Thursday, December 10, 2015

English -- Message from Matthew: December 10, 2015

Message from Matthew


December 10, 2015

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Surely nary a soul would disagree that the year seemed to zoom by, but few know that what they perceive as time passing faster is the energy planes Earth has been traversing or that the time-rushing sensation will become stronger as she enters still higher vibratory levels. You do know this, but it’s not likely that your thoughts in this moment are about the workings of universal laws, but rather holiday activities; and in keeping with this, we shall speak about this season’s traditional music.   
You listen to, sing or play instruments for religious music, majestic choral works, carols and popular tunes, but you may not realize how significantly this is affecting your world. Beyond reverence and great pleasure—and that in itself is immensely beneficial—the tones and lyrics of your familiar music emit vibrations that strongly stir emotions. We rejoice with everyone for whom this is the excitement of festivities with family and friends, religious observances, concerts or other special events. The vibrations also intensify the feelings of people who are grieving the loss of loved ones, or are ill or homeless and hungry; and it is the prevailing heightened emotions that stir individuals and groups to reach out to those in need of comfort and other assistance. More abundantly than ever before, upliftment is being given with caring hearts and received with gladdened hearts, and the light this is creating glows brilliantly!  

The importance of music is much more than seasonal, it plays a vital role in your lives throughout the year. What some call “music of the spheres”—the glorious tones of stringed instruments that probably gave rise to the idea that souls in heaven spend eternity playing harps—produce vibrations at a frequency that keeps the universe in balance; and as microcosms of the universe, you receive that balancing benefit in the same measure as your receptivity.

Although the image of eternal harpists in Nirvana is far from the reality, there are many thousands, and at times a million or so, musicians and instruments because music is essential to your spirit world’s very existence. Particularly the vibrations of the strings keep its perimeters flexible and everything throughout the realm in attunement, and they are indispensable in healing persons who arrive with traumatized psyches or damaged etheric bodies.

In much the same way, Nirvana’s composers and musicians are helping you. They continuously transmit music to Earth so the peoples can absorb the high vibrations that release suppressed feelings—an emotional catharsis, if you will—and, unless illness is a soul contract choice, the vibrations assist bodies to regain sound health. Your finest music—symphonies, concertos and other classical opuses that scientific experiments have shown help humankind, animals and plants to thrive—originated in the heavens and was “filtered” to your composers at soul level. Some attributed their works to divine inspiration, and since music comes from the soul, those composers gave credit where it was due.  

What never has come from any divine source are the discordant, cacophonous sounds of heavy metal and hard rock, which often have lyrics that also emit very low vibrations. Those kinds of sounds jar your energy systems, creating imbalance and diminishing the body’s capacity to absorb light; that adversely affects you emotionally, physically and mentally, thus blunting spiritual and conscious awareness. While neoclassical compositions can have somewhat the same effect, the composers, who are especially sensitive to Earth’s energy, wrote music that reflected Gaia’s agony until her planetary body’s ascension was securely underway; and negativity in more current dark activity underlies the atonal works of later composers.  

Now then, even if a number of you had not requested our comments, we would have spoken about a lamentable part of what otherwise is this season’s extraordinary thoughtfulness, kindness and generosity—the spirit in which a number of countries are welcoming Syrian refugees. Many in the United States Congress and some presidential candidates are, instead, instilling in the citizenry fear about the refugees. Some are acting from genuine concern, having succumbed to the fear that was fomented; others are using fear to make political hay, so to say.  

Not only is fear a highly magnified energy that blocks light, thereby blocking empathy, sympathy, compassion and rational thought, it is wildly contagious. A few persons who have public attention, amply aided by mainstream media, can “infect” the populace—that is what happened in the United States, where many people are afraid to provide sanctuary to any refugees. We honor and commend all souls in that country and around your world who are thinking and speaking out factually: The refugees aren’t terrorists, they are fleeing from war and terrorism. 

To reach safe havens, they risk their lives crossing rough waters in small overcrowded boats or by arduous, exhausting treks overland. Could a terrorist join the millions of women, men and children who leave homes, livelihoods and possessions to undertake such a journey?  Yes, that is a possibility, but rational thought is: With neither assurance of survival nor the ability to carry explosive equipment, someone on a destructive mission more likely would travel by a fast, safe means that enabled transporting necessary materials.  

With unconditional love for Gaia and every sentient being on her planetary body, far distant civilizations whose vastness and power are beyond your imagining are beaming intensive light to dispel fear so every heart can open to love. Love is the key to the world you are there to help create, and you would feel as encouraged as we if you could see the light radiating from all the souls who are responding. We quote one line of a reader’s email: “I so wish that everyone feels loved and warm - every living Being of every kingdom.” When those sentiments permeate your world, Earth will be the beauteous Eden she once was and all life will flourish as harmoniously as it once did.  

“Please ask Matthew if we need to pray for the people that have died. If we choose to die in a certain way, time and day, what good does it do to the soul? Is praying and meditation the solution to all of this drama the world is in?” First, we repeat something stated in previous messages: Your every thought and feeling is a prayer. Mother, we want to provide information about prayer that goes beyond answering the questions. Please copy what I told you long ago, when I was living in Nirvana.
[The following is an excerpt from the chapter “Prayer” in Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven]

     Matthew, are the effects of prayers diminished if the people don't go to church even though they know the value of group energy? 

    God never meant churches to be buildings of any kind. The magnificent cathedrals are man's idea, not God's. Church is all within the soul. Church is one's feelings of reverence, of thanksgiving. It is the uplifting of the spirit into the love and light of God. In this way, church is a single prayer that has the ability to touch the universe.

    In a church building filled with praying people, there may be only a few whose prayers have a pure and forceful energy flow. Many people pray with only a faint ritual observation, with no real energy. Others pray in such extreme distress or anxiety that their energy is distorted and has an adverse effect upon themselves as well as adding to universal negativity. Smooth energy flow is what positively affects each soul and the universe, not frenzied praying about specific conditions. It is energy balance that sustains and comforts.

    I'm not speaking about the intent of the prayer, but only about the effect of the energy involved in the praying. The energy put forth in a prayer for a completely selfish, greedy purpose may be just as intense as a prayer put forth for the safety of a beloved family member or friend. The intent is recorded as one aspect and the energy flow, or force, is recorded as another.  
    Furthermore, one who prays for a specific outcome regarding another doesn't know that soul's pre-birth agreement. Conditions or events the pray-er is petitioning to have changed may be exactly those the soul chose as his life's lessons. The same is true of prayers for oneself, because your consciousness is rarely in communication with your soul. So pray for your own or another's highest good and don't direct intense emotion toward a specific outcome of your choosing. The outcome is NOT your conscious choice. You can feel a sense of relief in this knowledge, which will be registered in your sensitivity as peacefulness. That allows energy to proceed unencumbered not only within your physical and psychic self, but issued forth as harmony into Earth's consciousness.

    Mother, I know you have heard that prayers "for the dead" are important and you've wondered why that would be necessary. Well, we aren't "dead," but since that reference is to souls in this realm, I want to assure you that prayers for us are indeed important. I don't mean only for those who arrive with great needs for comforting and healing, but also for us whose lives are vital and vibrant, with on-going lessons and spiritual growth. Of course we need and welcome your prayers! And please know that they are especially welcome when in balanced energy, because those prayers are the most beneficial to us and to you, our beloved ones.

Thank you, Mother. Is praying and meditation the solution to all of this drama the world is in? begs more than a yes or no answer. Absolutely light-filled thoughts and feelings are essential—they enter the collective consciousness, latch onto what matches them and bring those energy streamers back to your world.

But action is essential, too. Telling family, friends and co-workers why you feel optimistic about the future can allay their fears and reverse their low-vibrational pessimism. Not all of you can participate in national or international organizations whose efforts are directed toward peace, justness, environmental preservation or animal rights, for instance; but you can support their efforts by the energy you put forth signing pertinent petitions and donating money if your circumstances permit. Perhaps you are able to volunteer in local groups that provide worthy community services; and by becoming informed about candidates for public office, you can vote for those you deem best qualified. And, we remind you that simply by living in godly ways, you are beaming light into the world—never underestimate the power of your light!      

“Earth’s population is more than 6 billion and growing. Matthew said etheric bodies have mass. Don’t they take up room? What happens if Nirvana runs out of space?”  Yes, etheric bodies “take up room,” but never could Nirvana even become crowded, much less run out of space. Unlike Earth and other planets that retain their shape and size, Nirvana’s interconnected flexible layers have limitless expansion capacity.

All layers offer learning advantages and comfortable living accommodations, but because the higher dimensions also have exceptional beauty, diversity and manifesting possibilities, countless souls from other worlds go there to vacation, teach or attend advanced classes, or rest after a difficult lifetime. Visitors and temporary occupants, all of whom are fourth density or higher in soul evolvement, may have bodies with considerably more mass than etheric bodies. It is spiritual status that affords entry to this multi-civilizational environment where people with various body styles, attire, interests and talents happily mingle with each other and Earth’s animals. Life in those parts of Nirvana is sublime! And, although they know your religions’ fallacies, visitors and others who live there temporarily join the residents from Earth in celebrating with you the spirit of this holy season, and their combined high vibrations add to the glowing light in your world.  
Dearest family, sing “Joy to the world” and “Peace on Earth, good will toward men”—toward all souls—with feelings of love, gratitude for blessings in your life and forgiveness of the ones who don’t want those words to ever ring true. The truth of the words already abounds in the fullness of Earth’s Golden Age in the continuum and is coming ever more steadily to that world you are helping to create in linear time. Let the joyousness of this season continue throughout your new year and keep your light brightly shining.

Always our unconditional love is with you, and many brothers and sisters from other homelands are journeying right alongside you. 

Suzanne Ward

[NOTE from Suzy: I wish I had time to individually thank everyone who has written appreciation for the messages to tell them how meaningful their notes are to me. I don’t, though, so all of you, please accept my heartfelt thanks and wishes for your new year to be filled with blessings.
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Friday, November 20, 2015

English -- Message from Matthew: November 20, 2015

Message from Matthew


November 20, 2015

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As some in the Illuminati ranks are being arrested or ousted from influential positions and others are abandoning ship, the hardliners are digging in their heels where they still have some leverage. Most noticeable is what their international drug trade funds—CIA and Mossad “black ops” activities, which include downing the Russian plane, and ISIS, the source of the recent massacre in Paris.

Because the public at large isn’t aware that the Illuminati even exist, there is no understanding that they act independently of their countries’ governments in planning and carrying out acts of violence. Thus finger-pointing is at the United States, home of the CIA, or Israel, which is thought of as the Zionist homeland. The truth is, a rogue faction of the CIA follows Illuminati orders; and the Zionist movement is the Illuminati’s militant and spy operation that never has served the best interests of Israelis or Jewish people anywhere else. Eventually those distinctions will become widely known, and indeed that is important; however, it cannot ease the sorrow of losing loved ones or other life-changing traumas in any of the tragedies perpetrated by the Illuminati.

The assault on Paris served their aim by causing death, grief and, initially, chaos and fear, but the act was born of growing desperation about fast-waning control and decreasing numbers of minions, and desperate individuals act without thinking rationally about the consequences. They intended to put and keep the world in the grip of fear—they feed on the energy of fear; instead, they united the world in the high vibrations of compassion and resolve to stand strong against terrorism.

Military might has been galvanized, police are pursuing instigators and suspects, and the search for potential terrorists extends across national borders, but finding and fighting terrorist groups wherever they are will not stop them. Only eradicating terrorism’s roots can do that. The hatred that underlies terrorism—and has led to millions in refugee populations—is rooted in one or more circumstances that can be linked to Illuminati activities or teachings: self-serving foreign interference, betrayal, economic exploitation, bigotry. Each generation instills in the next that all who generate such circumstances must be eliminated, and none realizes that all of them are merely puppets in a diabolical play scripted by manipulative individuals who are fast losing ground. As vibratory rates keep rising, minds and hearts on both sides of this heart-wrenching divide in your society will be opening so that empathy, mutual respect and kindness can replace hatred, prejudices, vengeance and fear of differences.

Momentum in Earth’s energy field of potential has been moving ever more forcibly toward the end times of dark controllers as their opposition has grown increasingly formidable and widespread. Along with intensifying light on the planet, the expanding strength of parties collaborating to uproot all of the Illuminati’s malicious tentacles assures that their worldwide network is on its way to permanent dismantlement.

Then the society can proceed full tilt to continue what amounts to a global salvage operation after a massive storm swirled around the world. The first steps were taken when some of Earth’s Golden Age planners met with some of your wisest individuals to determine the best ways to hold the Illuminati accountable for their crimes against humanity; recover their vast fortunes that were illegally and immorally amassed and fairly distribute those monies as well as release technologies they have long suppressed; end polluting and remedy environmental damage; and disclose and halt the various forms of mind control. Along with those efforts underway, truths will come forth about the presence and assistance of other civilizations, the laws that govern life in this universe, and the interconnected consciousness of everything in existence. Energy streamers in those areas and all others where change and enlightenment are needed are gathering power to propel Earth to her destiny: Restoration to her original health and beauty and her humankind living peacefully, cooperatively and in harmony with all of Nature. 

Beloved family, we understand your impatience for that destiny to reach fruition. You don’t remember that by comparison with other civilizations, the passage of Earth’s peoples out of millennia of dark captivity into the light of freedom is occurring almost in the blink of an eye. How we wish you could see your world from our vantage point! Not only would you marvel at the speed and scope of accomplishments, but you would see how greatly your light is contributing to the progress and upliftment of your society.
Now we shall continue answering your insightful questions about the soul. “When souls were breathed/birthed/created by the Creator, did it all happen at once or has it taken place spasmodically over time and is, perhaps, still happening?” The “ingredient” of every soul, which is pure love-light energy, came into being with Creator’s first expression of Itself in what you call “the big bang.” The “birth” of independent, inviolate, eternal soul-selves, which began after that momentous occasion when their “ingredient” was created, has been happening ever since then in your concept of linear time and, as far as we know, will continue until every soul in the cosmos remembers and returns to its Beginnings in Creator.      

“Am I right in thinking that the Creator births us in groups of about 60 souls, about 30 of which become our family soul group? We mostly move through our chosen incarnations playing out different agreed roles within those groups but sharing contracts, occasionally, with souls from other soul groups as the need arises?”  
There is no rigidity about the numbers of souls within any group, or cluster; but indeed souls from one group may share contracts with those in another as the need arises. However, during this era when the entire universe is in acceleration mode and countless souls are taking advantage of the unique opportunity to choose concentrated karmic lessons so they can complete them in one lifetime rather than several or even many lifetimes in a third density world, another form of cooperation is much more prevalent. In addition to experiencing their own chosen lessons, many souls are assisting others with theirs. Heretofore this was usually within the cumulative soul group—which can number in the thousands—but now strong souls are sharing the karmic burdens of weaker souls in any group anywhere in the universe. The purpose of this extraordinary assistance that exemplifies unconditional love is to strengthen weak links within the Oneness of All. 

“Does every soul split into a Twin Soul?”  It isn’t that souls “split,” and twin souls, or twin flames, are rare. They are the simultaneously co-created first two personages in a root soul’s long lineage, and because they are endowed with identical qualities, their feelings for each other are the most intense that any soul can feel for another. Twin souls in a physical civilization are irresistibly attracted to each other, and while the sexual aspect is strong, it is their profound feeling of needing to be together that overwhelms all other considerations; often this highly emotional attachment leads to serious disagreements and the souls part ways. In a spirit world, the twins are equally attracted to each other but without physicality’s “smothering” love; and however far apart the two may be in the universe, their bond enables joyous telepathic communication and sublime feelings about a shared beginning in pure love.  

It sounds as if ‘soul contract flexibility’ means that even if people don’t follow their contracts, they still evolve. How is this fair to people who do live according to their contracts?”  Flexibility doesn’t pertain to conscious decisions that are contrary to contract provisions, but to the ways whereby provisions may be experienced. Say, for example, that the choice is to leave this lifetime suddenly at age 25 in a vehicle crash. Shortly before reaching that age, the person is skiing and gets buried deeply in snow when an avalanche roars down the mountain; or, a few weeks after celebrating the 25thbirthday, the person is hiking in the woods and fatally hit by a hunter’s stray bullet. Either of those possibilities would serve the same purpose as the contract choice. That is a dramatic example, to be sure, but flexibility applies to any provision—perhaps a job, residence location, financial investment or special event—that offers the same karmic lessons and the same growth potential to all souls in the pre-birth agreement.

“Matthew said, ‘a person’s etheric body and lifetime memories enter Nirvana.’ What happens to people with dementia who lost their memory?” Dementia creates layers of forgetfulness around a person’s memory bank, the repository of all memories throughout the lifetime. After personalized healing in Nirvana, where the layers are gently removed, all memory is restored, including the stages of “losing” it.

“When a soul in the tiny orb part of Nirvana accepts the light, is that what Christians call redemption?”  No, at least not knowledgeably. Christian teachings about redemption are akin to a person gaining God’s forgiveness by repenting for having lived wickedly according to religious concepts of sin and Judgment Day. A soul that absorbs enough light to embody and start evolution anew is in accordance with universal laws that people steeped in religious dogma most likely don’t know exist.

“I know a child who fits what I’ve heard about souls ‘born bad.’ Why would a soul choose this?” There is no such thing as a soul “born bad”—the composition of every soul is pure love-light energy. We don’t know about that child’s circumstances, but we can mention possibilities that could apply to any child who may be thought of as “chronically misbehaving.” The family’s pre-birth agreement may include the child’s behavior as opportunities for the parents to learn patience and other parenting skills such as accepting the child’s limited capabilities, nurturing his or her abilities and interests, and equitable treatment of siblings. Discomfort due to an undiagnosed physical condition could underlie a child’s rebelliousness; so could adverse reactions to chemicals in food, water or medications, and toxicity in vaccines may have produced symptoms similar to autism. If there is ongoing tension in the home, a child could be responding to the low vibrations emitted in that kind of atmosphere. A discarnate entity that doesn’t realize its physical life ended could have attached itself to a child during a period of severe physical, mental or emotional stress; if so, an experienced energy worker can help the entity understand its status and help it move on to a spirit world.

If there is no pet in the home, let us offer this suggestion: Let the child choose a companion animal and discuss at the appropriate age level the child’s responsibilities in caring for it. It is immensely heartening that many in your world, including in the medical establishment, are seeing the significant benefits of a close human-animal relationship for people of all ages—this is a significant step in a society’s advancement.

“If souls who are stillborn or die as infants chose that in their contracts, can they remember doing it or anything at all about other lives?” In the case of stillborn infants, souls leave the bodies with full knowledge that this is in accordance with the family’s pre-birth agreements, which are designed for the experiencing needs of all participants. As babies who die in infancy grow older in Nirvana—and they age there much more quickly than your calendar years pass—they remember their choices and purpose, to provide soul growth opportunities to others in the pre-birth agreements. And, like all others in spirit worlds, they become consciously aware of soul-level knowledge to the extent it was remembered or experienced in all other lifetimes.  
Our message about lost souls evoked the following questions. “Is a lost soul still an inseparable part of God?” It is as long as it remains in the basest part of a spirit world in this universe.  If it is deemed by Creator to be permanently light-resistant, or “lost”—and only Creator can decide that—the soul’s energy is reabsorbed into Creator’s cosmic essence, where it had its Beginnings. 

“Do a lost root soul’s progeny know what happened to them?” No. The instant their life force is withdrawn, they lose the ability to know anything whatsoever. However, that their energy and the root soul’s energy were reabsorbed by Creator is within cosmic consciousness, therefore within the mass consciousness of this universe; and when the progeny reemerge from Creator’s essence and regain their memory fields, knowledge of what happened to them is available.

“When people in lost root souls’ lineage are ‘redeemed,’ where will they start over? How will they explain to others what happened to them?” They won’t need to explain anything to anyone. When their lives abruptly ended, family and friends who believe in an afterlife assumed that’s where those souls are. And so they will be—they will regain conscious awareness and all memories in their civilization’s spirit realm. 

Of course we shall happily answer other questions you may have about the soul, and we hope that the information in this and prior messages has shown the infinite importance of each and every soul and the inseparability of all in the Oneness of All.   

Dear brothers and sisters, as you continue your Earth journey, know that light beings throughout this universe honor your steadfastness in the light and embrace you with unconditional love.  

Suzanne Ward

Monday, October 19, 2015

English -- Message from Matthew: October 19, 2015

Message from Matthew


October 19, 2015

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Earth is orbiting in astral planes wherein vibrations are impacting your society at a quickening pace. As linear time is “crunching up,” everything in your world is being pushed more swiftly toward remedy, resolution or final moment, and third density karmic experiences are moving faster toward completion. 

This acceleration is causing the Illuminati to take irrationally desperate measures to cling to their remnants of control in New York City and Washington, DC. Often fingers have pointed at the United States for self-serving interference in other countries’ affairs, and with justification—all significant federal actions from Day One have been the work of individuals in the Illuminati’s Rockefeller faction within that nation’s government and military forces, all without the knowledge of the citizenry, who mistakenly thought their voices and votes counted.   

Let us tell you what evolved civilizations have long observed about your world. People ruled by other corrupt governments knew they were captives of their political systems; however, only recently and only some United States citizens are realizing that they’ve been duped into believing they lived in “the land of the free” and what they’ve been told generation after generation: We must fight our enemies who want to destroy our freedoms and democratic way of life.

Thus, as your world reels from aerial strikes on Doctors without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, a tragedy stemming from Illuminati madness, the blame falls on the United States via the wrongful assumption that the country’s Commander-in-Chief authorized the unconscionable attack. The fact is, behind the scenes President Obama and others in positions of influence—primarily individuals in the US and in China; Israelis who know Netanyahu’s dark intentions to foment WWIII; Russian President Vladimir Putin; Prince William, Duke of Cambridge; and Pope Francis—have been collaborating to uproot all of the far-reaching tentacles of the Illuminati’s Rockefeller and Rothschild factions.    

That attack on the hospital; explosions at a peace rally in Ankara, Turkey; clashes between Israelis and Palestinians; the situation in Syria; and shootings in the United States have caused some to view deadly violence and other prevalent conditions globally as “unsolvable problems.” Dear ones, none of the issues of your concern, which also include effects of climate change, lack of clean water, deforestation, near extinction of some animals, diminishing bee population, widespread surveillance, unjust legal and justice systems, enforced vaccinations, massive impoverishment and rampant pollution as well as war mentality, bigotry, greed and ignorance of truths is unsolvable!  

Everything happening in your world is due to Earth’s ascension into increasingly lighter energy planes wherein negatively-based activity is more quickly and emphatically running out its energetic course. However, in some circles this is deemed evidence that “end times” are at hand. We know this isn’t your belief, but we think you will enjoy knowing what God told my mother about that concept several years ago:  

      “Those souls who are intent upon having an Armageddon, so they shall! But for you who aren’t intent upon having that sort of ‘future,” you WON’T! You can stay within the light and rise into higher and higher dimensions of closeness, understanding, awareness. There are no strict rules that are so complex or rigorous that you and anyone else aren’t capable of adhering to them. All that is required is to live within the light! Or in simplest terms: BE KIND.”

And, with thanks to the light—the same energy as love and the most powerful force in the cosmos—your world is overflowing with kindness and godly works as more and more people are “seeing the light.” Joyously greet this unfolding of consciousness connecting with soul-level knowledge—this, not bodies rising into the skies, is personal ascension—the shedding of all of third density’s negative characteristics and harmful behavior to self and others.

As for other aforementioned issues of concern, first we say, do not be fearful about anything! We cannot say too often that the energy of fear refuels those with dark tendencies and the universal law of attraction is in constant operation!  

Now then, to address those issues. Harsh effects of climate change will ease as Earth gets closer to attaining her once-moderate climate worldwide; if necessary, residents of sea-level island areas will be relocated in plenty of time to avert danger. Ongoing assistance of your universal family includes neutralizing or ameliorating harmful effects of toxic elements in vaccines and all sources of pollution; and, added to your own technologies that are emerging from Illuminati suppression, your family will introduce advanced technologies that can remedy environmental damage so quickly that you will be astounded. Bees will return and eventually wildlife will rebound to sustainable numbers except for the few species in arctic climes that will not adapt to those areas’ rising temperatures. Peaceful, trustworthy behavior in your society will end the need for surveillance; all unfair or injurious national laws, justice systems, regulations, and cultural traditions will end incrementally; and, as your world’s resources are fairly allocated, poverty will be eliminated. 

It is Gaia’s desire and intention that her planetary body be restored to its original health and beauty and Earth’s humankind flourish in abundance and live in harmony with each other and all of Nature. And so it shall be! Planetary ascension—the world transformation process that you went to Earth to assist in—is assured! Personal ascension is a choice that each person makes, and part of attaining spiritual and conscious enlightenment is knowing the soul you are. Most heartily we have welcomed all of your relevant questions and now shall answer those for which there was no space in previous messages.

“How do I ‘go within’ to ask a question and how will I know if the answer is from soul level or my conscious thought?” In solitude and comfort, visualize yourself in the midst of golden white light, think or say aloud what you want to know, then quiet your mind and simply BE. You may want to see if meditative music is relaxing or a distraction, and it could be helpful to ask first a question that can be answered “yes” or “no.” The answer may come immediately or take a few moments, and when it does, it may be a word, phrase or sentence, which may be audible or appear as a printed sign or move in tickertape fashion; or one or more mental images; or a sensation that clearly indicates “yes” or “no.” 

If what you see, hear or strongly sense is similar to what you had been thinking, or hoping for, prior to “going within,” it doesn’t mean that the answer is your own thought; it could be confirmation that your conscious thought and soul knowledge expressed as intuition are closely connected. And, please don’t be disheartened if nothing happens at first try, or even a few times—like every other worthwhile endeavor, practice leads to improvement.

“Was it the person Jesus or his soul who knew how to walk on water and turn a few fish and bread loaves into enough food for the multitudes or were those stories made up to substantiate the claim that he is ‘the only son of God’?” Jesus and his soul were one and the same being, just as every other soul-self is. He knew that everyone has the innate capacity to manifest whatever the person desires and can visualize; that’s why his teachings included that whatever he could do, everyone else could, too. He did walk slightly above water on an occasion when there was a need to do so, and one time there was a need to turn a small amount of food into enough for a hungry crowd. I noted both in my journal.

A conversation with my mother soon after we started communicating in 1994, when I was still living in Nirvana, answers a number of queries about the soul’s origin and its relationship with the cumulative soul, and I’ve asked her to copy those parts.

     The soul is the very essence of life as it first sprang from Creator. It is an indestructible living entity of light energy that may have a physical body, etheric body or astral body, or it may exist in free spirit only. Our souls, manifested by God through His co-creating powers with Creator, are expressions of the love and light of God and contain in microcosm every essence of God. In any of its forms, the soul is an inviolate independent being at the same time it exists inseparably with God and Creator and all other souls.

     The soul is the power behind everything that exists on Earth. It is the life force of all its parts that it creates for ever-greater experiencing. At every level of evolvement, each soul part is an independent self with intelligence, characteristics, choices, goals and all the other life elements that make each person a unique being.  

      Each individual lifetime of a soul is its personage. The sum of a soul's personages is the cumulative soul, and all knowledge gained by each personage is available to all. Thus, as each one melds into the cumulative soul, bringing the wisdom of that lifetime’s experiences, every individual personage evolves just as the cumulative soul does. I believe the simplest explanation of the cumulative soul is this: It is the composite of all its parts starting with the very first division of itself into an independent lifetime for diversity in experiencing. 

      Where do cumulative souls reside? 

      There is no specific place of residence because a cumulative soul is not an individual entity, but rather the indivisible sum of all its personages wherever they are living, and it grows as each one adds its lifetime experiences to the ever-changing composite. Actually, a better description of a cumulative soul than I first gave you is that it is a force field that derives its entire essence from all its aspects wherever they are throughout the universe.   

       Do you personally know the other personages in your cumulative soul or do you only have access to their knowledge? 

       I know those who are in this realm and some of us have become friends. Some are spending a lifetime on Earth, and I know very well who they are! Some have moved so far toward the light that our energy densities are incompatible, so a meeting isn’t possible, and others have regressed far from the light into lower densities, and I’m surely not interested in going there! Some have chosen lifetimes out of this galaxy, where I don’t travel often, so I’m barely acquainted with them.

       Each has its own soul growth to accomplish, Mother. Wherever the other personages are experiencing for their individual growth, we’re always within the familial bonding of our cumulative soul. But it isn’t necessary that we meet or share lifetime interests or know all the details of each other’s lives. What we do share is the essential knowledge of our collective awareness, otherwise all the individual souls’ learning would be wasted.

       The cumulative soul can advance from its station toward the light only by the advancement of its personages. Therefore, each one not only has the benefit of the cumulative soul’s composite knowledge, but it is continuously given encouragement at soul level to master its chosen lessons so the cumulative soul can evolve. However, that is not self-serving—with that soul’s advancement, all of its personages also have the opportunity to evolve. But, depending upon the free will choices of each, the personage can either grow toward the light or regress so far as to become trapped in base energy.

      If a personage becomes trapped, how does that affect its cumulative soul's energy?

     The lifetime energy registration that consigns a personage to the base energy placement does not affect its cumulative soul because that personage's unique energy stream made its own way entirely by its free will choices. The cumulative soul may encourage its personages, but it can't ever interfere with their free will. However, out of love for all its personages, the cumulative soul may request divine grace to assist any that become trapped in base energy.

      Are the individual souls always aware of everything their cumulative soul knows?

      Let me compare this with your memory, Mother. Nothing you have learned or experienced is ever lost in your memory system, but you can't remember everything at the same time–it would be overwhelming!  Furthermore, many of your experiences were so trivial that they were irrelevant to subsequent happenings and never returned to your conscious mind, yet all are in your memory bank. It's the same with the personages of the cumulative soul as they experience their respective lifetimes.

       That makes sense. Matthew, with all these parts of your cumulative soul, I just want to be absolutely sure that you are ONLY my Matthew and nobody else!

       Oh, Mother, absolutely I am Matthew and no one else!  Every personage is its own soul and no one else!  The cumulative soul is the synthesis of all its independently functioning soul-selves. 

       But it sounds as if every soul that divides itself becomes a cumulative soul, so you could do the same and become one, too.   

      Mother, I realize that in my eagerness to answer your questions, sometimes my efforts result in confusion rather than clarification. The terms I've given you for the various aspects of soul expression—cumulative soul, personages, soul fragments or sparks and such—are meant only to show the soul's long journey striving through multiple lifetimes to return to its beginning in the perfect love and light of Creator.

      In this realm we don't need differentiation of terms, as the soul's energy registration in the universe is evidence of its evolutionary station. Since each soul is its own inviolate self regardless of its station or the number of its progeny, we think of each simply as "soul."  And that is how we speak of each one to you unless we are trying to explain the soul growth stages through its independently functioning aspects, or the inextricable and eternal connection of each soul with God and all other souls in the universe.

Thank you, Mother, and yes, I see that once again must leave remaining questions about the soul for the next message. We hope that our answers thus far have been convincing:You are limitlessly powerful, unconditionally loved divine beings in the eternal Oneness of All.

Suzanne Ward

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