Friday, December 9, 2016

English -- Matthew's Message: December 9, 2016

Messages from Matthew


December 9, 2016

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Always emotions intensify at year’s end as people around the world celebrate with traditional religious services, stirring music, and festivities with family and friends. It is during this season that those whose lives are fulfilling feel more grateful than usual and those whose lives are bleak feel more despairing. This year, with planetary vibrations higher than ever before in your history, feelings of gratitude for blessings and reaching out to those in need are correspondingly heightened. We wish you could see the brilliance of this magnified gratitude, generosity and thankfulness for the sharing—it is a sight to behold. 
Vibrations also have played a very large role in the recent election in the United States, and let us speak first about the negative reactions to the outcome. We can feel the strong emotions of many people in that country: anger about a political system that doesn’t honor the popular vote, apprehension about what has transpired in the weeks since the election, the fear of some families for their safety and the potential uprooting of their lives, anxiety about what lies ahead for the country. And, because that government’s actions often have global impact, leaders of other nations are wary.  
We understand those feelings, and many of you have expressed them in emails to my mother. Dear ones, you can have peace of mind if you think about what you know that most people don’t:
    The election outcome doomed the Illuminati’s plan to put one of their own back in the White House after eight years of having to fight a president who fought back to the extent he could.
    Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting.
    Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature.
   The world where life is like that and the planet is restored to health and pristine beauty—the world you are helping to create in linear time—already vibrantly exists in the continuum.
So, while it may seem that the new administration and its direction is set in stone for four years, such is not the case.
Several readers have asked if NESARA [National Economic Security and Reformation Act] is the solution to this situation that many around the world regard as a pivotal point in time—it is, and it would be resoundingly welcomed if everyone knew what is to ensue.  
Back to NESARA. The energy around this US legislation automatically puts it in the realm of possibility, but one unlikely to bear fruit imminently. Not only is the Act not widely known, but some who have heard of it don’t believe it is valid; some who do believe it is, have misconceptions about it; and others, including some members of government, believe the disformation posted on the government’s NESARA website. [For readers who aren’t familiar with NESARA, typing the word in the search blank on will access dates of the numerous messages that include this topic.]   
For 16 years the Act’s implementation has been prevented by one nefarious means or another—most ruthlessly by the “9/11” betrayal of that country by its leaders—because of its provision that returns the nation to its constitutional status as a sovereign republic, nullifies the existing corporation that was promptly and stealthily established by the Illuminati British royals, and tosses out all officeholders. If for that reason only, the new administration would keep the Act under former President Bill Clinton’s gag order that legally prohibits anyone who knows of it to ever speak about it publicly. And, the Illuminati within and beyond Congress will continue doing whatever it takes to keep the lid on NESARA because all of its provisions were designed to end their control of that country and ultimately, the world.
Nevertheless, activity in Earth’s energy field of potential pertaining to the election and its aftermath still is tumultuous, so it is possible that the Act could be brought to public awareness and, perhaps by demand of the informed citizenry, the government will be re-formed. If so, that would be the way the country gains leadership that will set course in the light direction. And, since this part of Earth’s energy field still is so unsettled, other scenarios may arise to lead Bernie Sanders to the Oval Office.
That is not a prediction—it is in alignment with the energy flow. We can see Earth’s Big Picture because in the continuum it is fait accompli, but we can’t predict what will happen in the short term. It all depends upon vibrations. A sudden surge of energy from the collective thoughts, feelings and actions of all life on Earth can propel a situation from probability to certainty as swiftly as it can reverse it to possibility.
So then, let us speak about the flow of energy as it has affected your political scene so far and its pertinence to what is ahead. This has nothing to do with politics per se, it has everything to do with the vibrations around political matters and how those will play out in accordance with universal laws.
Despite loyal supporters during the months of campaigning, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton attracted predominantly negative energy attachments, which emit low vibrations. Neither had wholehearted endorsement of their respective parties, but they became the nominees. Mrs. Clinton did so because the DNC gave her the vote count in critical primaries that Mr. Sanders won, and Mr. Trump won the presidential election because the Illuminati’s vote manipulation to favor Mrs. Clinton went awry. Thus, vibrations of the energy around both individuals and the corruption in the electoral process were consistently at low levels, and that level has dropped during the weeks since the election due to widespread protests and distress about the president-elect’s choice of persons for key positions.         
When Mr. Sanders entered the race, energy gathering around him had high vibrations in consonance with his character and voters’ approval of his reform philosophy. As days passed and support for him increased, the vibratory level kept rising and it still is as he continues promoting the changes he and his supporters feel are best for the country. The bottom line is, vibrations around Mr. Sanders are aligned with the planetary vibrations that are manifesting light-filled conditions in service to the planet and the peoples. In the weeks and months ahead, Earth will be orbiting in successively lighter planes, where her civilization at last can become free of oppression in body, mind and spirit. 
Now then, some time ago we told you that 2017 ends the decade of delay in society’s conscious and spiritual attainment that Earth’s Golden Age master planners had anticipated would be reached by 2007. Next year begins a grand new chapter in your world’s history as powerful energy waves undergird areas of high vibrations and start manifesting significant changes on your near horizon.
But please do not expect the unfolding to be smooth sailing all the way. There will be trial-and-error detours along the lighted pathway, foot-dragging on the part of still slumbering souls, and the Illuminati still have remnants of power. They will mount resistance by causing upheavals wherever they can and using scare tactics—a number of ominous speculations, including an invasion from space, already are circulating. Souls from advanced civilizations living among you and in your skies will continue to prevent anything that could endanger you, and soon the Illuminati will have to accept the truth: Their long dark ages of controlling life on Earth have come to an end.
Lightworkers, you are the vanguard of the growing numbers moving toward a world where love prevails overall. In numerous messages we have told you that love and light are one and the same energy, the most powerful force in the cosmos and the key to transforming your world, that love is the composition of the soul and the bond that reunites people and animals who are dear to each other. Maybe we haven’t told you often enough, though, that growing spiritually and consciously includes loving self. You could say that soul evolvement starts with loving self—you have to know how love feels to you before you can feel love for others and be open to receiving it. Dear brothers and sisters, self-love is NOT self-centeredness, egotism, vanity, pridefulness or any other third density trait—loving self is honoring your divinity as a part of God.
Awakening souls need to understand what love is, and long-time readers may appreciate a reminder of what I told my mother when she asked about love and how it applies to “everyday life.” 

     In simplest terms, love is God's sharing of Himself with all of His creations. Love is the healing force of the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity.  
     In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness, caring, respect. If love can be said to have “ingredients,” then those are some of the ingredients of godly expression in action. 
    Knowing that you and God and every other of God's creations are inseparable is love. Knowing that Earth is a sentient, conscious life herself and respecting all of her life forms is love. Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them, but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious, is love. 
    Listening to one's godself is love. Living the kind of life that engenders loving self is love. Feeling joy yourself when you see it in others is love.  Doing something that brings joy to another is love. Forgiveness of self and others is love. Sharing your resources with full heart is love. Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love. Feeling peace of heart and mind is love. The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird is love, and a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love. 
    In any or all of these instances and many others that you may encounter that instinctively you know are love in action, you are manifesting your love for and ofGod. Mother, I don’t think I’ve told you anything at all surprising.  But perhaps it is good to have some references as a guiding light in these times when darkness may seem to be overshadowing the magnificent abundance of love in your world. [That excerpt from “Love in Everyday Life” chapter of Illuminations for a New Era was transmitted soon after Matthew and I started communicating telepathically in January 1994.]

As you celebrate this season, please keep in mind the bounty of goodness in the love that you and countless others are radiating. Never underestimate the power of love to change lives and your world—love is the doorway to Earth’s Golden Age in full bloom.   
We wish joyous holidays and a wondrous new year to you, our beloved family. 
Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy: Happy holidays, everyone!
If you received this message as a forward or are reading it and would like to receive future messages directly, please send an email to That will register your email address on the moderator’s distribution list.]

Friday, November 11, 2016

ENGLISH -- Matthew's Message: November 11, 2016

Messages from Matthew


November 11, 2016

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We are going to share with you what we have been observing in Earth’s energy field of potential and what Earth’s monitors in Nirvana report about the United States presidential election. In our last message we said that more scenarios around the election could develop, and indeed that did happen, but not in ways that could have been anticipated.   
As we speak about the players involved, we ask you to please remember what we have said many times—never is our interest in our Earth family politically motivated and never do we judge any of you. 

It is not only people in the United States who have the most to gain or lose by who becomes their president. The same is so for the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati. Their heavy influence on Wall Street and in the nation’s government is due in large part to Bill and Hillary Clinton, who cooperate with that secret society; formerly among the few at its peak, when they saw its global control waning a decade or so ago, they established their own power base and funding sources. However questionable the Illuminati may deem Donald Trump’s campaign promises, they know he is “his own man,” a person they could not control.
During the weeks leading to the election, the energy of voters’ anger and distrust surrounding Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump increased to such an extent that it started drawing unto itself the streamers of all the scenarios, each of which had the potential to lead Bernie Sanders into the presidency. [The scenarios are described in the August 19, 2016 message.]  What would have transpired in orderly fashion as the streamers ran their well-defined courses instead became an energy hodgepodge that could be likened to an octopus flailing in a sea of confusion. Energy is neutral, it simply flows in the direction set by intent. In this case, intent was to influence the election outcome, and the employment of various ways—some at odds with others—eventually created the octopus.    
Clinton supporters in the Democratic National Committee maneuvered to Mrs. Clinton the votes in critical primaries that actually were won by Bernie Sanders; thus, it was she instead of the voters’ choice who became the Democratic party nominee.
As for the FBI’s investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s hacked emails, Director James Comey bowed to pressure from Bill Clinton and other Illuminati to conclude that national security had not been compromised and using a personal server is not an indictable offense. The finger was pointed at Russia for the hacking incident.
Vladimir Putin was justified in claiming that was not Russia’s doing. Individuals in the FBI and other intelligence agencies who know the Clintons’ criminal history released the emails—they felt the public had a right to know the truth about Mrs. Clinton. But Mr. Comey had kept under wraps what the emails showed: She used her Secretary of State position to garner donations to the Clinton Foundation and issue favors in return and some Foundation funds benefitted terrorists.
When those individuals later discovered that Anthony Weiner’s computer contained evidence of the Clintons’ involvement in a pedophile ring, they insisted that Mr. Comey reopen the investigation. Once again he gave into Clinton camp pressure and stated that none of the emails pertained to Mrs. Clinton.
The aforementioned individuals then enlisted the aid of Wikileaks’ Julian Assange to have the incriminating information passed on to “whistleblower” Internet site operators. To counter the fallout from that unexpected exposure, Illuminati minions quickly set about manipulating voting mechanisms so the larger count would go to Mrs. Clinton. Perhaps the haste required is what led to the errors that caused this ploy to backfire—the larger count was mistakenly registered to Mr. Trump.     
The negativity created by those whose intent was to deceive and of the deceptive acts themselves is up against the force of ever-heightening vibrations. Republicans are the majority in the House and Senate, but few are pleased that Mr. Trump is their standard-bearer. Democrats are bitter and apprehensive; many feel that if Bernie Sanders had been the party nominee, he would have won the election, and positive energy around Mr. Sanders continues to grow.
That is the “vibe” picture, you could say, of the United States. In keeping with the universal law that low and high vibrations cannot coexist, out of that energetic chaos must come a resolution. We don’t know what it will be, but we can tell you some factors that may well come into play.  
    The “stunning upset,” as political analysts and the media are terming the election result, has motivated crowds of impassioned citizens to take to the streets in protest and some are calling for an investigation into the vote counting. If that does materialize and it is discovered that voting machines were faulty or not all mail-in ballots were counted, the election would have to be annulled. In such case, President Obama would remain in office until another president is elected.  
     Mrs. Clinton was not in top physical condition when her clones were fabricated several years ago, and as vibratory levels rise, deterioration in the clone’s health and appearance will become noticeable fairly quickly. Still, if another election were to be held, that would not be the reason she wouldn’t run; it would be that information about her and the Clinton Foundation is all over the Internet.   
    The Republican plank contains ideological provisions that many in the party don’t embrace and they are not comfortable with some of Mr. Trump’s rhetoric; they voted for him because he represents change from the government they feel has left them behind. Mr. Sanders, too, espouses change from the Washington establishment, and professional and personal respect for him along with his popularity among Democrats would make him a natural choice as presidential nominee. Or perhaps, by popular demand, as a replacement.  
    Mr. Trump is avidly competitive. That is why he entered the race, was determined to win, and the world thinks he did. The protesting crowds may not bother him; however, when he learns how extensive and stressful presidential responsibilities are, that he is expected to act upon the advice of others rather than his impulses and he is not the boss of Congress, he may decide that being president wouldn’t be as satisfying as being an entrepreneur and he would welcome a respectable way out. 
Parts of those factors derive from thoughts and feelings swirling in the mass consciousness, some are known far and wide, some only readers of our messages know. And, you will understand why the most vital factor of all is this: The direction in which Mr. Trump and the Republican party want to take the country is in opposition to prevailing vibrations, which will continue to heighten along Earth’s ascension pathway. That party’s direction is in conflict with Gaia’s vision, which is shared by enlightened souls and their numbers are increasing by the day. Resolution and reconciliation must and shall come to heal that painfully divided country whose influence is felt worldwide.
Beloved family, do not fear what might happen. Create what will happen by steadfastly living your light! Countless beings throughout this universe honor and support you with the unequaled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward

[If you received this message as a forward or are reading it on www.matthewbooks.comand would like to receive future messages directly, an email sent will register your address on the moderator’s distribution list.]

Saturday, September 17, 2016

English -- Message from Matthew: September 17, 2016

Messages from Matthew


September 17, 2016

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by addressing the thoughts in many minds, and foremost is concern about North Korea’s successful missile launchings. If that country does send a nuclear warhead into space, detonation will be prevented by universal family members who continuously patrol your skies—the same will be so if any other nation would make such an attempt.
The ceasefire in Syria for humanitarian purposes is welcome, to be sure, but much more than this bandage is needed to relieve the plight of people in that war-torn country. Peace will come; however, the strong energy streamers of hostility and distrust emitted by opposing religious and secular groups will cause detours along the way.
As for the energetic scenarios described in our last message about the presidential election in the United States, Hillary Clinton’s withdrawing from the race for health reasons has an edge on the other possibilities that also would put Bernie Sanders in the White House. This doesn’t mean that if the edge widens, the scenarios pertaining to Clinton’s activities will evaporate. The energy of those streamers will run its course to bring that information to light, thus the possibility remains that it will be her disqualification for the presidency that elevates Sanders to the office. 
The truth about “9/11” will be revealed, but not until after the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati have lost all their influence in the government, economy and mainstream media of the United States.      
That nation’s finger-pointing at Russia in a series of hacked emails and portraying Vladimir Putin as a meddler in US political affairs and a dictator who wants to control the countries formerly within the USSR is political posturing and fodder for the media. Putin doesn’t want a new cold war era or conflicts with any country; he is one of the individuals in governments, military forces and the corporate and economic sectors whose efforts behind closed doors are aimed at ending the Illuminati’s long reign of global corruption, deception, assassination, initiating wars and fostering impoverishment.  
Rising vibratory levels that also are helping to rid Earth of those plagues on humanity are playing havoc with people who don’t understand what is transpiring. What you know is the evolution of a civilization and transformation of a world, most are seeing as perpetual turmoil, divisiveness and confusion, and the sense of time passing faster and faster is unsettling as well. For many, this means rushing through responsibilities, yet often days end before all tasks are accomplished, adding pressure to bodies and minds already stressed by the effects of high vibrations. 
A number of readers are writing about the challenges they are encountering in that respect, and, while awakening souls in particular are seeking guidance, lightworkers are not immune to the stress of adjusting to successively higher frequencies along Earth’s ascension pathway. Rather than repeat stress-reduction suggestions we have offered, I asked my mother to note the dates of messages so that anyone who would like to read that information anew or as reminders can easily find it. [July 4, 2013 has the most comprehensive coverage, and March 23, 2008; March 10, 2009; November 20, 2013; and March 20, 2016 offer additional insight into causes and relief of stress.] Thank you, Mother. We want to emphasize that changing a negative thought to one that is positive is the fastest way to ease stressful feelings about any situation.  
“Why don’t vibrations affect everyone the same way?”  Actually, vibrations do affect everyone the same way in that they magnify all people’s personal characteristics and behavioral tendencies. It is reactions to vibrations that vary greatly, and that is because each person is unique. You differ in a multitude of ways just physically, from size and age to body chemistry and cellular structure; however, it is beliefs, experiences, relationships and attitudes that most profoundly affect individuals’ reactions. 
But speaking again about the entire populace and stating this most basically, responses to vibrations are in accordance with whether minds and hearts are open or closed. We digress a bit to say that vibratory levels differ immensely, but always the “ingredient” of vibrations is the love-light essence of Creator, the most powerful force in the cosmos. Although generally light is considered visual and love a sensation, they are one and the same energy; and in a spiritual context, love, light and love-light are synonymous. Now then, persons who are open to this energy can receive and send love along its spectrum of uplifting manifestations; those who close out the energy cannot. 
It may seem that the opposite of love is hatred, but it isn’t—the opposite is the absenceof love. Fear also is the absence of love, and even though fear energy never can have the power that is inherent in love, it is strong enough to “parent,” so to say, ruthlessness, greed, violence, deceit and lust for power and control. People who live in fear are “in the dark” insofar as spiritual and conscious awareness and people who cause fear-filled circumstances are captives of the dark. That is why so often we urge you to send light to all of Earth—only when people “see the light” can their hearts and minds open to let love displace fear. 
We have been asked how to send light. Every person has the capacity to be a channel of universal energy, the all-powerful love-light, and simply the desire, or intention, to send that energy to a person or a specific area or to all of Earth automatically and instantly directs that energy to the intended recipient. If you wish to do this more formally, perhaps a prayer, meditation or visualization, of course that is fine, but not necessary—it is your feelings that count. And count they do! The collective feelings of people who want to live peacefully and in harmony with Nature, with justness, dignity and prosperity for all, is the energy force that is manifesting that kind of world.
“Are people in Nirvana affected by different astrological signs the way we are?”  No. Etheric bodies and Nirvana itself vibrate at frequencies that are not affected by planetary interaction in your solar system that can produce effects on dense bodies like yours.  
“With the advent of autonomous robots, do they pose a threat to our future and will artificial intelligence be used by the Illuminati to stop our ascension into fourth density and create massive unemployment and social unrest?” When robots are commonly used by industries, the tedious assembly line jobs this technology replaces—and that is the only “threat”—will end, and depending on workers’ ages, they can retire or prepare for jobs in other fields that will be much more satisfying and financially rewarding.
That will not happen in the blink of an eye, but this valuable part of Earth’s Golden Age is on the way. When society realizes the need for restorative recreation—re-creation—which the new economic system will support, people will be much healthier, happier, more meaningfully active and prosperous. Artificial intelligence also will be used for purposes that enrich life. And, the Illuminati never have had the ability to stop anyone’s personal ascension to fourth density and beyond in spiritual and conscious awareness.  
Mother, there is no need to type the questions about twin souls—I’ll reply from your list. It’s improbable that a soul contract would include the reuniting of twins; each contract is an integral part of a pre-birth agreement intended to benefit all participants, and the twins might not be able to fill the roles that all others in the agreement need. Because twins are known only to each other, there is no “unmistakable means of identification”that apply to all twins. No, twins do not influence each other’s soul contract choices or conscious decisions to any greater or lesser extent than any other soul prior to or after incarnating. Reuniting with a twin in a physical civilization doesn’t assure karmic completion, and being twins isn’t a step-up in the evolutionary process. Yes, twins are more likely to recognize each other in a highly evolved civilization or its spirit world. It is more than “possible,” it is very likely “that someone could be wrong about a particular person being their twin soul”—as we stated in a prior message, twins are extremely rare. We add that preoccupation with wanting to know if you are a twin or to reunite with your twin can diminish the fulfillment of your contract choices for this lifetime.   
“I am thinking about the shift in which many will die because their bodies will not tolerate the rising vibratory levels. What if they have young children? Will all children up to a certain age naturally rise with Earth? Is there a certain point where humans become responsible for this decision? Will family structuring evolve into new forms?”

When bodies abruptly lose viability due to rising vibratory levels, death will be attributed to heart failure, aneurism, massive stroke or perhaps the result of a fall or vehicle crash. Whatever the medical reason, young children learn to cope with grief and the loss of a parent. Down through the ages countless souls have chosen this experience to achieve balance, and in this unprecedented era in the universe, pre-birth agreements take into account that children may lose one or both parents due to vibratory intolerance. If so, just as now, families will accept medical diagnoses.  

Heightening vibrations will provide heartwarming aspects, too. People will be enlightened about life in a spirit world and the certainty of reunions with beloved persons and pets. As telepathic connections open, there can be clear communication between souls on Earth and elsewhere in the universe; and, when your society is more highly evolved, residents on the planet and in Nirvana can visit back and forth.  

Naturally rising with Earth—or better said, personal ascension—is a matter of growing spiritually and consciously, and age is not a factor; for 30 years or more, a considerable number of newborns arrived in an evolved status. Every person has the choice, not the responsibility, to grow in the awareness that enables physically going along with Earth for the duration of the life span chosen in the soul contract. Personal ascension does notrequire traveling with the planet into higher densities—souls evolved throughout the millennia when Earth was mired in deep third density. The grand advantage now is the opportunity to complete third density karma in one lifetime, aided by accelerating vibrations and often the loving assistance of stronger souls.    

Family structuring has been evolving for quite some time, and this deserves some thought in the context of ascension. There are biracial and interfaith marriages; in some areas, same sex and transgender marriages; youths are rebelling against arranged marriages. Divorced parents share custody of their children; remarriage creates “blended” families; some parents choose commitment over legal status; surrogate mothers and in vitro fertilization are not unusual; birth control enables married couples to choose not to have children. Children removed from abusive or neglectful parents live with other family members or in foster homes, single persons are adopting children, people in one country are adopting children from another. Three generations may live in the same home, family members may live far distant from each other, elderly parents may live in assisted-living facilities. Some familial arrangements are due to progress in medical science, but the more profound evidence of change is the growing respect for all loving relationships and family configurations.
Beloved brothers and sisters, as the vanguard of the spiritual and conscious evolution underway, simply by living your light you exemplify enthusiasm and confidence in Earth’s future—as your vibrations keep rising, you keep raising the vibrations of the world. Light beings throughout this universe honor you and surround you with unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward

[If you received this message as a forward or are reading it on my site and would like to receive future messages directly, please send an email to That will register your address on the moderator’s subscription list.]

Friday, August 19, 2016

Matthew's Message: August 19, 2016

Messages from Matthew


August 19, 2016

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. With nominees for United States president set in stone, or so it would seem, it is understandable that you are asking how it is possible for Bernie Sanders to become that country’s next president.

Our last message didn’t enumerate the scenarios that Earth’s monitors in Nirvana are keeping an eye on because we were waiting to tell you the only one with significance, the one that has gained unstoppable momentum. None has. Therefore, we shall tell you the various possibilities that affect Sanders and the two major parties’ nominees—energy around other contenders is too weak to materialize streamers with development potential.

The universe’s constant balancing act provides ways to resolve a blockage in an energy field, and that is what’s happening here. The preponderance of energy generated around Sanders is positive even though he is not a presidential nominee; the energy generated around Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, who are nominees, is predominantly negative. The overall energy investment, which comprises the thoughts and feelings of the populace, produced countless streamers and they are darting about in the collective consciousness. To bring order out of that chaos, the energy coalesced into various scenarios that represent the total investment and each has the potential to unblock the field and enable the energy around Sanders to flow in the direction it was given, toward the presidency.

Now, the scenarios. Clinton’s private dealings with other nations while she was Secretary of State or her complicity in irregularities in the Democratic party’s primaries could be disclosed. Some of her sworn statements under oath could be shown as the falsehoods they are. The sources and uses of Clinton Foundation funds or her long-time Illuminati affiliation could be revealed. Any one of those would officially disqualify her as a nominee, and her health issue could disqualify her physically. If any of those scenarios attains unbeatable dominance, Sanders will replace Clinton on the ballot and win the election. Or, she could remain in the race, citizens who are dissatisfied with her and Trump could join Sanders’ supporters in electing him via write-in votes. And, since this energetic situation still is unsettled, other possibilities could arise that will put him in the White House.

Any of those departures from the country’s traditional procedures at this stage of the process would be unusual, to be sure. However, few would call the 2016 political campaigns “business as usual,” so Sanders’ return to the presidential arena with the person he wants as vice president may not be all that surprising.  

Eventually the populace will understand that this was simply the workings of energy—the vibrations supported Mr. Sanders personally and as the people’s choice. This will be understood as well in its much larger context: It is part and parcel of the ongoing momentous change as corruption and oppression give way to freedom and upliftment of the entire civilization.

Resistance also is part of this transformation because fear of change is inherent in third density consciousness. Dark souls are fearful of losing their hold over the many who are fearful about conditions that the dark ones have created or controlled—fear energy of the many is what keeps the dark ones going—but efforts to retain the status quo will be futile. All intentions and conditions in low vibratory levels will continue to disintegrate as vibrations keep rising. 

You are accustomed to reading “love,” “peace” and “unity” in messages from light sources. Have you noticed how often these words are used by national, civic and religious leaders, individuals interviewed on newscasts, and chanting crowds holding placards with the words boldly printed? Like everything else in existence, words are energy, and spoken or written, they emit vibrations that attract more of their kind—the universal law of attraction—and in all of your languages, love, peace and unity have the highest vibrations. Now that these words are being used frequently around the world, their powerful reverberations are awakening the peoples. 

“I think of myself as a searcher for truth. I don’t know if this is the same as ‘light worker,’ but it seems there should be more to that than wanting to know what is true and what isn’t. My question is, what is a light worker and how does anyone know if they are?” Thinking of yourself as a searcher for truth and asking about lightworkers shows that you are on the same pathway they are, just not as far along on your journey. 

Being discerning as to what information is truthful and what is not is an important part of enlightenment, of self-discovery; however, much more important than relying on external sources for answers is asking within, where all truth is known. The answers, which are messages from soul-level to the consciousness, come as intuition, instinct, conscience, inspiration and aspiration. When you heed the answers you receive, perhaps as strong sensations or images or words in your mind’s eye or a voice in your mind, your life flows smoothly. This signifies that your decisions and actions are aligned with choices you made in your soul contract prior to birth.

We made quite a leap from your question, so let us return to it. A simple description of lightworker is a person who lives in godly ways—God made it simpler still: Be kind.Millions of people around the world who haven’t heard the word lightworker nevertheles sare by sharing their time, skills, money and other resources with those in need. Although we say lightworker, what those individuals and all who do identify themselves as such actually are doing is serving the light by living within it.

Light, the same energy as love just expressed differently, is radiated by acts of kindness and attributes like honesty, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, generosity; by being nonjudgmental and open to considering others’ perspectives while staying true to one’s own principles and values. Radiated light uplifts others—the ripple effects of a genuine smile, a comforting hug or an encouraging word are immeasurable—and light within imparts a sense of peacefulness, optimism and self-confidence, not with hubris, but humility. When lightworkers encounter challenges, they know their inner strength and determined spirit will carry them through as they continue helping society move ever closer to the greater glories of Earth’s Golden Age, when all peoples will know that every life form on the planet is inseparably connected with all others.  

Our suggestion to all newcomers to spiritual information is to read the guidance recently offered to a gentleman who identified himself as “an awakening soul.” Mother, please add the date of that message. [May 19, 2016] Thank you.

“It has been said many times by different channelers that after we go from this life, we go to a much better place. That spirit guides await for us to help us and guide us. So, can you explain this for me?”  Indeed, Nirvana is a much better place in myriad ways for people who lived in accordance with their soul contracts, but they don’t need spirit guides there. Guides, your guardian angel and others in the angelic realms, souls with whom you are bonded in love, and members of other civilizations are God’s emissaries who, unseen, help you during your Earth lifetime. Awaiting your arrival in Nirvana are persons you know and are dear to you.

Each soul has a unique frequency, and moments prior to death of the body, it sends a special signal that is received by all with whom that soul has love bonds. The welcoming party can be family and friends in any lifetime, not only those in your immediate past life who preceded you to a spirit world, even if they have embodied again on the planet or in another civilization. Because you will transition from an Earth lifetime, you will reunite with those loved ones and your dear pets in Nirvana; however, reunions can take place anywhere in this universe where the energy corresponds to the souls’ vibrations.

“I just read the message where Matthew said the soul is liberated from people when they enter Nirvana. What does that mean? Where do the souls go?”  The soul is liberated from—or, not affected by—any damage to the person’s etheric body or psyche. The etheric and physical bodies are so closely aligned that any illness or injury the physical body sustains also affects the etheric body, and emotional traumas experienced during the lifetime remain in the psyche, thus people enter Nirvana with those conditions. During the healing process, which is customized to meet the needs of each person, the soul can go wherever it wishes at the same time it is with the person—it IS the person!  

Souls, the pure love-light essence of Creator, are energy fluctuating at higher vibratory levels than etheric bodies and much higher than the density of physical bodies, so soulsalways are “liberated” and can be wherever they wish simply by the thought of being there. That is why during a person’s sleep time, the soul may visit those with whom it has love bonds, perform light service in worlds where that kind of assistance is needed, or enhance its spiritual and conscious awareness by studies in advanced civilizations.

Beloved brothers and sisters, as aspects of Creator, the omniscient, omnipotent and eternal I AM Oneness of All, you always have had unlimited potential to manifest whatever you wish. That capability is inherent in the makeup of the soul, and as you continue evolving, you will be able to produce what you now think of as miracles. 
Suzanne Ward

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