Monday, July 22, 2013


Message from Matthew

July 21, 2013

Effects of disclosure of US government documents, George Zimmerman trial

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We are happy to address the questions of many readers about two situations that also are of interest to a multitude of others. Both involve United States citizens, and while it may appear that they have no connection whatsoever, these two highly publicized issues are the same at the core and both are examples of long strides in your society’s progress.

First: Will Edward Snowden’s release of confidential documents lead to more transparency about his government’s activities or just further complicate tenuous international relations?
If it could be said that transforming your world requires a primary ingredient, that ingredient would be truth. The energy levels in which Earth is orbiting is paving the way for truths to come forth, but there is no specific means whereby this must occur because there is flexibility in soul contracts.

To explain this relationship, let us say that you chose to earn a considerable amount of money to balance a lifetime of desperate poverty. Along with that provision of the contract, you chose factors to help attain it, such as country of residence, innate skills and a tendency to think and act independently. But there is no hard and fast method or only one field of endeavor that will lead to your acquiring the lifestyle you chose.

Without any conscious memory of your soul contract, you simply respond to ideas, instinct, intuition, aspirations and conscience—your soul’s messages to your consciousness that are aligned with your contract choices—as opportunities arise that “fit.”

When this is applied to persons you call whistle-blowers, it is what Edward Snowden did. While he is regarded by some as a traitor and by others as a hero, your analysts discuss his childhood and adolescence, personality traits and immaturity, and they speculate on his motives for releasing his government’s confidential documents.

They don’t know and neither does Snowden that he was responding to his soul’s messages when the opportunity arose that “fit.” It is the same confluence of energetic factors that motivated Bradley Manning to disclose official documents and Julian Assange to establish Wikileaks. By no means are these three the only ones who have acted upon a sense of responsibility to “bring truth to light”—we are speaking only of persons currently in the news.

As for the released information’s effects on international relations, the individuals mentioned have no interest in making a mountain out of a molehill; they have far more important internal matters to deal with. Furthermore, the prevailing vibrations are all in favor of leaders smoothing out any differences and arriving at international accord.

As for transparency in governing, this will come about with the demands of the citizenry—not just an end to secrecy, but to political self-service, corrupt justice systems, and the corporate money that underlies many governing bodies’ policies and legislation. The outcry for change is not only in the United States, to be sure! Egyptians, Brazilians and Russians are among others who also are demanding that their respective governments serve the people’s best interests. In every nation where beneficial changes are needed, the persistence and courage of grass roots movements, some with external support, is what will manifest them.

The second issue of widespread interest is the trial of George Zimmerman that resulted in his acquittal of manslaughter and second-degree murder charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. While most people are focused on the verdict—fair or unjust?—many readers are asking: Did they and their families agree to this in their soul contracts?

Yes, but this begs an explanation. Trayvon and George and their families are like all other souls insofar as selecting karmic experiencing to balance other lifetimes. That is, they agreed to experience the killing, death and traumatic aftermath, and their contracts offered a degree of flexibility insofar as where, when and how that would occur.

Especially during this unique time in the universe, opportunities that “fit” are arising plentifully worldwide so that not only can karmic choices be completed, but also those serve a “greater purpose.” And so it is with the Martin and Zimmerman families. Defense attorneys and a juror claim that race was not a factor; nevertheless, the pervasive perception is that racial discrimination, or profiling, is indeed the root of the matter and many are protesting the verdict.

The trial and its outcome are forcibly “bringing to light” that racial bigotry, which long has been a stain and a strain on humankind, has no place in your world today. Education may shift a mental outlook on race, but it is only when hearts are deeply touched that real change is effected in a society—this is why Trayvon and George and their families agreed to their respective roles in this personal tragedy.

The same kind of bitter divisiveness caused by racial bigotry also is inherent in religions, ethnic and cultural traditions, societal “caste” designations, governing systems, gender, and economic status. All of these areas of differences that have caused untold suffering for millennia will be coming to an end.

Individuals around the world are fearlessly responding to a strong sense of responsibility to act upon what they know at soul and conscious levels is the right thing to do, and the universe is presenting opportunities for them to act in alignment with contract choices. Most are not recognized outside their circle of close confederates, and even the few who are heralded internationally are no more aware than is the populace that before birth, these individuals chose to be who they are, doing what they are doing.

One who is well known and greatly respected is Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani girl who, even after being shot because she was fighting for the right of girls to be educated, is continuing her efforts toward that goal. It is not only because of expert medical attention and myriad prayers that she recovered from a life-threatening head wound. In her soul contract, she chose to devote her life to this valuable service that ultimately will benefit girls wherever they are being denied the same education as boys.

Pope Francis is another well known and greatly respected person. The spiritually evolved soul who embodied as Jorge Bergoglio did so by request of the highest universal council so that later he could fill the powerfully influential papal position. In keeping with the soul’s acceptance, the universe “paved the way” for the opportunity that “fit.” Thus Bergoglio became the pope and despite strong opposition in the Vatican, he is acting upon what he feels is his responsibility, to right the wrongs that body has perpetrated from its inception.

Throughout Earth’s ascension pathway she has been receiving an astronomical amount of light from other civilizations. But, our beloved family, it is the light being generated by everyone who is heeding the voice within that is moving your society ever closer to a peaceful, harmonious world where all share equally in Earth’s vast abundance.

All light beings in this universe embrace you lightworkers in unconditional love and highest esteem!

Suzanne Ward

[NOTE: Heartfelt thanks to all of you who have expressed your appreciation for the messages. I wish I had time to reply to everyone so you could know how immensely meaningful your supportiveness is!

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Always you may post on-line or publish in print an entire message with appropriate credit. If you want to use only an excerpt, please contact me—thank you.]


Thursday, July 4, 2013


Message from Matthew

July 4, 2013

US “independence”; God: politics, three levels of action, assessing candidates; multiple effects of prevailing vibrations; memory loss; dietary benefits; balance


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. From our vantage point, Earth looks like a sea of strobe lights as people are responding to the prevailing vibrations. You are feeling what is going on much more than seeing developments. 

We will get back to that, but first we want to give you an important glimpse of history that relates to the United States’ celebration of its independence from England with traditional Fourth of July parades, patriotic speeches and fireworks.

The highest universal council meant for the colonies that fought for independence from British rule to be a showcase of souls’ sovereignty. Once united, this nation was to have shown the rest of the world that when people are free to exercise God-given rights, they live peacefully, cooperatively, creatively and prosperously.

Successive waves of early settlers followed their urge to “be free” and the founders of the United States acted upon their divinely inspired mission to form a nation that guaranteed civil liberties, however limited those were in the beginning since many in the population were excluded. The darkness that was heavily entrenched on the planet enabled slavery to flourish and denied women the right to vote.

Those exclusions mattered not a whit to the Illuminati whose power, in part, was seated in England’s royal family. They were not about to forfeit control of the “free” populace or the land’s vast wealth of natural resources, and they swiftly extended their European empire across the Atlantic. Through the top figures in industries, banks and government—and later sneaking into law the Federal Reserve System that in no way is a federal institution—the Illuminati regained control of the United States.   

During the centuries since they extinguished the beacon that nation was intended to be for your world, they kept spreading their network of corruption and deception until it was global. Now that the network is losing the remaining remnants of its former power, step by step you are consciously claiming the sovereignty that always has been yours as the god and goddess selves you are.  

Now then, whenever our messages include politically-related information, readers email their objections. This is one of the more gracious comments: “If the messages are to prepare us spiritually for ascension, as Matthew has said, he should stick to that and stop trying to influence our political opinions.”

Rather than explain again why we speak about political issues and their importance in the context of ascension—Earth’s and your society’s—I have asked my mother to copy what God said about this.

[The following, an excerpt from the chapter “Be Informed and Act” in Voices of the Universe, was transmitted October 4, 2003.]

        The politics that controls all countries, all peoples, all economies and resources of your planet homeland has been instrumental in bringing your world to the devastated state it’s in.

       In no country on Earth are people free. For millennia the dark souls of civilizations beyond your planet have been influencing their willing Earth brothers and sisters in leadership positions to deceive and intimidate the rest of the people. Regardless of who holds national leadership roles, they rule by the dictates of those forces that are unknown to the people and perhaps even to the rulers.

       The influence of those dark alien puppeteers has resulted in all declarations of war and all decisions regarding economies and resources of the world. Their secondary aim is increasing the control and wealth of Earth’s leaders, whose greed for power makes them eager puppets, thus today you have a world with unprecedented concentration of vast riches, impoverished nations, willful environmental destruction and corruption oozing out of corporate connections with governments.

     The ultimate aim of the puppeteers is annihilation of your planet. That will NOT happen, but beneficial changes for all require a change in the character of your world’s leaders. Voices must be raised with demands for leaders of spiritual integrity—that kind of character is exemplified, not merely proclaimed.  I don’t mean that no leaders ever have been strong in virtues or that no voices ever have been raised to protest injustice and inequities—indeed there have been those individuals. Many of those brave souls suffered or died for that, and much of their good works has been undone by succeeding generations who blindly followed self-serving leaders.  

     Now, the collective will of the people is rising to expose and oppose this situation. As lies are exposed, more lies are being told, and those will be exposed too. Tyrannical regimes must and shall change. Although plans are afoot for this peaceful revolution through a joint effort between your civilization and many of your space family, that does not absolve any of you who desire a finer, brighter world from the responsibility of helping to create it. You all chose to be where you are at this time precisely so you could do exactly that!  Actually, some of you embodied in other lifetimes as great leaders on Earth and well beyond, and you are back now to take on similar inspirational and constructive roles. 

      It is on three levels that you must act so that honorable governing bodies will be achieved. The first level is spiritual, and I’ll tell you what spiritual is NOT: It is not membership in any of the multitude of your religions. It is not the self-righteousness that is evident in great abundance.  It is not escaping into a head-in-the-sand “prayer life.”  It is not believing that neither good nor evil exists because those are only judgments.  It is not accepting that everything is in divine order and will run its course without your participation.  It is not refraining from seeing what is going on in your world because you’ve been told it’s all an illusion anyway.  I am not saying that there is no truth in any of that; what I’m saying is that spirituality is not an inherent aspect of any. 

      The spiritual level on which you will change your leaders from being darkly-ruled themselves to people worthy of being leaders—true leaders with spiritual integrity—is within your hearts. That’s your usual depiction of where love resides, is it not?  Actually, the sensation of love is a province of the soul, but it has strong physical effects at the heart that instantly spread throughout your entirety to uplift you in spirit, mind and body.   

      Love starts with self, with living so that loving self is as natural as breathing. Only then can you give and receive love. Love is contagious, unlimited, omnipresent. It is what changes bleakness of spirit into fullness of spirit, illness into health, lack into prosperity. It is the absence of love that breeds all the woes of your world, and it is filling the void with love that will cure the woes. This is not asking you to love what brings misery and deprivation and harm!  It is asking you to simply feel love so you can send forth that energy—it will seek its way to the void.   

      The second level is mental—deeply thinking to discern what is truth and what isn’t instead of buying into what candidates say. The catch is, what information is truthful and what is not?  What sources can be trusted?  You have been deceived for eons by a few souls in one generation after another after another whose intent is to retain the control over you, so access to the truth is not easily come by.  How can I put this so it is not a series of Don’ts?  Always I prefer to be positive in statements, and I’ve already compromised that by my explaining what being spiritual isn’t.   

      Very well, I know how to proceed—think of what you want in your world.  If that is peace and harmony and cooperation, that’s where to focus your thoughts.  What will bring that to the world?  Think of what will: Respect and dignity for all races and faiths and genders; help wherever help is needed; equitable sharing of Earth’s massive riches; cures of all diseases; education, fulfilling work and comfortable homes for everyone; honesty, kindness, compassion, fairness, harmony, sharing, justness, forgiveness.     
       Think of all those qualities and circumstances and let your heart and conscience guide you to the candidates you most closely identify with them.  The words of campaign promises are worthless without a candidate’s heart and soul in them. Let your heart and soul, not just your eyes and ears, lead you to the persons who exemplify the love and light that’s needed to uplift your world. 

       The third level is action. If you want leaders whom you trust and respect, work toward that end.  Publicly and financially support the people you want in office, but if that isn’t possible, then put forth your intention through the power of your energy focused on those persons actually holding the positions— I can’t emphasize too strongly the power of intent! You can be sure that the current people in power will have their supporters actively working because those folks get the trickle-down largesse in exchange.  You who want love, peace and harmony will receive those incomparably greater victories in exchange for the energy you put forth to create them.

Thank you, Mother, and now we return to our statement that you are feeling what is happening more so than seeing it. No one is immune to the effects of the highest vibrations that bodies ever have had to adjust to. This is all to the benefit of everyone who is absorbing light—their cells are transitioning from carbon structure to crystalline, and if uncomfortable physical, emotional or mental sensations are adjustment-related, they will pass.

The most unsettling effect may be momentary memory loss. Perhaps you can’t remember the name of someone you know well or a specific word eludes you. When you walk out of a room or get into your car, you forget where you intended to go and why. Or maybe, once you are in the grocery store, you can’t think of the item you went there buy. If you are experiencing those or similar kinds of lapses, dear ones, please do not fret about it!

Mother, please copy what our friend from a highly advanced civilization said about this memory situation. Readers may appreciate hearing from another source the same information that we would give. 

[Saminten’s explanation during one of our conversations in 2003 is in the chapter by that name in Illuminations for a New Era.]

      You decry the loss of time that seems to be zipping by and another loss you lament is memory. Neither of these aspects of third dimensional awareness is being lost, dear ones.  “Time” never has been as you devised it with 24 hours each day and 12 months in a year and so forth.  This has served you well, but no longer is this happening.  Your time structure is collapsing as energy is moving at its lighter density speed, and your periods of light and dark are coming with more velocity.  So rather than time being lost, it is speeding up. 

      The memories that many of you speak of as “gone,” are not.  With the acceleration of everything within the universe, it is natural that the cells of your body are reacting to being lifted into a higher survival mode.  Most of all, this is affecting your brains—the computers that turn on your thinking and reasoning processes—and this is necessary!  The light being absorbed by your cells is allowing your brains to slough the layers of forgetfulness and programming that have denied them full functioning ability.

      If you are not experiencing any memory loss or a sense of scattered thinking, then you are stuck in the third density that not much longer will be the status of Earth’s being.  So it is desirable for you to feel not quite firmly in touch with the reality of the day or the environment. 

Thank you, Mother. The prevailing vibrations also are changing physical needs, and along with expanding your conscious and spiritual awareness, accommodating your bodies’ requirements is of paramount importance. 

Sufficient sleep is essential—give your body the rejuvenation time it needs to perform well. Drinking a lot of pure water also is essential—it helps to eliminate the toxins you absorb through your polluted environment and adulterated foods, and it helps to keep bodies’ electrical systems working properly. Exercise in accordance with physical ability aids in those respects too, and it helps circulatory and respiratory systems to behave smoothly.

If you aren’t as hungry as you used to be, that’s good—the more light in a body, the less food it needs. Eat wisely. Fresh fruits and vegetables, foods that contain the most light, will hasten crystalline cellular growth and boost energy levels. Cut back on dairy products—they do not contain the nutritional value that is claimed and they clog circulatory systems. 

If you aren’t ready to eliminate meat and seafood from the menu, reduce the quantity—most food animals live and die in horrible conditions and the energy of their traumas is passed on to consumers. Please understand that this is meant only to enlighten you and in no way is it intended as criticism of non-vegetarians!  

Contrary to your expression “sugar high,” digesting processed sugars lowers energy levels.  Choose whole grain cereals and breads, and if you have no allergies to nuts, almonds and walnuts are the best choices.  All well and good if chocolate, coffee and tea cravers are having no ill effects from caffeine; however, if you are having digestive problems, caffeine may be a contributor. Drinking red wine in moderate amount can enhance the blood stream—this suggestion does not apply to persons who have drinking problems!—and sodas are not good for anyone.

Those are general diet guidelines for a typically healthy person, but the bottom line is, pay attention to your body—it will tell you what it needs for optimum operation. In blessing your food, asking that it serve your highest good and feeling grateful for the plants and animals that provided it adds light to whatever you are eating—doing that silently is as effective as audibly. 
During this stage of adjusting to lighter energy, mood swings and phases of inertia or unusual nervousness are natural, and drugs prescribed to relieve those conditions instead exacerbate them. If you are taking medications for other health issues, talk with your caregiver about dosage reduction.

Even better, ask if remedies with natural ingredients can offer the same measure of treatment. The proliferation of chemicals in drugs and engineered food interferes with bodies’ self-healing mechanisms and other natural processes, and that makes it difficult to maintain balance. Find out if fatigue and other distress may be due to an imbalance in hormone levels or body chemistry—if so, learn which natural supplements can treat the condition.

We cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of balance!  The universe is in a constant balancing act and so is every life form within it; however, for the long ages that darkness enshrouded Earth, the planet and her residents were severely deprived of the light that attaining balance requires. If you think of the balancing act as an internal teeter-totter that is perpetually moving in accordance with your condition in body, mind and spirit, you can see that the optimal motion is gentle rocking. 

Meditation is especially helpful in maintaining or regaining that motion, and there are ways other than sitting in silence or listening to lovely sounds composed especially for achieving a relaxing meditative state. Spend time out in Nature, enjoy the companionship of animals, read poetry. Listen to your favorite music—unless it’s heavy metal, which shatters balance, and the tones of classical compositions are the most effective in restoring balance. Make time for solitude—even a brief period can be restorative. 

Laughter is good for the soul and so is anything that evokes feelings of tranquility. In leisure time, choose lighthearted reading and the same quality of TV programs and movies. Spend time with dear friends and family. When it isn’t possible to avoid unpleasant encounters, envisioning light permeating the situation will help to alleviate stressfulness. Give thanks for blessings in your life—gratitude, like hope and optimism, is filled with light.

The prevailing vibrations also are intensifying energetic differences and many individuals are feeling a strong desire to make a major change.  Perhaps look for a different job, end a relationship or start one, pursue a new field of studies, relocate to an area you know or maybe a place you know of but never have visited. We are not speaking about rashly acting upon an impulse, but rather heeding a growing sense of urgency to act upon an idea that has been simmering—this is the soul speaking increasingly loudly to the consciousness: This is what you chose in your soul contract.

Why are we offering guidance that we have mentioned, albeit more briefly, in previous messages or is available in any number of down-to-earth sources?  We are telling you, our beloved Earth family: Please take care of yourselves!

The energy streamers that will be swirling with increasing forcefulness are prime opportunities to absorb light, and the sounder you are physically, mentally and emotionally, the more greatly you will benefit. You chose this lifetime so you could participate in your world’s transformation and spiritual renewal, and soul evolvement is the purpose of every lifetime—both require balance in body, mind and spirit. Letting mundane matters interfere with self-care or ignoring your soul’s messages causes imbalance and that dims your light, the light you need to experience what you chose and to evolve!

Dear ones, love yourselves as much as we love you, and take care of yourselves! 

Suzanne Ward

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Suzanne Ward