Sunday, December 14, 2014

English -- Message from Matthew --14:12:2014

Message from Matthew


December 14, 2014

Traditions of the season; illusion, reality; media; racism, protests in the US; national unrest; karmic choices; release of CIA report; abusive behavior; music

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. During this season of sacred and social celebrations, Earth is aglow with countless sparkles as those who have much are sharing generously with those who have little. Some of you have written that you feel guilty about enjoying parties and other entertainment because so many people don’t have even basic needs. Beloved family, be joyful, be excited and grateful for happy times with family and friends! This is how life on Earth is meant to be, and the soaring vibrations of those light-filled feelings are broadening the highway to a better world for all peoples.

Traditionally the year’s waning days is a time to reflect upon one’s accomplishments during the preceding months. For lightworkers this includes growth in mind and spirit—and how admirably you havegrown!  You may think this is despite serious challenges, but it isbecause of them. When you encountered obstacles or setbacks, you summoned your inner strength and kept going; when one door closed, you looked for another to open; through your determination to keep moving forward, you kept growing in wisdom, courage and spirit. 
We know you become world-weary at times and it is difficult to see beyond the karmic drama that is fast playing itself out. We have been on this very same stage, serving the light “in the trenches” where you are, so we know that to you, progress doesn’t seem anywhere close to fast. How we wish you could see your world from our vantage point—you’re moving at the speed of light and the amount you are radiating is a sight to behold!

The other side of your annual tradition is looking forward and making resolutions for the new year. For many lightworkers this includes gaining more insight into universal truths, and knowing the difference between illusion and reality is a significant aspect of spiritual and conscious advancement. We thank the reader who quoted from one of our messages: “…to look beyond the illusion, to open your minds and hearts to the reality of who you are—this is what ascension is all about!” Please ask Matthew to explain what is illusion and what is reality.

Some years ago I answered a similar question and asked my mother to please locate that.

      “What does Matthew mean when he says, ‘We are living in an illusion?’  Does each person have his or her own reality or do we all share one reality?” 
       By definition an illusion is deceptive, something perceived as real but without basis in reality.

      The illusion of third density is that there is this one life on Earth, then you die and afterwards, according to many, there’s a nebulous place that’s either a blessed or a hellfire-and-brimstone “afterlife” where you stay forevermore. The reality is that this is but one of many hundreds or many thousands of experiences of a soul that is living in many different forms and locations simultaneously in the universe. 

      The illusion is that you are your body, your personality, your characteristics, your feelings, your achievements, and incidentally, you have a soul that goes God only knows where when you die. The reality is that you are the soul, a part of God, inseparable from Him and all other souls in this universe; you are having the physical experience that you chose to balance other lifetimes; and you are an eternal being. 

      The illusion is, according to one’s religious affiliation, that the Supreme Being of this universe is correctly portrayed only by yourreligion and His laws as interpreted by your religion are absolute. The reality is that the Supreme Being of this universe is subordinate to Creator, the Supreme Being of the cosmos. He is an amalgamation of all souls, all life forms, throughout this universe and He knows every thought and feels every feeling of every life form. He cannot interfere with Creator’s law of free will when souls veer from their pre-birth agreements so it is not His “will be done.” Although we commonly say “He,” God, or the Source by your name selection, is the epitome of androgyny, the perfectly balanced male and female energies. He didn’t devise religions—a few of his misguided godself parts did.   

      The illusion is that evil is the opposite of godliness. The reality is that darkness is the absence of light, the absence of love and spiritual clarity. 

      The illusion is that Earth is a small, solid planet whose residents are the only verifiable intelligent life in the universe. The reality is that Earth is a soul with a planetary body that is home to beings within, on and above her, and her surface residents for the most part are far less advanced spiritually, intellectually and technologically than many other civilizations.   

      Yes, each soul has his or her own illusion as it pertains to self, every facet of the lifetime, planet Earth, and the Source of All, but ultimately all will share the same universal reality.

Thank you, Mother. Many who know they are lightworkers have made exemplary headway in dealing with 3D situations simultaneously with advancing toward 4D’s expanded horizon, so that passage isn’t a revelation but rather a confirmation of your progress. The far greater numbers who are serving the light without realizing it have no idea that they are playing their chosen roles in an elaborate saga of light triumphing over darkness; in time they, too, will see how third density’s illusions are unfolding into universal reality. Another way to think of reality is “uni-verse,” speaking with one voice—the voice of your multidimensional selves in the Oneness of All. 

Before addressing recent events as requested, we want to say a word about mainstream media. Illuminati tentacles are losing their grip on it but still have enough hold to insure that it features terrorism, protests, aggression and other happenings that evoke negative reactions; also, some information is distorted by omissions and some is outright falsehood. We aren’t suggesting that you ignore media reports, but please be discerning about “the news” and don’t be drawn into its dramatic presentation. 

Now then, in summary: Will the outcry in the United States about the deaths of African-American males due to excessive police tactics result in reforms and end racial discrimination in this country?  Are soul contracts involved in these incidents? Reforms will come sooner than the end of racist feelings, which are instilled by one generation into the next; this venomous chain of orientation will be broken by youngsters who resist or overcome it. Yes, everyone involved in the incidents volunteered at soul level to play their respective roles, as many others have before them, to keep a global spotlight on the cruel injustices of racism and all other prejudices not only in that country, but wherever they are factors of life. Eventually these aspects of your civilization will exist only as sad chapters in your historical records.

In issues where divisiveness in perceptions and attitudes runs deep, discussions to bridge the extremes will zigzag until there is such a profusion of light on the planet that cooperation comes naturally to the negotiators on both sides. All countries in the Mideast, several in Africa, North Korea, Ukraine, Chechnya and Hong Kong are most often mentioned, and citizens elsewhere also have asked when they will see beneficial changes in their countries.If we knew when unrest anywhere will end, it would be our joy to tell you—in previous messages we have explained why it isn’t possible for us to know. What we can tell you with complete assurance is, every kind of oppressiveness and corruption in your world will cease incrementally. In the meantime, a multitude of souls are experiencing what they chose to complete karmic lessons and evolve into fourth density spiritually and consciously.

Do you approve of releasing the CIA report about torturing ‘detainees’ after 9/11?” Souls at this station neither approve nor disapprove of any decisions made on Earth, but in our awareness of what is developing, we say that releasing the report was essential. Although word about the harsh interrogation techniques came out some time ago, officially acknowledging what took place is a step toward the truth about “9/11,” and that exposure will be a catalyst for “bringing to light” other major deceptions and betrayals long hidden from public knowledge.

As for abusive behavior by some celebrity figures, all individuals agreed at soul level to participate in the various situations for two reasons: to further publicize the pain and anguish of all persons subjected to those kinds of treatment, and to show the folly of elevating popular sports figures and entertainers to idol status. The larger importance that will emerge is recognizing that every person in your society has equal value in the family of souls; and a byproduct, so to say, will be sufficient remuneration for workers in all fields of endeavor so everyone can share in Earth’s abundance.

In short, everything happening in your world is purposeful! Knowing that every volatile, disappointing or highly-charged issue is a step toward peace, fairness and justness lets you view all situations and individuals without judgment or condemnation. Indeed, a great deal more is needed to materialize the fullness of the Golden Age, and it is coming. The change that starts within each person is creating the groundswell of love that is transforming your world, and behind-the-scene efforts in this respect will start blooming unmistakably.

We have spoken before about the importance of music, and this season offers majestic compositions, carols and lighthearted popular songs that uplift the spirit. The lyrics of some carols don’t depict the truth of Jesus’ birth, but they express the reverence due this exalted soul. The powerful love essence of all messengers God has sent to enlighten His children on Earth is within and around you in every moment. Sing and live the exuberance of Joy to the world!, our dear brothers and sisters, and enter your new year with that glorious spirit.

Suzanne Ward 

[Note from Suzy: Best wishes for joyful holidays and blessings in the new year.]

Saturday, November 15, 2014

English -- Message from Matthew -- November 14, 2014

Message from Matthew


November 14, 2014

Robot landing on comet; voting in SE Ukraine; mid-term election in the US; Pope Francis, the Vatican; Putin’s speech; message from God; “reneging” souls

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We are happy to address questions about our last message as well as requests for our views on recent events, and we begin with the robot satellite landing on a comet. Maneuvering an object so it can meet up with one whizzing through space is no small feat, and we say, Good show! Clearly, this merits celebration as a technological triumph, but we also see its greater significance: Your civilization is looking toward the stars peaceably—not all that long ago the intention of a few on Earth was to wage war in space. In time, your civilization will have the desire and capability to visit the distant homelands of universal brothers and sisters.

Now, our opinion of two widely-publicized elections—first, in order of occurrence, the people in southeast Ukraine voting to join with Russia. We see this voice of the majority being heard through a democratic process as a welcome step up and away from historic unfairness. Pertinent here is our reply to a question in a prior message:

     What do Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine portend for that region? For the short term, general confusion and in some quarters, fighting. Putin wants the same that other national leaders want: a strong economy, a stable government and a calm citizenry. He didn’t realize the breadth of discontentment among Ukrainians or anticipate the outcry after those living in Crimea voted to join Russia, where the majority of voters feel a comfortable familiarity. Throughout your recorded history national borders have swayed to and fro in accordance with the victors of wars, ensuing gain or loss of control, and need for natural resources. Never have the few in power considered how this affected the populace, whose lot was to endure the results of a culture split into different national allegiances or the combining of different cultures under one flag. [June 2, 2014]

It is quite a different matter in the United States, which of all large countries has the most extensive blend of races, religions, ancestral nationalities, ethnicity and cultures, a richness that can splendidly enhance a nation with wise governance. Souls at this station are apolitical and impartial, and it is without judgment that we see this country’s mid-term election making little if any dent in the status quo that economically and legally disenfranchises the majority of the “minority” populations. We agree with your analysts who foresee more partisan finger-pointing, obstructionism and legislative action favoring the interests of the wealthy.

But this is only for the short term and not cause for discouragement. It is discussions going on behind the scenes that will serve the greater good of all. Leaders in various governments, industries and the sciences are addressing issues such as peace accords, global economic stability, the environment, nuclear disarmament, refugees, impoverishment, renewable energy, pollution reduction, healthcare and new technologies, and some talks include members of your extraterrestrial family. Effects of these efforts toward international collaboration will be seen incrementally, and Earth’s steady course into planes of increasingly high vibrations assures that ultimately wise leaders, justness and harmonious cooperation will reign within and among all governments.

Moving on to two recent speeches, also in order of occurrence, we cite remarks that express other readers’ sentiments, too: “Why did Pope Francis’ open-mindedness about abortion and gays meet a storm of disapproval from the rest in the Vatican and some priests? Is he the only one who realizes our church is going to lose members if it doesn’t move out of the Dark Ages and start serving today’scongregation?”

Pope Francis acts with genuine caring, honesty, humility and soul-level inspiration. Others in the church hierarchy act from fear that any deviation from dogma could weaken their control over devout adherents and worse, lead to more revelations about long-hidden truths. After disclosure some years ago that pedophiles in the priesthood were being protected by the Vatican, that body was determined to prevent any other secrets from emerging. To wit, it is the international headquarters of Satanism and houses art treasures and gold gained by collaborating with the Nazis during WWII; some cardinals are Illuminati; Christianity’s foundation was devised by early rulers of state and church to control the beliefs and pocketbooks of the masses, and through the centuries since then Catholicism added blatant falsehoods to cement control over their global congregation; popes who advocated reforms were assassinated. When those truths come forth, only spiritual aspects of that religion, and all others as well, will be retained.

In Vladimir Putin’s forthrightness about the state of your world at the Valdai International Discussion Group meeting, he also calls for change. We don’t view him as “hypocritical by accusing the United States of being the world’s troublemaker,” but he wasn’t accurate in placing full responsibility on that country for “meddling in events all around the world.” We wish he had said that all along it has been the workings of the Illuminati within and far beyond that government.

We selected some of his statements to show why we regard this speech by one of your most powerful leaders as a milestone for your society. Whenever information is taken out of context, the full meaning can be misconstrued; if you have interest and time, we recommend reading the speech in its entirety. []

“We have entered a period of differing interpretations and deliberate silences in world politics. International law has been forced to retreat over and over by the onslaught of legal nihilism. Objectivity and justice have been sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. Arbitrary interpretations and biased assessments have replaced legal norms. At the same time, total control of the global mass media has made it possible when desired to portray white as black and black as white.

“Of late, we have increasing evidence too that outright blackmail has been used with regard to a number of leaders. It is not for nothing that ‘big brother’ is spending billions of dollars on keeping the whole world, including its own closest allies, under surveillance.”

“Maybe the United States’ exceptional position and the way they are carrying out their leadership really is a blessing for us all, and their meddling in events all around the world is bringing peace, prosperity, progress, growth and democracy, and we should maybe just relax and enjoy it all? Let me say that this is not the case, absolutely not the case.”

“It is unlikely that someone could provide absolutely exhaustive, ready-made solutions right now. We will need extensive work with participation by a wide range of governments, global businesses, civil society, and such expert platforms as ours.”

Now then, while we were pondering how to reply to readers who questioned my statement in the last message, “Even God doesn’t know” about the timing of future happenings, God said He wants to do this.

My dear children, this is God here. It seems that some of you went all aflutter about Matthew’s accurate assessment of what I know, or in this case, don’t know. You’ve been misled by religion’s concept of who I am and “not my will but thine be done.” I don’t set any parameters for any of my offspring! It’s all about free will, and I don’t know what you’re going to do with yours until you’ve done it. And I never interfere with what you do even when it’s not in your best interests, when you stray from what you had chosen to do. I do know your choices—I learned when you put them in your soul contracts.

     Free will is given to each of you by Creator, not me, but just like the head honchos of the other universes are bound to honor that gift, so am I in this universe. I have no disagreement with the arrangement. After all, the energy that makes suns and infants and flowers—everything that exists throughout the cosmos—comes from Creator’s Big Bang, as you call it. You can use that energy however you want—that’s what free will is.

     I have a question. Instead of your having that gift, would you rather that I decide what you’ll be doing from one moment to the next, what your interests will be, whom you will befriend, what you must do about any relationship or job or where you’ll live and everything else throughout your lifetime? Wouldn’t you just be puppets if that’s the way things were?

     Yes, you would and so they aren’t. It’s your life, my dear children, not mine to live for you just as your life isn’t your parents’ to live for you. What happens is, I experience everything as you experience it, I learn as you learn, I grow as you grow. All of you and all the rest of the souls in this universe are who I am. I am as weak as the weakest, as strong as the strongest, as sorrowful as those who are grieving, as joyful as those who are rejoicing. I love each and every one unconditionally regardless of how they use—or abuse—Creator’s gift.

     However, since I am all of you and we’re in this together for eternity, I do know the Big Picture, what our composite selves are manifesting in our universe. More accurately, we are this universe,and it’s constantly changing because of the unlimited free will choices of every single soul. They include all who want celestial bodies, all the people, animals, plants and other beings in every civilization and spirit world in every solar system in every galaxy. You don’t have a number that goes that high.

     As my “umbrella self,” as Suzy calls what I call amalgamation, I keep galaxies in orderly orbit, authorize my more advanced selves to prevent nuclear war—that’s the exception Creator made to free will—and to help my selves who request it, and I chat with the gods and goddesses who are my counterparts in the other universes. You don’t get involved in any of that, so I’ll bring this back down to Earth where things are as simple as everything you do, everything you think and feel, becomes as much who I am as who you are. This is because we are One, my beloved children, and evermore shall be.

Thank you, God. Your reply was ever so much clearer than what would have resulted from our pondering. Some readers asked if our references to God and Creator in our last message mean they aren’t the same, and I asked my mother to locate the message that explains how He and Creator differ. [January 4, 2006]

Thank you, Mother. We also thank the gentleman who wrote the email that we cite in part because his thoughts and questions are similar to those expressed by a number of others, too, and we also shall answer additional relevant questions.

     “I thought it was a universal law that one or a group of persons/souls was not allowed to stop or limit the ascension of those who want to ascend. If this is a real rule/law, why has the council refused to step in and remove these Illuminati and others? This council, who appointed those souls that reneged on their contracts, appears to have wiped their hands clean, turned their backs on us humans and abandoned humanity’s ascension.

     “The system has been stacked against humanity’s ascension. One has to wonder if planet earth is a place one goes to do whatever ones wants, without consequence. A life is lived, destructive, constructive, whatever and when the soul returns it gets a pat on its back, a congratulations and gold star for a job well done. So, any soul consequences seem pitiful, if trusted souls have reneged, and don’t care what happens when they return to this baffling place called heaven.”

When the souls reneged on the second part of their agreement, the council did not turn their backs on humans. They couldn’t deny the “reneging” souls their free will choice to continue creating havoc and despair, but they could plead with them not to. The means whereby the council acted at soul level was sending a profusion of light that would fortify the conscience of each “reneging” soul willing to receive it; and extraterrestrials living among you appeared in their native world bodies as extra emphasis when they told them what they would encounter in spirit life and the next embodiment if they did not honor their full agreement. We shall get back to that.

Contrary to the system stacked against humanity’s ascension, the council’s plan was designed with utmost care to assist Earth’s humankind in accordance with Gaia’s desire that they physically ascend with the planet. That’s why it included provisions whereby stronger souls could assist the weaker in addition to the intense light that powerful civilizations were beaming to Earth. The “reneging” souls had the right to refuse the light themselves, but they could notprevent anyone else from receiving it. Throughout the time that Illuminati-created turbulence and misery extended after the “cut-off,” which came about seventeen years ago in linear time, a billion and more souls eagerly and gratefully have embraced the light. That’s partly why your society’s advancement was delayed by only a decade, not more; still, no delay whatsoever was meant to be.

As for consequences befalling those trusted souls who reneged…when they return to this baffling place called heaven, what happens after they enter Nirvana, the proper name of Earth’s spirit world, is far more severe than you can imagine. Nirvana comprises many flexible energy layers, and in accordance with the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, souls transitioning from Earth automatically are drawn to the layer that is commensurate with their lifetime energy that was registered moment by moment in the infallible Akashic records.

You are souls having a physical experience, so most often we speak of individuals as souls rather than personages. Something stated in a message some time ago hasn’t been repeated as succinctly: It is thepsyche and etheric body of the personage that goes to Nirvana’s appropriate energy layer. As the love-light essence of Creator, thesoul is liberated, free to co-create another personage who, like all others in the lineage—like all beings throughout the cosmos—is an independent, inviolate, immortal soul energetically and consciously connected with all others.

To continue, congratulations and gold star for a job well done would have been in order for the “reneging” souls insofar as fulfilling thefirst part of their agreement. Because they did that to the letter, billions of souls—many of whom benefitted from the extra help provided in the council’s plan—attained their goal to complete third density karmic lessons and evolve into fourth. However, their refusal to honor the second part of their agreement consigned them to the basest layer of Nirvana, where they feel the very same emotional and physical pain they caused to all others after the “cut-off” time.

All residents of that layer fear the light, so only a pinpoint is constantly available in that dark world where they live with all the horrors they caused during their Earth lifetime. When they overcome their fear of the light, they move into a level that has a bit more light, and so on and so forth until they have absorbed enough to incarnate in some third density world at the consciousness level of slugs or short-lived insects, for instance. Starting at that point is an act of divine grace; it erases all cellular patterning that otherwise could influence other personages to take the same course as the one whose lifetime consigned him or her to that basest area. It also is divine grace that each sets its own growth pace, each accepts the light when it is ready, so reaching the “beginning anew” stage of incarnation and evolving to human status in a third density civilization may come relatively fast, say a thousand of your years, or extend into the millions.

Very few, if any would consider Earth today as the kind of magnificent heaven that many believe is the afterlife for “good” people—and Nirvana’s higher layers are!—but Earth shall become so. The ever-growing light—LOVE!—in your world is manifesting the paradise of Gaia’s vision that awaits you in the continuum.

Beloved sisters and brothers, always our words are with unconditional love and we honor your steadfastness in the light.

Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy: I’d love to reply to everyone who has written appreciation for the messages, but since there’s no time, I’m taking this opportunity to thank you all.  Your emails and letters mean a great deal to me!

If you received this message as a forward and would like to get future messages directly, please join the Yahoo group.  The link is at the top of Matthew’s Messages page on my site.]


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Message from Matthew -- October 19, 2014

Message from Matthew


October 19, 2014

UPDATES -- Galactic Channelings Facebook page

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. For the most part, mainstream media coverage of Ebola is straightforward; but like most major world issues, it is marked by political finger-pointing, particularly regarding the few cases in Spain and the United States. Given your mobile world, the appearance of symptoms several days after onset of the disease and their similarity to symptoms of other maladies, the sickness popping up outside of the heavily-stricken western African countries was inevitable. The heartening aspect is that the medical community has been given a forum to allay fear that the disease can spread out of control. Of course, no one can report that once again the light is insuring that the Illuminati’s intention to create a pandemic and worldwide fear is a failure.  

The political penchant for assigning blame is hotter and heavier about ISIS, which isn’t faring at all well insofar reports to allay fear about their intentions, and justifiably so. Those forces will continue to make headway until an allied regional effort stops them, and that will come. The underlying factor, ever-increasing light, will be construed as self-serving interests of neighboring nations, and indeed pragmatism will enter the stage. As leaders who are refraining from active involvement realize that ISIS forces could carry their terror-based “Islam state” across whatever borders they wish, vulnerable countries will jump into the fray.

We know that as those two situations run their respective courses, they are providing many souls the opportunity to work through chosen karmic lessons. Still, it is a sadness for us that some of our Earth family are treating others without a shred of mercy. 

Now then, we welcome your many insightful questions and comments about “decade of delay,” years 2007 and 2017, NESARA and how the plan for Earth’s Golden Age came about. To show the interrelatedness of all, we shall connect the dots in prior messages and fill any gaps in that information so you can see the tapestry unfold in its entirety, so to say. 

The master plan for Earth’s Golden Age was predicated upon your world’s readiness for international reconciliation and cooperation by your year 2007. It’s not that the cause of the delay began then, but rather that the council had expected your society to have reached that stage of spiritual and conscious preparedness by that time. As we continue, you shall see why the expectations were logical, why they were not met, and why that year on your calendar was pivotal in the council’s timeline. Everything took place beyond your concept of time, but we shall do our best to explain it within a sequential frame of reference.  

The plan came about because Gaia, the soul that eons ago embodied in what now is your homeland planet, sent out a call for help. The negativity that had accumulated due to civilizations’ relentless blood-shedding had so diminished Earth’s light that her ability to remain in orbit was severely imperiled. The two previous episodes when the planet’s very life was at stake, the release of amassed negativity happened with such cataclysmic force that all life forms perished. Gaia loved them all, even the people who contributed to the negativity, and each time of departure sorrowed her deeply. This time she wanted her residents not only to survive, but physically ascend with her planetary body, which would be restored to its original pristine health and beauty so all of her life forms could flourish and live together joyously and harmoniously. Her clear vision of that Earth became manifest in the universal continuum.

Accommodating Gaia’s desire and her body’s immediate need to start ridding itself of negativity required a massive amount of light, and God authorized powerful civilizations to provide it. The initial infusion stabilized Earth’s orbit, jarred her loose from deep third density’s entrenched negativity and enabled her to begin ascending. Naturally, that light and all forthcoming from those far distant sources would be available to all of her life forms, too, but how to motivate humankind to peer through the darkness that shrouded the planet so they could “see the light” was quite another matter.

It was at that point the council entered the picture. They accepted the task of inspiring the peoples to take charge of their personalascension by receptivity to the incoming light so they could start generating their own with forcefulness. This was essential for two reasons of equal importance to ascension: Light transforms bodies’ carbon-based cells into the crystalline structure that can survive in vibratory levels that eventually Earth would reach; and by dissolving the “veil” between third density consciousness and soul-level knowledge, the light opens hearts and minds to the spiritual enlightenment that engenders soul growth. 

After discussing all the intricacies, complexities and requirements involved—first and foremost that everyone’s free will must be honored in accordance with Creator’s edict to rulers of all the universes—the council came up with a plan. It had to be put into a linear timeframe for your understanding, and since it is your world, it could only be what you want it to be. Therefore, all aspects of the plan had to become part of the collective consciousness, that energy mass of countless thoughts, feelings and deeds that steers activity in Earth’s field of potential and determines what happens in your world. 

So a major consideration was how to present the plan in a format that would start people thinking about it. At that time in your history, the United States was considered to be the most globally influential of all countries, making it practical to start there, and so it did—members of that government were inspired to form the National Economic Security and Reformation Act that is commonly known by its acronym NESARA. This legislation has been the dark ones’ target of manifold lies and sabotage, which led to denial of its existence by some who heard of it and to serious misconceptions by others. If you don’t know what NESARA actually encompasses—it is no less than the basis of world transformation and spiritual renewal!—and its evolution through both light and dark passages, please read previous messages that give detailed accounts. [Special NESARA edition, August 13, 2006, provides background information; a number of other messages include additional coverage.]

The provisions of NESARA and all other facets of the plan were developed in the continuum, where what you think of as past, present and future is a series of simultaneous happenings; where souls’ evolutionary station is known by the amount of light they radiate and matching them up according to their interests, innate capabilities and necessary karmic experiencing can be easily arranged. Always pre-birth agreements are made with unconditional love and designed to benefit every soul participating in the shared lifetime, and so it was with the council’s plan, albeit the most unusual and far-reaching ever devised. Never before in this universe had an entire civilization entered into an agreement whereby the vast majority would undertake such a monumental challenge: completing in only one lifetime all third density karmic lessons they needed to achieve balance and evolve spiritually and consciously into fourth density.

This unique opportunity attracted trillions of eager souls, far more than could enter Earth’s population, and those who were selected were apprised of every part of the plan. They knew that after birth they would not remember any of it, but inner guidance would keep them on track via soul-level messages to the consciousness—conscience, intuition, instinct, aspirations and inspirations—because this is true of every physical life. The stunning difference this time was, all participants knew that they would be helping to create in linear time a world that already exists in the continuum by virtue of Gaia’s manifestation. And, all felt certain that they would masterfully perform their chosen roles.

Nevertheless, in the council’s planning of a process unprecedented in speed and scope, they wisely took into account that some of the weaker souls might falter and welcome assistance in addition to the continuous in-beaming of light from distant civilizations, and the plan included several means to handle that contingency. Stronger souls who had shared lifetimes with weaker ones could take upon themselves a portion of those souls’ heavy karma; volunteers for those roles were in fourth or higher densities, and so were the energy healers, psychic intermediaries and receivers of telepathic communication, who would help in their respective ways. A multitude of souls was needed to become way-showers and standard-bearers. Some would intuitively know the truth of information transmitted by messengers in the light and share it with all who were receptive; others would become active in various reform efforts or prepare for professions where they could influence positive changes; and some of the many souls who would exemplify the power of positive thoughts and feelings and the joy of living in godly ways would fill other roles, too.

Surely it is no surprise that you who have stayed steadfast in the light despite obstacles, disappointing setbacks and perhaps scornful disrespect are among the volunteers selected to fill one or more of those roles that have helped so many along their ascension pathway!

Vital to the plan were souls who would create the harsh circumstances the masses needed and when that was completed, join the light forces. Only the most highly evolved beings could be entrusted with those missions, and the council selected the volunteers whose dependability in the most challenging areas of light service had been proven time and again. There was no reason whatsoever to anticipate that they would renege on the latter part of their agreement, but that is what happened. Those individuals had fallen under the spell of the darkness that engulfed the planet and they refused to relinquish their power, control of the masses and fortunes gained illegally or immorally. No amount of urging at soul- and conscious-levels, pledges of assistance or warnings about self-judgment in lifetime reviews convinced them to honor their agreement.

They are the top of the Illuminati, an alliance of disparate groups that own or have infiltrated every organization, institution and corporation that impacts life in your world, from governments to banking and commerce, religions to education and media, military, entertainment, legal and justice systems. The alliance, which is pyramidal with a handful of individuals at the peak and many, many minions at the bottom who have no idea that they are working in league with a malevolent force, also is known to you as the secret government, one world government, new world order, the cabal or the elitists.  

Although the council’s timeline for world situations to be greatly improved and the peoples’ burdens eased so they could “see the light” had arrived in your linear time, the Illuminati continued hiding truths and fomenting wars, destruction, disease and impoverishment just as many generations of dark ones had done before them. That didn’t affect Earth’s ascension pace—she entered fourth density right on target as predestined, at the end of 2012—but relentless turmoil and hardships and ignorance of truths have kept most of her peoples within third density’s limited conscious and spiritual awareness.

The billions who are coping with one hardship or injustice piled atop others or are barely surviving cannot imagine anything except the violence, misery, despair and fear in their lives. Troops in combat believe what they have been told: It is your patriotic duty to fight for freedom or it is your responsibility to avenge what was done to your ancestors. The large numbers employed in companies that produce the machinery of war may abhor war’s death and destruction, but their foremost interest is their livelihood that supports their families. Thus, contrary to the council’s expectations of your society’s advancement by 2007, thoughts of a peaceful world where everyone sharing equally Earth’s abundance had but a feeble toehold in the collective consciousness.

Our replying at this point to the numerous readers who have expressed interest in the political future of the United States may seem strange, but you shall see that it is purposeful. The two cited questions are representative of the others: “Will the November elections give Republicans control of Congress?” and “You predicted correctly that Barack Obama would be elected US president in 2008. Will Hillary Clinton become that country’s first female president in 2016?” 

We won’t know which candidates will be elected in November until that nation’s voters decide. Since we often have said that the outcome of everything transpiring on Earth is known because it isfait accompli in the continuum, it is natural to wonder why we don’t know who the winners will be. The election results won’t affect planetary ascension one whit and will have little impact on the collective consciousness, which comprises the energy put forth not only by humans, but also every other life form on the planet. Because the winners aren’t significant in those contexts and there is no clarity in Earth’s field of potential, there is no way for us to know who they will be. As for the 2016 presidential election, so much will take place during the next two years that even hazarding a guess about who will want to run for the office would be senseless and futile.

We did not predict, we stated with certainty that Barack Obama would be elected, and this brings us back to why 2007 was a pivotal year: That is when thoughts about his being a potential US presidential candidate entered the collective consciousness. The soul that embodied as Barack Obama was chosen to lead your world into Gaia’s long-awaited era of peace, so it was essential that thoughts and feelings favoring him as president emerge, then keep increasing until the energy momentum was unstoppable. The voters’ decision to elect him the following year was as predestined as surely as was Earth’s ascension.

Let us tell you why a personage of this soul was Gaia’s and the council’s choice. After the soul originated in a fourth density civilization, its lineage became universally respected as personages evolved into seventh density through multiple lifetimes of leading conflicted peoples into harmonious cooperation and assisting in civilizations’ advancement. Personages were instrumental in ending wars between civilizations as well as between warring factions within a population; others were members of universal consultancy councils for upgrading civilizations’ educational, governing or justice systems; and many held topmost positions in highly evolved worlds. Barack Obama is innately endowed with that cumulative wisdom, knowledge and experience, and lifelong he has followed soul-level guidance to fulfill the peace mission he doesn’t consciously know he accepted prior to birth.

Had the souls who came in to create havoc for the masses—and indeed did—not reneged on their agreement to join the light forces afterwards, the timeline in the Golden Age master plan would have prevailed. By now Obama would have completed much of his presidential mission and your society would be well on the way to living peacefully. Instead, he inherited two wars and now is combatting the terrorism that in no small part is their offspring. And, despite the light’s immense headway in weakening the Illuminati’s global network, they retained enough power within and beyond the Congress to doom most of Obama’s visionary initiatives, and their efforts to keep the negativity of divisiveness alive and thriving in your society have been aided unwittingly by his political adversaries. The United States has no monopoly on this—very few governments in your “free” world have been free of Illuminati influence, and most are beset with competitive members who produce stalemates instead of progress.

By no means are we saying that everyone should have the very same idea about governance or any other issue—it is by assimilating the diversity of ideas, cultures and philosophies that a civilization is enriched and advances! What we are saying is that many souls who clamored to participate in significant roles to usher in the era of peace have not done what they felt certain they would: make choices in fulfillment of their chosen missions. This is both the cause and the effect of the ten-year delay. 

Beloved sisters and brothers, please don’t translate “delay” into “it could take forever!” as one reader wrote. There are myriad areas throughout your world where betterment is flourishing thanks to dedicated individuals, civic groups or national and international organizations. Mainstream media are expanding reports of such stories and there is a plethora of heartening information in televised interviews, documentary films, conferences, workshops, books, magazines and the Internet. Of course not all of you can actively take part in those kinds of forward-moving endeavors—most of you didn’t sign up to do that anyway—but feeling grateful for these successes, excited about them and optimistic about Earth’s future sends forth a profusion of light. Light, the same energy as love, is the key to manifesting fuller realization of the council’s Golden Age plan.

Now then, just as there was no evidence of a dramatic event when Earth entered fourth density, nothing profound will be evident as 2017 nears its end and the planet enters the density’s higher “layers.” There is no demarcation between those just as there is none between the densities themselves, which we number only to indicate advancement in location or spiritual and conscious awareness. Energy simply flows hither and yon in accordance with the vibrations emitted by its attachments that include all the thoughts and feelings constantly shooting up from Earth, and ascension is moving into areas where the vibrations are higher, or faster, than where you were previously. However, at times celestial alignments produce energy surges that rapidly propel orbiting bodies into higher astral planes, and such will be the case the latter part of your year 2017, which coincides with the decade of delay reaching its end. During the interim Earth will be traveling through increasingly high vibrations that will birth new changes and add impetus to all underway.  

Our beloved Earth family, if we knew when the major changes you asked about will come to pass, we would rejoice in telling you—our last message explained why we don’t know. Even God doesn’t know. Let me speak for myself for a moment to give you a little illustration about foreknowledge of free will choices. Several years ago, when two men were courting my sister, my mother asked God which she would choose or neither. God said, “I don’t know.”My mother asked how He could not know since she is a part of Him, and God replied, “Yes, and as soon as she knows, so will I.”

Lighted souls throughout the universe are with you in spirit, cheering you ever onward, and some are right there beside you on your ascension pathway.    

Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy: I’d love to reply to everyone who has written appreciation for the messages, but since there’s no time, I’m taking this opportunity to thank you all.  Your emails and letters mean a great deal to me!

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