Saturday, December 16, 2017

English -- Message from Matthew: December 16, 2017

Message from Matthew


December 16,  2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Each year during your season of holy days, the boundless goodness in your world is reflected in the sharing by those who have, with those who have not. Generosity, caring and compassion impart light in abundance, and in these days at hand Earth is aglow as never before.      
In previous messages we have said that your year 2017 ends the decade of delay in Earth’s peoples advancing spiritually and consciously because some souls reneged on their agreement to join the light forces after creating the circumstances that let masses of souls experience chosen karma. Now we shall put that into the context of what has happened to date and what is forthcoming.
Very few individuals were enlightened when Earth still was mired in deep third density only 80-some years ago. The profusion of light from other civilizations that enabled the planet to begin ascending was available to all of her residents, and volunteers came from their homelands to generate light as members of the society. Persons who responded by awakening started radiating their own light, and the increasing amount on the planet kept stirring others to open their hearts and minds. And so it was that throughout the decades the numbers of enlightened souls slowly, steadily grew. Henceforth, the numbers will swiftly increase until the light swells into a “love revolution” that encircles the globe and Earth’s Golden Age can begin to bloom in glorious fullness.  
A recent email evoked the thought that other lightworkers also may be pondering this: “I truly want to be a good lightworker, but I can’t send love or light to people who brutally treat other people and animals. Please don’t tell me, ‘They’re the ones in our universal family who need it most.’ I know that. I don’t know how to separate who they ARE from what they DO. Is love in a metaphysical or spiritual sense different from the love that is natural to feel for family and friends?” In a sense it can be, but love, which is attributed to spirit, and light, which is attributed to science, are one and the same energy so there is no actual difference.
However, while energy cannot be divided into “light” and “love” compartments, it can be expressed both ways and experienced both ways. Most simply stated, light is experienced as visual illumination and love is experienced as the feelings of persons who are dear to each other, but other facets enter into this. Energy is cosmic consciousness that continuously is drawing in what every soul in existence does. Energy is neutral; each streamer is given direction by the intention attached in thoughts and feelings—when the intention is visual illumination, your sense of vision perceives light provided by Sol or electrical lighting fixtures; when the intention is love, that sensation is provided and actions based in love follow naturally. The universal law of attraction brings back more of whatever intention is sent forth in energy streamers. And, love is light within radiating its god-self, the pure love-light essence of Creator, and the amount radiated is in accordance with the amount of light within the soul.    
The dark ones became lost in internal darkness, they are devoid of light within except the spark that is their life force. The intentions attached to their thoughts and feelings come from that deep void, and the darkness they send forth keeps coming back to them. Only light can fill the void and engender actions created in love. It is on behalf of all life on Earth that we have urged you to send love-light to those individuals—by transmuting the low vibrations of darkness into love’s high vibrations, darkness is done away.
Shortly after my mother and I started conversing, she told me she couldn’t separate her thoughts about people who caused terrible suffering from her feelings about them. We hope that what I told her will be helpful to the reader and others who may feel the same. 
      Mother, you would turn on a flashlight to guide someone out of the darkness of uncertainty and anxiety onto a path where they are confident and secure, wouldn’t you? Those souls have lost their way and are fearful and foundering. Do not think of them as their deeds, but rather what you want for the world! Think of kindness, helpfulness and justness and sharing, think about the world’s people living in harmony, peacefulness and love and send those thoughts to those souls in darkness.
Dear family, never underestimate your power to “light up the world”!      
“I heard that beneath his kindly demeanor, Pope Francis is an evil man who works for the Illuminati and sides with neo-Nazis. I’m not a Catholic, but it’s hard for me to believe that could be true.” It is not true. This is what is true: Pope Francis has encountered relentless opposition from the Illuminati because he is doing his best to oust or demote cardinals who are high in their ranks; end sacrificial rituals—the Vatican is the international headquarters of Satanism; make the Vatican’s immorally amassed monetary fortunes available to uplift the lives of the impoverished; end centuries-old dogma devised to control the masses; and he exemplifies the spiritual aspects of the religion—love, compassion, empathy, humility and forgiveness. All of that is completely contrary to Illuminati interests and intentions. Pope Francis’ only connection with anything Nazi is his desire to return to the rightful owners the art treasures stolen by WWII Nazis and hidden in the Vatican.
“I never heard of parallel and possible worlds before Matthew mentioned them in a message. What are they and do they have any importance?” Although we were speaking about those worlds with reference to Earth, how you create your personal worlds is the same principle and very likely of greater interest because they do have importance. You initiate a parallel world each time you reach a significant fork in the road, so to say—perhaps what vocation to pursue, whether to attend college or apply your aptitude for a specific endeavor, what kind of company to work for, whom to marry, how much of earnings to save, where to relocate.
Let us say that you have received two good job offers. As you think about what each job entails and contemplate which is more likely to lead to the future you want, you put forth considerable energy into both. Energy cannot be destroyed, and that which you put into the “fork not taken” continues a course that is logical for what had transpired prior to your decision. The course is given further direction and momentum by the energy of your subsequent thoughts and feelings such as I’m sure I made the right choice by not taking that other job. Or, If I had accepted that other job, I’d be working overseas and could travel and learn more about the world. Or, I wonder if that other job would have been as stressful as this one. All of the energy you put into “that other job” before and after your decision creates a parallel world in keeping with the energy you generate, and it is the same with all other “forks” you encounter.
None of your parallel worlds becomes part of your lifeprint in the Akashic records, but none of the energy in those numerous worlds that are unknown to you consciously is wasted. It is recorded in a separate system where it can be used beneficially in this lifetime as subconscious helpers with your chosen karmic lessons. Applicable aspects of your parallel worlds can serve equally as well as could a “future” physical lifetime wherein you choose to work on mastering those lessons. And there can be no confusion as to where the assistance goes. Each soul’s unique registration in the frequency airwaves of the universal mass consciousness is permanently attached to the soul’s Askashic records and to its parallel worlds’ recording system, and from the latter, energy streamers flow flawlessly to the soul wherever it is experiencing a physical lifetime.
There are two major differences in parallel and possible worlds. First, possible worlds are completely within your conscious awareness and can lead to probable worlds and on to a certainty. Let us use as an example that you think about going on a trip. As you give this more attention—where to go, when, and how to budget the expense—the world of possibility becomes probability and so it remains unless it reaches certainty, your departure. Second, energy streamers in parallel worlds are much stronger than those in possible worlds. When an idea about a trip goes no further than a few passing thoughts, those form a weak streamer that wafts around until it meshes with a pool of energy awaiting attachments to give it direction. 
Will the human-looking ETs you said are ‘special forces’ keep that appearance after they identify themselves or will they shift into their ‘real’ bodies?”  It would be difficult for most people to believe individuals are from other civilizations just because they say they are, so it is likely that they would introduce themselves in their recognizable form, then shift into their native homeland bodies so the change could be witnessed. Afterwards, we think they would do whatever is most comfortable for everyone working with them. We add that part of evolving consciously and spiritually is accepting differences in peoples’ physical appearances as naturally as those differences in flowers and animals. 

You may discover that you and some of the visiting extraterrestrials have the same ancestry. A member of one of the many civilizations that are helping Earth spoke about familial relationships in her presentation. Mother, please copy that part of what Agnes said.  

     My civilization was partly responsible for the populating of Earth in its earliest seedings. We always have held most dear not only the humans living within this atmosphere, but that paradise of a homeland selected for your breeding and experiencing. It was intended that someday we would reunite with you in all glory and recognition, but there has been no attempt on your part to encourage such a reunion. This is from fear and loss of memory, and it does not change our relationship, it does not lessen our love and brotherhood. So that tells you most clearly why we are here at this time of severe changes.  ….

    Our purpose is to reunite with those souls who came from our own beginnings. All souls here are precious in God's regard, so we do not denigrate one soul and uplift another arbitrarily. It is as if a family on Earth called in the cousins and aunts and uncles so all are under the grandparents' roof for reunion. It is a natural selection, is it not, and you do not feel it is necessary to invite all who may pass by the roadway beyond? So it is with our mission and purpose. Yes, of God, in all ways and always.  [Those excerpts from the chapter “Agnes,” which I received in 1994, are in Revelations for a New Era.]

Thank you, Mother. Beloved sisters and brothers, we are with you in unconditional love and joyous spirit during your celebratory season of religious services, uplifting music and festivities with family and friends. Greet your new year with gratitude for blessings in your life, excitement about benevolent happenings on the near horizon, and peaceful feelings—peace in the world starts with peace within.  
Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy: Best wishes for a very merry Christmas and heartwarming times throughout the holidays. 

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Monday, November 20, 2017

Message from Matthew -- November 21, 2017

Message from Matthew


November 21,  2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Long-time desires and hopes have swelled into a worldwide sea of demands: The citizenry, for moral integrity in their governments and justice systems; the poor, for a level playing field in all aspects of life; minority groups, for the same rights that others have; women, for personal, professional and cultural equity and respect; peoples everywhere, peace instead of war.

All of the attendant activity, known around the globe via social media and most countries’ mainstream news, is the harbinger of sweeping changes. But only the collaborators working within the light and all whose interests are profoundly adversely affected, those whose deeds are based in darkness, know that activity behind closed doors portends other monumental changes that will end the long dark reign on the planet. 

Down through the ages Earth civilizations have had other opportunities to throw off the shackles of control, but the darkness’ hold on the peoples through fear and deception was too formidable, too pervasive, to penetrate. This time, in response to Gaia’s cry for help, our Earth family has the powerful assistance of light beamed from distant sources and generated on the planet by volunteers such as yourselves. The light of your inner strength, perseverance and confidence has helped embolden the populace to wage a global revolution in the name of peace, justness and prosperity for all.

“Will the arrest of so many in Saudi Arabia’s officialdom further destabilize the volatile Middle East situation or it is perhaps a precursor to finally achieving stability and peace in that region?” We are aware that the arrests are deemed by some of your analysts as worrisome, but we see them as an indicator that that country no longer will support Illuminati interests by funding ISIS and other terrorist groups in the Middle East, and that indeed is a step toward changing the region from a hotbed of violence into a land of stability and peace. We also see the arrests as a setback for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is at the peak of the Illuminati; when he is removed from power by his countrymen, whose interests he never has served, another blow will be dealt to that dark society whose plans include keeping the Mideast roiling. 

“Could you address what Light workers may be experiencing physically at this time? You have talked about this subject before but the energy is more intense now, so what can we expect? It makes the symptoms easier to deal with when we have information. Can we hope that our bodies will settle into the new energies and we can feel good again? Is there a time for all of this to happen?” To be sure, the intensifying energy is taking a toll on bodies, primarily in the form of fatigue or weakness—you barely have time to adjust to the last energy surge before encountering another. Sporadic episodes of headaches, depression, memory difficulties, aching muscles and joints, ringing in the ears, unusual sleeping and waking hours, blurred vision, cramping, nausea and itchiness also are common symptoms.

To lessen the effects, get sufficient restful sleep, but do not take pharmaceuticals as sleep aids or to pep up or calm down, engage in age-appropriate exercise, and drink lots of water. Eat less than usual; avoid sugar, alcohol except small quantities of red wine, and foods with chemical additives; if your budget affords, choose organic produce, seafood without impurities, and “free-range” eggs, poultry and meat. There is no separation of body, mind and spirit; therefore, it is equally important to reduce mental and emotional stress. Change negative thoughts to positive; be in Nature as often as you can; set priorities so that your day is satisfyingly spent; reserve time for solitude, free of others’ energy; and meditation also is helpful in relieving tension.   

Dear ones, you are unique, thus your reaction to new energy levels is, too; but when you take care of yourselves properly, cells absorb more light and that makes the adjustment process less jolting. And, be mindful that the effects of energy surges are the same as signs of the onset or progress of an illness. If your symptoms worsen or become chronic, consult a healthcare practitioner, preferably one with a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment.

“Please ask Matthew to comment on owning and being absorbed with iPhones and the Internet at an early age.” This is a judgment call for parents to make, and we hope they know that the emissions from cellular phones and relay towers that are harmful to adult brains are much more so to youngsters, whose brains still are developing. The paradox is, children so easily master multi-usage phones and laptop computers that those objects can become appendages, and wise parents will prevent that. They can discuss with physicians the safe age for their child to have a phone, put restrictions on its use, limit computer time, and block access to unsuitable Internet sites. We feel it is important for young children to interact often with family and friends to experience the enjoyment of personal contact—talking, smiling, hugging, laughing, having mealtimes and outings together—and establish loving relationships that electronic devices never can offer, much less replace.  

Let us add this: When the public demands health-safety communication systems, manufacturers will provide them. In the meantime, spacecraft crews are using their technology to diminish the damaging effects of your own, but please know that fear energy produces more stress on bodies than do emissions that aren’t aligned with your electrical systems. 

To readers who asked about the “fireballs” that recently streaked across Germany, France and southwestern United States, and the deafening “explosion” in Alabama, Nirvana’s monitors of Earth tell us that astral bodies’ energy spectacularly and harmlessly interacted with spacecraft technology that continuously is combing your skies to neutralize to the extent possible the toxic pollutants in Earth’s atmosphere. If we are viewing the planet in the seconds that events such as those occur, we see sudden flashes of light; the monitors know what causes them.  

“What about the powerful computers generating artificial intelligence which can change us without our knowledge which has been developed by the secret government going on now?” First we say, everything in your world is there for your experiential learning. Every development, from the wheel to the latest technology, is filtered by off-planet scientists to on-planet minds that can absorb and process the information. Subsequent developments can be used for beneficial purposes or harmful, and individuals’ choices determine advancement or regression in soul evolvement.

Now then, to address the reader’s concern about the surreptitious application of artificial intelligence: It will not reach that insidious point—nothing based in darkness can long stand in the planet’s ever-rising vibratory levels. When your diverse technologies are used beneficially, they will greatly enhance life; and the role of AI is to further accuracy and proficiency in fields such as medical care, scientific research, transportation and manufacturing. Automation, which already has replaced many jobs, will continue to do so, but it will lead to expanded education and training programs for employment that is much more soul-satisfying than assembly lines, mining and cleaning service, for instance. Progress is considered disruptive by a society that clings to what is familiar; however, as the peoples see the vast advantages of forthcoming changes, they will greet with open arms the exciting new world on Earth’s horizon. 

“Matthew said ETs near Earth are benevolent and when they land, they will bring their technology and help us clean up the environment. Please ask him why other sources state that the ETs will pretend to be friendly and helpful before acting on their real intention to annihilate us or transfer their dark souls into our bodies.” Without knowing the sources, we can offer only possible reasons that blatantly false information has been given. If it originated off-planet, fear-mongering base entities that perhaps claimed to be well-known respected light beings transmitted it to individuals who can’t detect the low vibrations that dark entities emit. If the information originated on the planet, remote viewers may have interpreted, or misinterpreted, what they saw in one of Earth’s parallel or possible worlds; or dark individuals devised and disseminated those falsehoods to invoke fear.

The truth is, only beings of light can enter the protective electromagnetic grid around Earth—its brilliance is too powerful for dark extraterrestrials to approach your solar system. That said, dark beings with origins in other civilizations have lived on the planet at one time or another ever since it was first inhabited, and time is fast running out for those who live there now.

“Matthew’s description of the reptilian commanders sounds like the little greys that gave the US government advanced technology in exchange for conducting brutal experiments on people they abducted. My question is, are they the dark reptilians on Earth?” The beings you call little greys are a humanoid species of Zeta Reticuli, and it is a misconception that they made that arrangement with the United States government. They did share their knowledge of spacecraft design, missile systems and human cloning, but it was in the nature of visitors offering gifts to their hosts, to whom their reason for coming to Earth wasn’t an issue: They had made pre-birth agreements with the souls that offered to give them genetic samples. 

Long ages before that group of greys arrived about 80 years ago, their civilization took refuge from invaders by leaving the surface of their homeland planet and living within it. The cloning and concentration on intellectual prowess that kept the population from dying out during those centuries before they could reclaim the surface, resulted in an ashen appearance and, of far greater importance to them, the loss of emotions in their makeup. The desire to restore feelings to their people by cloning progeny with human DNA led to the agreement between them and the souls that embodied on Earth.

However, the greys’ lack of emotions had two serious consequences. Most did adhere to the agreement provision that they would take tissue samples only from persons who remembered it—meeting “in the flesh” triggered the memory. But a few persons did not have that memory experience, and without the capacity for empathy, sensitivity and compassion, the greys didn’t realize that they were traumatizing those individuals. And, with no emotional framework for assessing trustworthiness in the persons they approached, they chose poorly and were betrayed. At the same time the US government was ridiculing all reports of UFOs and ETs, their scientists were giving credibility to the accounts of abduction and brutalization by performing procedures themselves so as to instill fear in the populace about extraterrestrials.  

Another unanticipated situation also came into play for the greys, who were hidden in mammoth underground labyrinths where “abductees” were taken, and it was disastrous. They had expected to quickly return to their homeland and families by the same means they had come to Earth, the mind power that enabled them to dematerialize, then rematerialize upon arrival. But their bodies had become trapped in the planet’s deep third density energy, and since the government’s attempts to kill all of them failed, the survivors still are living underground. These highly intelligent people are not fighters, and if they come to Earth’s surface, maybe after other civilizations arrive, never would it be to harm anyone.  

Incrementally, truths are revealing the depths of deception and fear that the dark ones have employed to keep Earth’s civilizations in bondage for millennia. The more truths that come forth, the weaker the dark ones become, and ultimately the peoples will live in the joyousness that life there is meant to be. Light beings throughout this universe honor you for helping—leading!—them ever onward. 


Suzanne Ward

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Monday, October 23, 2017

English -- Message from Matthew: October 23, 2017

Message from Matthew


October 23,  2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. “Could you please ask Matthew to give us a message on how to get out of the fear circle.”  Let us first recommend that you not think of fear as a circle, which has no end, or, as expressed by others, a cycle, which implies automatic recurrence. The energy shifts that are happening with increasing frequency and profoundness are all to your advantage—beloved brothers and sisters, please do not forego a leap in spiritual and conscious awareness by letting fear dominate your thoughts and feelings.
Thoughts precede feelings by an infinitesimal gap, and when “what if” thoughts are about a dreaded outcome, fear about that imagined situation naturally follows. Change your thoughts! To you who wrote that you fear  not having enough money or losing your job, remember that the law of attraction brings to you whatever matches the energy of your thoughts and feelings—let those be of gratitude for what you do have, not fear about what you don’t or think you may lose. If your thoughts are about someone who is seriously ill or injured, pray for her or his highest good and send forth the unparalleled power of love energy, not the potent energy of fear. Do the same for the many millions who are in war zones or living in poverty or are homeless, and also to the dark ones, who most of all need it. And never fear that you are failing as a lightworker because you don’t know your mission—as divine souls created of the pure love-light essence of Creator, simply by BEing you are radiating that essence into the world.
For suggestions that are more “down-to-Earth,” so to say, sufficient sleep is especially helpful for starting the day with uplifted thoughts and feelings. Solitude and meditation are beneficial and so is engaging in enjoyable diversion as often as you can, especially spending time with Nature. Don’t let trivial matters upset you, avoid argumentative individuals, take breaks from “the news.” Share your knowledge with persons who are receptive, don’t be dismayed if family and friends are not—each soul chooses its path and sets its evolvement pace. At the end of the day, think about how you spent the hours. If you didn’t do everything you meant to, don’t fret—feel good about what you did accomplish. When there is peace of mind and heart, there is no room for fear. 
The other issues that most of you asked about pertain primarily only to the United States. Our comments that follow will be clear without including questions, and we start with what is causing fear for readers in numerous countries.  
If missiles with nuclear warheads are launched by any nation, whether by intent, human error or technological malfunction, or because they fell into the hands of a terrorist group, absolutely crews in your skies will know and prevent their detonation. 
California’s deadly wildfires were intended to be devastating. Substances were added to the spray planes’ retardant solution to render it useless and winds were technologically produced so the fires would spread rapidly and compound firefighters’ difficulties to contain them. 
The shooting massacre in Las Vegas was a “black-ops” event masterminded by the Illuminati faction of the CIA and carried out by some of its ambitious minions and mind-controlled Stephen Paddock.  
Harvey Weinstein is but one of many people in the entertainment industry—and the political, corporate, media and sports worlds—who indulge in sexual harassment, molestation and rape. A great number of them and others as well are involved in or profit from sex slavery, trafficking of minors and pedophilia, an upscale prostitution ring, pornography, “snuff” films and satanic rituals.
The turmoil around President Trump in the energy field of potential precludes clarity about short- or long-term developments or the duration of his time in office. What we can tell you is, behind closed doors some members of this government are working with individuals in the military and other national and international sectors to expose and prosecute the dark ones who have been wielding power in that country and around the world.      
There will not be “thousands of dissidents rounded up by UN troops and incarcerated in FEMA camps.”
Mass shootings are enabled by the constitution’s second amendment, whose interpretation has produced a culture of violence and a nation that has become inured to it. A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed was written two and a quarter centuries ago, when arms were muskets and a well-regulated militia was necessary to secure the young nation’s hard-won freedom from England’s rule; yet the government sides with people who interpret that amendment as their right to own weapons designed for today’s battlefields. No, not everyone involved in random or mass shootings—the persons who die, those whose wounds are life-changing, all affected families and friends, the shooters themselves—are fulfilling soul contracts. And, those events will continue until there is a national consensus about commonsense action to reduce the epidemic of violence.
Please keep foremost in your thoughts that rising vibrations on the planet and within the society are weakening the diminishing remnants of the Illuminati network and expanding successful grassroots movements around the globe. From our vantage point, the progress that you lightworkers have been contributing to is astounding!   
“Some scientists say global warming isn’t restricted to Earth, there are indications that other planets are heating up too. Can you please ask Matthew if this portends danger to us?” None whatsoever. Temperatures are rising marginally in your solar system and solar activity is increasing due to the amount of light being generated throughout the universe. Something as monumental as a multitude of powerful civilizations beaming sufficient light to enable “lift-off” and ascension of a planet in death throes could not happen without putting everything else “on the move,” in a manner of speaking, and unusual temperatures will level off as Earth continues toward a moderate climate globally. That natural process does not abrogate society’s responsibility to end weather manipulation, deforestation and pollution of air, soil and water—those causes of global warming are delaying Earth’s reaching her climate objective. That objective, which she will attain, also addresses concerns about claims that a “mini-ice age” is approaching—nothing even remotely like that is ahead. 
Our comments about fracking extend to the extraction of all fossil fuels. This destruction to Gaia’s planetary body contributed to keeping it mired in deep third density until 80-some years ago, when that massive infusion of light released it. Coal is Earth’s tissue, oil and natural gas her circulatory system; removing those elements and using them to pollute your air, Earth’s respiratory system, is interfering with her efforts to return to sound health. One response to prevailing vibrations is that energy providers are investing in renewable sources; and, when the society becomes adept at manifestation, the mining of metal ores and crystals will become unnecessary. 
“The [September] message stated that ‘9/11’ prevented the announcement about disclosure and NESARA. Why would something as incredible to most people as extraterrestrials landing be announced in conjunction with something as totally unrelated as a new economic system?” First let us say that the economic part of NESARA, which couldn’t be spelled out in full in the legislation, and changes in the government are the only two provisions that could be put into a congressional document. NESARA was introduced that way for two reasons: The United States was the most powerful nation in the world at that time and those provisions are within its legal system; and it was the means whereby thoughts about the Act would enter the collective consciousness, thereby establishing its “possibility” in Earth’s energy field of potential. Then-President Clinton, a top-ranking Illuminati, put a gag order on the Act because it eliminated Illuminati control of that government, one of their major entrenchments for initiating or exacerbating conflict in other countries and controlling the economy worldwide. Gradually NESARA became known via channeled messages from light sources to their receivers, who disseminated the information and added momentum to its energy course.
Now then, extraterrestrials and NESARA are far from totally unrelated. The Act is the legal framework for Earth’s Golden Age that was planned by the highest universal council in consonance with Gaia’s vision for her planetary body and all its residents. The congressional member who presented the Act was an extraterrestrial, albeit assuredly not recognized as such; St. Germain is the best known of the group that spearheaded the economic reformation provision; and among the volunteers who came to help Earth are souls well-experienced in implementing economic systems for the betterment of an entire civilization. 
All of that and more would have been explained by internationally respected persons and extraterrestrial visitors in the globally televised program that was prevented by “9/11.” Although the Illuminati have successfully kept those truths from becoming publicly known, lightworkers and family from other civilizations in spacecraft surrounding Earth or living among you have made grand advancements aligned with the full intent of NESARA. Mother, please note the dates of messages that include information about its transformative scope and how the process has unfolded. [The July 16, 2004 message includes the aims of NESARA, and Matthew and Hatonn speak about its progress in the August 13, 2006 message. Difficulties in getting information to the public are included in March 1, 2004 and April 20, 2016 messages; and of the several messages that mention common misunderstandings about NESARA, March 11, 2013 seems to be the most inclusive.] Thank you. 
“Other references also speak about the importance of synchronicity, important to know we're one, watching our thoughts and we are experiencing many densities at the same time. Is this another way of explaining the continuum? Which suggests ‘time-travel’ should have a revised interpretation. Perhaps we don't ‘travel,’ but we shift our awareness into ‘openings’ of the continuum?”  We applaud this reader for connecting the dots of time travel, the continuum and awareness—indeed an illumined perception, but there is more to this.

In prior messages we have said that everything you consider past, present and future is happening simultaneously in different planes of energy in the continuum. Another way to state that is, everything existing throughout this universe has been/is being/forevermore shall be manifested by consciousness in the very same instant—NOW.  And the higher truth is, everything and the only thing is consciousness.  

That is unfathomable to you in this moment, but bit by bit it will be revealed as you continue discovering what is known at soul level. The more you discover, the more self-empowered you are, the more ability you have to “think your way” to whatever point in “time” or place you choose. You may want to visit someone dear to you, observe an era in some world’s “past” or “future,” or attend master classes. You can explore the heavens by astral travel in etheric body; ride in a spacecraft; envision your desired destination, dematerialize, then rematerialize once there; or sit in an easy chair at home and remotely view whatever you wish. We are speaking aboutconsciously enjoying those kinds of experiences. Many of you are doing this subconsciously in deep meditation or during sleep time; if the latter, what you ascribe to dreams often are memories, perhaps symbolic, of actual reunions or happenings you observed or in which you participated.  

Dear ones, adventures await that you cannot imagine because you don’t remember where in this universe you have lived or visited or how easily you traveled from place to place. You don’t remember what powerful multidimensional beings you are! But you shall—again—and when you choose to review this lifetime, you will feel gratified that your steadfastness in the light helped Earth’s civilization awaken and move forward in manifesting the fullness of the planet’s Golden Age.
Suzanne Ward

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