Monday, April 24, 2017

Message from Matthew, April 23, 2017

Message from Matthew


April 23,  2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are hearing sobering rhetoric in connection with North Korea, and we assure you there will be no all-out war with that country or any other. You also can ignore the media hype about Russia’s new cold war with Europe and the United States—Russia is one of the “backbone” countries whose goal is peace, economic stability and environmental preservation. And, North Korea’s nuclear missile tests pose no threat—ever-diligent crews in your skies would cause warheads to malfunction just as they have on more than a dozen occasions in the past few years. Acting upon the recommendation of colleagues on the planet, one of the crews caused the recent explosion of a missile seconds after launching as a psychological setback for the testing program and a means whereby the tough talk could be deescalated.
Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that dissatisfied citizens in numerous countries will initiate or continue anti-government protests and combatting terrorist groups will be necessary for a while longer; however, communication lines that will be opening will lessen and ultimately eliminate hostility between all “enemies.” Your compassion, sympathy and prayers flow naturally for the many millions who are enduring life-threatening deprivation or other severe hardships, but please don’t become caught up in the karmic drama that is playing itself out. Your steadfastness in the light is aiding and inspiring the peoples to co-create Earth’s destiny as a peaceful world where all share in the abundance and live in harmony with Nature.  
We have been asked if low vibrations of protestors’ anger undermines their purpose, and the answer is, the purpose determines what vibrations are produced. Would apartheid have ended if native South Africans had not directed their anger into protests to be granted the same civil and legal liberties as the immigrants who governed them? Would women’s voices be heard through the ballot box if they hadn’t turned their anger about being denied the same right as men into protests that gained them that right? Rarely is any unjustness corrected until the people who are adversely affected demand it, and anger can be an ally if action taken is on behalf of fairness and equitability. In short, when there is light in protesters’ purpose, high vibrations are produced; when the purpose of a protesting group is to impose their ideologies upon people whose ideologies differ, low vibrations are produced in abundance.  
“I can’t get over my anger about something my partner of three years did several months ago. He doesn’t understand how deeply it affected me and gets angry when I want to discuss it. I know anger has bad vibes and I don’t want this to keep either of us from ascension. What can I do?” Our response applies to everyone who is dealing with anger about any situation, and first we shall speak about this in the context of an intimate relationship. When anger becomes a prevailing emotion, the effects are twofold: The energy of anger permeates the relationship; and that energy’s low vibrations are a barrier between the light and the consciousness and cellular structure, where light absorption is essential for ascension. It is time to consider that the relationship may no longer be serving the best interests of either person because the karmic union they chose in their soul contracts has been completed. During this unprecedented era with everything in the universe in acceleration mode, souls have the opportunity to wind up all third density karma in one lifetime instead of many, and often anger is the motivator for a couple to part ways so both can move on to other chosen experiencing.   
When anger enters the relationship between parents and children or siblings and is in accordance with their pre-birth agreement, it also provides growth opportunities for all; but again, completing that part of the agreement need not take years and years. If longstanding differences cannot be resolved, following strong intuitive feelings as to what is best for you is the wise course—trusting intuition is part of soul evolvement, and that is the goal of every soul in every lifetime.
Anger as an outgrowth of simmering dissatisfaction can be the signal that your soul is nudging your consciousness to make a change in the area that is evoking the sensation, perhaps a field of employment or particular job, professional affiliation, residence location, or a course of study. We are not speaking about acting in a moment of anger or impulsively upon a whim, but rather thoughtfully taking steps in the direction that has been strongly beckoning you.
Let us tell you why anger is so prevalent in your world. Earth is a schoolhouse where students can learn the unparalleled power and joy of love as well as the consequences of fear and anger—anger is a byproduct of fear and often the two go hand in hand. Via the law of attraction emotional situations are self-perpetuating, and because anger and/or fear can lead to violent actions or reactions, mastering those emotions is paramount in souls’ evolutionary journey. This is not an “easy A” class, and many have to repeat it over and over and over before they can graduate. Given the unique opportunity to complete remaining karmic lessons during one lifetime and attain the balanced experiencing they need to evolve, masses of souls have gone to Earth specifically for another try to ace the anger-fear lesson.    
You have termed historic eras Ice Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age and so forth—perhaps this period of planetary turbulence could be called Anger Age. As Earth ascends into planes of increasingly high vibratory levels, people who formerly invested energy in anger will instead direct their energy into positive avenues that will manifest Earth’s Golden Age.  
“I was told that the world is a school for all of us to learn and understand about evil and what evil can do and what we can do to overcome evil. If Earth is changing to be a place of Love and Light, where will we go learn about evil and the effects of evil as we need to know about the balance between good and evil?” Indeed Earth is a schoolhouse, as mentioned above, and of the multitude of such learning centers in this universe, Earth is known as one of the finest—that is why souls are so eager to embody there. Part of the process of your world becoming a place of love and light is individuals who indulge in evildoing can see how their acts affect others—in some cases, the world—and they can learn to overcome inclinations to act in those ways. Only those who master this lesson will go along with Earth as she continues her ascension journey; those who don’t will enter the spirit world of a deep third density civilization and incarnate in that world for another chance to learn that essential lesson. We add that God doesn’t think of any of His children as evildoers, but rather “the disserving ones of my flock.”
This is a good place to address this reader’s comments: “It doesn’t make any sense that we forget what’s in our soul contracts. It would be much more sensible to remember so we can make the right decisions and not have to repeat the same old ‘karmic lessons’ until we get them right.”  We feel that nothing we could say would explain the reason for “forgetting” as clearly as what God told my mother when she talked with Him about this many years ago: “If all were absolutely known, if nothing required any independent thinking or decisions or activity, then why would there be any need for multiple experiencing? What would there be to learn? Why would life itself be necessary? We could just fast forward to The End, which is The Beginning, and let all lives of all times reside at that initial point of Being.” 
“Some Channelers say we are in charge of our lives, but we have no control over nuclear radiation; chemicals in fertilizer, pesticides and food; GMOs; fracking; oil spills; destruction of forests; mandatory vaccinations; chemtrails and other pollution in the air and water, and all those toxic substances are damaging our health. To what extent are they affecting ascension?” The toxins do have damaging effects on bodies, yours and Earth’s and her animals’, but they have no effect whatsoever on the planet’s steady ascension course or anyone’s ascension pathway—they cannot interfere with your advancing in spiritual and conscious awareness unless you believe they can. Remember, what you believe creates your reality!
But let us ease your mind about those situations you mentioned. Universal family members living among you and crews in your skies are neutralizing or ameliorating the effects of nuclear radiation and toxins in all forms, and when the crews can join you and use their technologies more effectively on site, you’ll be amazed and heartened at how quickly air, soil and water can be restored to purity.   
Readers who write to my mother usually refer to members of the civilizations who are helping you as ETs, and at times we also refer to them that way—it’s shorter and we all understand who we mean. But please think of them as we do, as who they are: members of our universal family. All of us are inextricably connected at soul level and in many cases these helpers are your ancestors—“family” is the right way to think of them.
Many of those who are living on the planet knew when they volunteered that they would encounter physical danger, financial hardship, unjust incarceration, serious health issues or disabilities, impugned professional credibility, the loss of loved ones, ostracism by family and friends who still are slumbering in unawareness. If you recognize yourself in any of those circumstances, you know that a lightworker’s life is not one of ease. Yet, you follow your heart and soul and continue helping Earth’s peoples awaken so these members of our family can advance in their evolutionary journey just as you have.  
All light beings in this universe honor your invaluable service and support you with unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy:  Matthew transmitted this message early so it could be distributed and posted before I leave to visit my family in Latin America. The next message will be late in May. 

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Sunday, April 2, 2017

English -- Matthew's Message: April 2, 2017

Message from Matthew


April 2, 2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We thank everyone who expressed appreciation for our explanation of ascension from this vantage point, and we want to share one reader’s delightful perspective:  

     “Ascension (to me) is like being the best that you can be....whatever that is!!! If you dance, be the best dancer. If you sing, be the best singer. If you garden, be the best gardener. If you paint, be the best painter. Be the best that you can be!!! By being the best that you can be you are restoring your soul (energy - inner chi life force) and raising your vibrational frequency... This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine!!!

     “I think the main content that needs to be reiterated is, ‘Stop looking outside of yourself for answers. Go within!!!’ The answers are inside. Connect with your heart, which is a powerful, divine organ.”

Indeed! Often we have urged you to heed your intuition, messages to the consciousness from the soul, wherein all truth is known; and in one of God’s talks with my mother, He told her, “The heart is the seat of the soul.” The composition of the soul is the energy of love and it is in the heart area where the love sensation is felt. It’s with good reason that you say “I love you with all my heart” and add little heart symbols to love notes and send heart-embellished valentines to people especially dear to you.   
“Very informative and thank you so much. What I still don't understand is where The Golden Age fits in [ascension]. Or does it?”  Oh yes, absolutely it fits in. Imagine Earth’s ascension as a train that completely encircles the globe and its passengers as souls on their own ascension journey. About 80 years ago this train started inching along in virtual darkness and everyone got aboard. Throughout the decades since then, the train picked up steam as it traveled around and around the world, infants got on and people of all ages got off, and Earth became brighter and brighter. This train/passenger trip will continue until Earth is brilliantly agleam and the glories of her Golden Age are in full bloom—this is the train’s destination. Passengers still on board may stay at that station briefly or for a century or more, but they and every other soul who rode on the train as it kept circumnavigating the planet will continue their personal journey to reintegrate with the Supreme Being of this universe. 

That is the best analogy we could think of to show the relationship between that sublime Age and planetary and personal ascension, but there is more to the story. Some of the passengers advanced spiritually and consciously from third density to fourth before they disembarked to enter Nirvana; others did not, but the train ride was only one of limitless opportunities for them to reach that milestone. The train is going to keep on traveling into increasingly high vibrations and all passengers who use those to their benefit may decide to return to Earth after a lifetime in spirit or go to another wondrous world of their choice. Regardless of when or where souls choose to experience lifetimes on their way to universal reintegration, the ultimate destination of all is the love-light essence of Creator, where they always have been and ever more shall be.   

As for what you can do to help “speed up” your ascension and Earth’s, we say: Live your light, live from your heart, LOVE is the key. Light and love are the same energy and the most powerful force in the cosmos; therefore, feeling love/sending light are one and the same and the acme of ascension assistance. Being compassionate, grateful, forgiving, generous, kind and honest emits the high vibrations that light up your life and add light to your world. Feeling confident and optimistic about your future and Earth’s helps manifest what corresponds with the energy put forth and visualizing all of Earth immersed in golden white light sends that radiance into the collective consciousness, the so-called “universal soup” from which everything in your world is materialized.  

“Please ask Matthew if baptism has any effect on the ascension process.”  Not a whit. Making baptism a mandated religious rite was done by the leaders of church and state to give them more control over the populace. That said, belief creates a person’s reality, and if that includes baptism as a requirement for “going to heaven” and that is equated with ascension, the reality for that person is, yes, baptism is an essential aspect of ascension.

As much as we wish that politics no longer held our beloved Earth family in its grasp, it still does, and we don’t want to ignore the many requests from readers everywhere for us to speak about US Presidents Obama and Trump and Russian President Putin, whose actions have impact far beyond their national borders. As we address your questions and comments, please remember what we have said in previous messages: We are apolitical, judge no one, and unconditionally love all our brothers and sisters on Earth. 

Barack Obama is as light-filled today as he was when Gaia chose this soul to become US president at what would have been the right time for a visionary leader with spiritual and moral integrity to inspire the peoples to live in progressively enlightened ways. The timing, your year 2008, was aligned with what the Golden Age master planners anticipated would correspond with the civilization’s readiness in spiritual and conscious awareness. However, some years prior to the turn of the century, souls who had agreed to create circumstances to provide karmic lessons chosen by the masses, then join the light forces, refused to honor the latter part of their agreement. Having become enamored of unbridled power and vast riches, they continued causing such devastation and violence on their march toward world domination that it caused a 10-year delay in the peoples’ advancing to that anticipated awareness status.

Thus, Obama entered office when divisiveness, bigotry, greed, deception, corruption, violence, impoverishment and war mentality still were rampant. By keeping that third density pot boiling, the Illuminati were able to derail or dilute everything he wanted to do for his country and the world, and he made compromises or complied with their demands because of death threats to his family and primary supporters. It is a sadness for him that he couldn’t do more for his country and help usher in a world at peace during his presidency, and his motivation remains strong to continue working toward those goals that are Gaia’s vision for Earth’s humankind.  

It was not by predestination that Donald Trump became president and it wasn’t a karmic experience he chose in his soul contract. The contract does include positive assets—intelligence, health, wealth, perseverance, self-confidence, entrepreneurial capability, charisma—and his choices in employing those assets have brought him the fame he sought, but they haven’t engendered the wisdom and conduct a national leader needs to be respected and trusted. His decision to run for president came from his ambition to succeed in a new kind of venture, and, ironically, it was minions in Hillary Clinton’s Illuminati camp who enabled him to do that. Their vote-rigging in the primaries eliminated Senator Bernie Sanders, whose adherents’ votes would have put him in the Oval Office, and the minions’ error in manipulating the presidential election vote count gave the victory they intended to be Clinton’s to Trump instead. But few people know that, so the finger is officially pointed at Russia for interfering in the US electoral process and it is implied that this was done with the collusion of the Trump campaign.    

Putting aside the means that actually led to the election outcome, two universal laws that are in constant motion would affect whomever was in the White House, and we speak first about the law of attraction and how it has been affecting the president’s administration. By acting upon his campaign promises, they are satisfying everyone who wants the country to go in the direction his policies would take it. The greater numbers of citizens want to build on the progress the country has made in civil, legal and environmental reforms. The law of attraction is neutral—it simply brings back from the collective consciousness what matches the energy of the peoples’ thoughts, feelings and actions, thereby supplying in accordance with demand, so to say. Because the preponderance of energy is being generated by the larger numbers of the citizenry, this impartial law is responding to their resistance to a proportionately greater extent than to the policies favored by the president and his supporters. 

The other law at play pertains to vibrations, and it also is contributing to resistance to the administration’s direction. The vibratory fallout includes legal challenges to the travel ban executive orders and inability to bring proposed healthcare legislation to a vote, the intentions of which your analysts rightfully deem are to promote fear and discrimination and to favor the wealthy, respectively. The low vibrations emitted by those intentions, along with those of the EOs reversing environmental safety measures, are clashing with the higher vibrations prevailing on the planet. Like everything else in existence, intentions are energy vibrating at one frequency or another, and the moment of the two opposing vibratory levels “dancing” passed in the blink of an eye. If the ensuing conflict between the levels isn’t ended by a turnaround in the country’s current direction, it will end when unity is achieved in the planes of lighter energy where Earth is heading. 

Now then, more is going on in the Trump administration than those effects of the universal laws. Activity by the president and his staff is afoot to publicly identify and bring to justice members of “the cabal”—Illuminati—within and outside the government. Vibrations support this plan that is of worldwide importance; however, reaction to what in all candor can only be called Trump’s lack of sound judgment in numerous instances has brought into question whether individuals whose assistance is needed will work with him, and this has weakened the plan’s chance of succeeding from “probable” to “possible” in Earth’s energy field of potential. Nevertheless, this is not reason for dismay—success still could come by way of the presidency, but if it doesn’t, it will come via another avenue. The long ages of the Illuminati’s dark reign are ending.

Officials, political analysts and mainstream media in “free press” nations are echoing information disseminated by the Illuminati about Vladimir Putin, who consistently has refused to join forces with them. That is why you hear that he is a cunning ruthless dictator who meddles in other governments’ affairs and is a threat to Europe, put out the “fake news” about Hillary Clinton’s involvement in a pedophile ring and initiated cyberspace warfare. While Putin’s hands may not be pristine, that profile—like all other lies promulgated by the Illuminati—is way off the mark. They know he is one of the major players coordinating efforts to rid the world of their influence; expose their diabolical activities and hold them accountable; and acquire their ill-gotten fortunes and use those funds to end impoverishment, environmental destruction and terrorist groups.
That is a tall order indeed, and the persons involved in this mission are from nations whose histories, cultures, religions, resources and ideologies differ. But their goal is the same—a safer, healthier world where everyone shares in its abundance—and you shall see evidence of their progress as intensifying light reinforces this global undertaking.

We know that at times patience runs thin as you wait to see evidence become apparent and you wonder if people ever can live together in love and peace. Yes, dear ones, they can, they will, and we offer this encouragement. May 1 is Global Love Day, the 14th celebration sponsored by The Love Foundation, which is dedicated to inspiring unconditional love and peace worldwide. Reading the website will gladden your hearts. 

All light beings in this universe honor your service to the light and support you with the power of unconditional love. 

Suzanne Ward

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