something spectacular become so depressed that they decide at soul level to join the others who also choose not to remain on the planet for different reasons.  

8. Now then, let us speak about disclosure. Because this has been tied to an official announcement about your universal family’s presence, many lightworkers feel discouraged that this close to the end of your year 2012, still no such acknowledgement has come forth.
9. Although the Illuminati’s former power base has been shattered, they still have strong influence in some areas, and one is the media. By suppressing information they do not want known, they have prevented the majority of your populace from learning that souls from spiritually and intellectually advanced civilizations are surrounding the planet in thousands of ships or working side by side with you or living in Inner Earth. Thus, most in your world have no expectations whatsoever about meeting members of our universal family. So, in the collective consciousness there is a dearth of truthful knowledge about them and very few thoughts about welcoming them. 

10. That, combined with the dark ones’ tenacious hold on some military sectors that can pose risk to you and landing parties, continues to delay an announcement and landings in numbers. But most assuredly, this has not diminished one iota the ongoing assistance of your brothers and sisters!

11. Essential strides in progress are continuing covertly on the ground and ships’ crews are continuing to use the technology aboard to reduce toxic pollution and block the functioning of powerful weaponry. They’re leveling out the effects of earthquakes, decreasing wind velocity and steering major storms away from heavily populated areas while still permitting the same amount of negativity to be released.  Constant coordination between land and sky intelligence units is thwarting Illuminati “black ops” attempts such as organized terrorism and lengthy power outages or interruptions in communications systems.

12. So that you won’t dim your personal light by negative feelings because there has been no “disclosure” to date, we ask you to expand its definition, exposure or revelation, to include your expression “coming to light.” That is exactly what has been happening ever since Earth started her ascension course!

13. In those earliest years there was no evidence that anything unusual was happening, but as Earth’s journey continued and the light intensity increased, it started revealing despicable activities that formerly were known only to the malevolent perpetrators and those who were directly affected. As the long-time entrenched darkness was coming to light, without realizing that they, too, were responding to light’s vibrations, the peoples started opening their hearts and minds.
14. Consider the worldwide change in attitudes about war. The allied forces’ unity of spirit during WWII—it is patriotic to kill and honorable to die—has evolved into global rallies and meditations for peace.  Consider how much information has come to light about corruption in governments from community level to national, and in multinational corporations and financial institutions. Pedophiles have been identified in the priesthood and in organizations that at one time were considered havens for your children, and individuals once thought to be mentors or idols have fallen as their dark characteristics have been revealed.  
15. Now put those disclosures and all others into their proper context—an integral aspect of Earth’s ascension.  As the planet traveled through successively higher energy planes, more and more areas of criminality and abhorrent conditions that once were hidden have come to light. This was imperative so the peoples could see how darkness was controlling their lives, and in light of that realization, they were motivated to bring about benevolent changes.

16. The light energy of your civilization’s growing awareness, aspirations and actions has been lifting the collective consciousness all along Earth’s ascension journey.  Only seventy-some years ago she was in death throes!  Her transit out of deep third density to the point of imminent entry into fourth density is a universal achievement unprecedented in speed and scope!  
17. By seeing disclosure as the essential and inseparable part of the ascension process that it is, there need be no disappointment or discouragement because official recognition of our family’s presence has not yet happened. Be assured, it will!  Their public reception by specific world leaders will be the crowning point of the entire disclosure process, and like you, we are eagerly anticipating that momentous day!

18. We do understand that knowing When? is very important to you, and I have asked Hatonn if he can give us an update on that.          

Thank you for asking me, Matthew.  First I want to say that I concur with everything you said about disclosure and why an official welcome is still on hold. And I thank you for explaining that our crews in ships are doing whatever they can to help you while they’re waiting to land and our ground crews are holding up their end too. We’ve been in readiness for a decade to get this show on the road!   

But getting on to when we’ll be “announced,” safety still is an issue, of course, but the new key is the November presidential election in the United States. It’s essential that the Obama presidency continues. This has nothing at all to do with politics in that country or any other! It has everything to do with the Golden Age master plan!

The plan is according to what Gaia, Earth’s soul, wants.  She wants a peaceful world with everyone having a fair share and everyone respecting all of her Nature realm. The highest universal council chose as a major player a soul with highly evolved spiritual status, ancient wisdom and world leadership experience in many lifetimes. That soul is Barack Obama.

 He was born with and has retained Gaia’s vision of Earth, and he has the inspiration and qualifications to achieve it. His reelection is imperative to the plan going forward because his opponent isn’t capable of or interested in making the changes the plan requires.

We are totally apolitical and we’re NOT belittling Mitt Romney! It’s that he and those who share his views aren’t motivated to change the status quo where money’s concerned, and that gross inequity of the few with billions and the billions with little or nothing can’t go on and it won’t.  Earth will not allow that imbalance to continue.

I think more of the big picture is needed here. The master plan included that some individuals would cause the various kinds of suffering that gave many, many souls the chance to wind up their third density karma and balance other lifetime experiences so they could go along with Earth.  When that part of the plan was completed about ten years ago, those individuals were supposed to join the light forces. They didn’t, and that’s why wars, prejudices, corruption, greed, divisiveness, terrorism and other destructive third density conditions still are going on.
According to the original plan, by now all of that would have been long gone.  It was intended that when Obama became president, he’d have worldwide support in unifying people of all nations and leading your world into the Golden Age.  The plan called for you and us to meet up ten years ago and work together to clean up the mess on your planet caused by greedy, uncaring power players.  

Well, we’re still waiting and Obama’s efforts to get reforms going have been blocked by his foes in the Congress or the moneyed individuals who control most members.  Through either death threats to his family or bloc voting, Obama has been forced into decisions that are against his conscience and his world vision. After he knew that he and his family had our protection, his mind was relieved of that deep concern, but he still has had to deal with unyielding partisanship and blatant lies or distortions of facts.

That’s what’s on center stage in the US right now and whatshould be there is how that nation will cooperate with other countries to fix the sorry state your world is in! If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election.  If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.  

Again, this is NOT political!  Once we’re there, political differences won’t be an issue in any country. The truth about us and many other situations that will be disclosed will be.

Matthew, that’s as close as I can come to a date when we’ll be “out in the open.”  Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. 

19. Hatonn, we thank you for explaining the situation so clearly and for the assurance that whether shortly before or shortly after that election day, the official welcoming of our universal family is soon!That ends our concerns that souls might choose to leave when nothing dynamic happens December 21st—the spectacular drama will come with the introduction of our “space” family! 

20. Beloved lightworkers, we know that your sense of urgency for public acknowledgement of other civilizations goes far beyond curiosity. It is your heartfelt desire for war and widespread suffering and acts of random violence to end.

21. As we have stated in prior messages, the continuance of those circumstances is due in large part to the prevailing vibrations that are magnifying duality’s characteristics and behavior—“good” gets better, “bad” gets worse.  And in keeping with what Hatonn said about timing in the master plan, it called for only “good having become better” at this point. 

22. While the extra years of darkness caused horrendous adversity to many people, the greater importance is how their souls have been affected. When a short lifetime, trauma and severe hardships were not part of persons’ contracts, divine grace gave them evolved spiritual status, and when the perpetrators’ acts were outside of their contracts, their status devolved.  That is, the cycle of the eternal life of the soul was not adversely affected during those extra years of darkness, and many, many millions of souls took leaps forward spiritually and intellectually.

23. We feel that it is important to once again speak about the needlessness of feeling fearful about anything. You have seen that concerns about terrorism during the Olympic games were for naught.  We urge you to put all other fear-filled claims and predictions and reports in the same category—they will not come to pass!  This does not mean that the Illuminati have no intentions of trying to cause fear.  It does mean that just as their previous attempts have failed due to the intervention of our space family above and on the planet, so shall all of their other plans meet that fate until all darkness has been vanquished.  And soon it shall be!

24. This far along in Earth’s ascension, even the fears of many individuals cannot delay her steady pace or detour her course, but it can do that to the individuals’ growth in spiritual and conscious awareness. We are embracing all of you in unconditional love, that most powerful of all energies in this universe. If you will but accept this, you can be fearless about what is ahead and look forward with joyousness and excitement to the remaining days of this year and all years to come.  Oh, let us “edit” ourselves here—there are no linear time designations in the continuum that you are fast approaching, so instead of years, we say all lifetimes to come. 
25. Throughout your long journey in this lifetime, we have been traveling with you in spirit, and we are rejoicing with you that each footstep brings closer your victorious entry into Earth’s Golden Age.  

Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy:  Earth’s Golden Age—Life beyond 2012, the fifth in the Matthew Books series, will be available in a week or so in eBook for Kindle on  The print edition will be out later this fall.

Two weeks ago I had the thrill of participating in “Transformation 2012” in Pagosa Springs, CO. The 150 people at the conference added a lot of light to the planet!

I’ll also be speaking at “Scenario 2012,” October 26-28 in Sedona, AZ. This conference will be another meeting of kindred spirits whose love-filled energy will add lots of light to

Recently I was interviewed for “White Buffalo: An American Prophecy,” the spiritual odyssey of four brothers to discover what Turtle Island’s ancient sacred wisdom portends for America. Thedocumentary will be released later this year. Production website: www.whitebuffalomovie.comYouTube: 

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