Thursday, July 2, 2020

Message from Matthew, July 2, 2020

Message from Matthew


July 02, 2020
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  Especially when you are inundated with media reports of turmoil around the world, it is important for your health in mind, body and spirit to frequently breathe deeply, then exhale slowly to release stress so it doesn’t accumulate and cause imbalance. Please, dear family, take a moment now and do that for yourselves. Thank you!
Now then, two global situations are keeping Earth’s energy field of potential in fervent activity. Let us speak first about the protests against racism and excessive police force that started in the United States and quickly erupted in many other countries. Essential change doesn’t start with leaders, but with demands of the peoples.
You may have seen films of George Floyd’s death and noticed unusual circumstances: The policeman who had his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck looked  “vacant” as he gazed at the person who was filming him, and the three policemen who were standing nearby appeared to have little interest in what was happening.   
The very second the incident started, those five souls and others in their respective pre-birth agreements amended their soul contracts so they could participate as they did. The policemen’s apparent lack of emotions and lack of dread in Mr. Floyd was the effect of their subconscious processing as they acted in accordance with their newly-agreed upon roles.   
They did so to thrust racism onto the global stage so dramatically that this pernicious aspect of humanity no longer can be brushed aside. Earth’s civilization cannot advance in spiritual and conscious awareness until the unjustness of systemic bigotry ends and healing can come to the society.
The other global situation is the continuing saga of the coronavirus. Keeping in mind that most national borders are closed to travelers, you may ask how that disease reached countries that had been free of it. It happened the same way it did in China’s Hunan province—the virus was released by drones, or, in the new countries, perhaps by crop-dusting as well.
Although the two areas differ greatly, both were prime targets for the Illuminati to unleash their virus. Along with dense air pollution, Hunan is saturated with 5G technology whose emissions are damaging to bodies; both conditions compromise immune systems and render the residents susceptible to contracting a contagious respiratory disease. People in the countries where covid-19 was more recently introduced are equally vulnerable. They have low immunity due to existing health issues caused by malnutrition and other substandard living conditions.  
The spike in numbers of cases and deaths in the United States was predictable. Masks prevent normal respiratory functioning and that severely affects immunity. Stress also adversely affects immune systems, and a great deal of stress has been caused by “stay at home,” mass unemployment, economic hardships, child care for people who must work, and the exhaustion of hospital personnel and first responders.
The ones behind this pandemic want you to believe otherwise, so the finger-pointing is at people who are not wearing masks or “social distancing” and businesses opening too quickly. Another aspect of the rising numbers is that cases and deaths from numerous medical issues are falsely reported as due to covid-19 or complications thereof.
Contrary to what may appear as the dark ones winning this round, they are not. They digging their graves deeper, in a manner of speaking. The truth about the laboratory-designed, patented coronavirus cannot be hidden from the public much longer. Removing from the Internet the testimonies of individuals who know the truth isn’t preventing the posting of other truthful information, and labeling it “conspiracy theory” is not going to work on the dark ones’ behalf either.
To readers who also asked if Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci are among those responsible for the pandemic, yes, both are heavily involved. So is the CDC, whose “guidelines” often are mandated.   
Now about Q and Qanon. According to Nirvana’s monitors of Earth, Q is a few individuals who have extensive personal knowledge of “Deep State,” the secret society we call Illuminati and others refer to as the cabal, One World Order, Shadow government and other designations. Qanon, a loosely allied group of individuals who research or have personal knowledge of information not readily available to the public, follow Q’s enigmatic messages posted on an Internet site and interpret those with varying degrees of accuracy. Because the intention of all these individuals is to expose the dark ones, information coming from Q or Qanon also is ridiculed as “conspiracy theory.”
Mainstream media are controlled, information on the Internet is a mixture of authentic and false, and social media is a hotbed of opinions along with facts, so be discerning about information from all sources. Ask within—the truths you are seeking reside at soul level.
“I heard that your president [United States President Trump] ordered the military to destroy underground bases where they found many children in cages and released them. Please ask Matthew if this actually happened.” 
Nirvana’s monitors can’t confirm that the rescue order came from President Trump, but it is true that military troops released hundreds of children held captive in the Illuminati’s mammoth underground bases, then destroyed the bases. The children are receiving medical and psychological care.
The most diabolical of all darkness on the planet is satanic worship. Along with kidnapping thousands of children around the world for rituals, worshippers impregnate women they imprison so their infants can be sacrificed.
Eons past the dark forces inculcated into inexperienced souls the idea that human sacrifice “pleased or appeased the gods,” and millennia ago Earth’s civilization did that. In more recent centuries the Illuminati have used those ungodly acts to create the energy of fear, which they require as fuel to survive, and they believe that consuming parts of sacrificed bodies gives them unlimited powers.
Another reader who wrote about this asked: “Is it better to stay out of everything and let people feel bright and happy (including myself) or is it better to let people know?”  As shocking as the truth is, it must become widely known so these unspeakable practices will be ended and the dark ones involved held accountable for their crimes against humanity. The information is available on the Internet and we urge you to make others aware of it.
Our reply to the following excerpt of an email always applies, but with emotions running high about what is going on in your world, it is especially relevant now: “In day-to-day family life we encounter never-ending emotional conflicts and turmoil that often takes away from the joy of life. Loss of emotional control inevitably leads to undesirable consequences. So why were we given emotions when for the most part reasoning is a far better survival tool?
First we say, Earth is universally known as an excellent schoolhouse specifically because it offers the finest lessons in emotions, and souls from numerous civilizations choose to incarnate there so they can overcome low vibratory emotions and replace them with high.  
Dear ones, we know from our own lifetimes in worlds that are loosening third density shackles that it is exceedingly difficult to always feel positive and confident.
You come from civilizations where only joy, kindness, honesty, generosity, forgiveness, gratitude and other emotions with high vibrations exist. And now here you are in the midst of Earth’s emotional spectrum that includes impatience, anger, disappointment, intimidation, discouragement, hopelessness, pessimism, frustration and fear. Dispelling those negative sensations by radiating the light of high emotions to inspire Earth’s peoples to manifest the better world they want is why you chose to be where you are.
Yes, indeed, reasoning is involved, but you don’t have to eschew emotions to use good judgment, make wise decisions and employ common sense. Furthermore, life without any emotions would be a dim, hollow existence. It would preclude the joy when a new family member is born. Excitement about a successful undertaking. Thrill at seeing Nature’s spectacular beauty. Happiness about a friend’s visit. Sympathy for those who are mourning, empathy for those who are struggling. The pleasure of companion animals. Appreciation for others’ loyalty to you and gratitude for thoughtfulness and kindness.   
Why didn’t we mention love? Because love is far more than emotions—love is what souls are made of. Beloved sisters and brothers, love is who you are!  The high vibrations of the aforementioned sensations are expressions of the love you are radiating as the light that is undergirding all efforts to co-create Earth’s Golden Age.
We honor you for your essential service in this monumental undertaking.  With unconditional love, the most powerful force in this universe, we have been supporting you all along your Earth journey.
Suzanne Ward

[In Bookshop on you can read topics and sample chapters of Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven, Revelations for a New Era, Illuminations for a New Era, Voices of the Universe and Earth’s Golden Age. There also are excerpts from my little book, Amusing to Profound–My Conversations with Animals.]

Thursday, April 2, 2020

EN -- Message from Matthew: April 2, 2020

Message from Matthew


April 02, 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Beloved brothers and sisters, please take a deep breath. Exhale slowly and let your hearts feel lighter. Now envision Earth glowing in golden-white light, then “see” people of all ages and skin colors joyously hugging each other and the animals in their midst.  
You have just sent forth an abundance of healing energy to your world. We thank you and we love you!
Now then, media are reporting information about the coronavirus and continuously updating statistics of cases and death toll from its disease, Covid-19. Each death is a personal tragedy for affected family and friends, whose grief would be as profound if their beloved persons had died from any other cause. Every day many other causes are claiming the lives of many other persons who are dearly loved, many other families also are mourning their loss.  
Compassion and empathy are inherent in the high vibrations at this station and sorrow is no stranger to Earth’s peoples. However, never before have there been heart-wrenching interviews with family whose dear ones died nor has isolation prevented goodbyes. Never before have media aired films of medical teams in protective gear tirelessly working to save lives. Never before has the world heard sickness and death number projections from infectious disease specialists or analysts speculate about a global economy in collapse.
While some of that is repeatedly emphasized to purposely evoke fear, factual information is being disseminated worldwide. 
What is not publicized because it is known by only a few is that the intention of the coronavirus was to decrease the world’s population by billions. That will not happen because family members reduced the laboratory-designed virus’s potency to the greatest possible extent.  
Now let us speak about something else that is not known, how soul contracts fit into this. Deaths of the elderly are in accordance with contract choices of longevity and cause of the physical body’s loss of viability. Contracts have a degree of flexibility regarding exact life span as well as the terminal illness, and these souls fulfilled those provisions by contracting a disease to which they were particularly vulnerable due to prior health issues that themselves soon would have been lethal.   
Some of the younger people who have succumbed also had fulfilled contract provisions and others amended their contracts in conjunction with all others in the pre-birth agreement. In the latter cases, it was known at soul level that the persons could more effectively help the world from Nirvana, where they can beam light to the planet more powerfully than they were in physical bodies. 
By no means does that imply that light being generated on Earth is weak—it is stronger, more intense, than ever before!
The persons who chose to amend their contracts did so because it also was known at soul level that fear and depression had seriously dimmed their light. They were stuck in anxiety about loved ones who were dealing with some adversity, their own unemployment prior to or due to the virus, current or looming financial straits, or preoccupation with dire “what ifs.” Not only did that mindset negatively affect their immune systems, but more so, by choosing to uplift life on Earth from your spirit world, these souls leaped forward in evolvement.
Younger people who did not leave via amended contracts will enjoy in Nirvana all positive experiences they missed; if any hardships had been chosen for the purpose of achieving balanced experiencing—the goal of every soul in every lifetime—credit will be given automatically. As the coronavirus continues to spread, those same contract provisions or soul evolvement will apply to all who transition due to the disease.
It is the same with all others who chose Earth lifetimes of any duration during this unprecedented era in the universe, thus there is another factor in Earth’s overall death toll. Many souls have embodied, whether briefly or for many years, to complete third density experiencing and evolve. Most chose to live in substandard conditions that severely compromise bodies’ ability to withstand any disease, and if not Covid-19, another malady would be fatal. 
Now to answer your most frequently asked questions. We don’t know when the virus will be vanquished. In Earth’s energy field of potential there are innumerable streamers with disease attachments—these are not emanating from each individual, but rather those are combined into dense clusters from areas all over the world. At this moment a few streamers are losing strength, some are slowly gaining momentum and many are gaining rapidly. What we cannot determine in the field, much less in linear time, is when all of those streamers will weaken to the extent that they will be overcome by streamers with the high vibrations wherein microbes cannot exist.   
No, emissions from 5G devices are not spreading the disease—its highly contagious nature is doing that. However, people in areas where that technology is in use are more at risk because the emissions compromise immune systems. Universal family members are reducing to the extent possible the harmful effects of those emissions.  
And no, dear ones, other civilizations cannot intervene and stop the spread of the virus. Not only are they not authorized to take charge of a situation that you yourselves are handling, but conditions in your world are not safe for crews in your skies to land or those living among you to disclose their identity. Even national leaders who know those extraterrestrials will not publicly acknowledge the existence of other civilizations.
But, if one of your universal family members were asked to describe what is happening on Earth, it would be People are helping each other.  
You are seeing this in the courage and exhaustive dedication of medical professionals and first responders around the world. Leaders in villages, regions and countries are issuing wise guidance to keep residents as safe as possible. Individual acts of kindness, the sharing of resources, business closures, and masses observing common sense directives to stay at home are stemming the tide. Governments are financially assisting citizens who are incurring extreme hardships.
You are seeing improvisation and innovation coming to the fore. Field hospitals are being erected to supplement hospital rooms, companies are foregoing or adding to standard production lines desperately needed supplies for medical staff and patients, homebound individuals are fabricating masks and gowns, countries with surplus are providing to countries that lack.
There are online studies for students whose schools are closed. Comedians are performing from their homes and concerts with musicians participating from their respective homes are being aired on television.
People young and old are finding unique ways to express gratitude to all who are serving in the trenches: doctors, nurses, other hospital staff, and medical personnel who came out of retirement; police and firefighters; teachers who are devising online classes for their students; pharmacists, newscasters, trash collectors, plumbers, electricians; farmers, grocers, food bank operators, chefs, delivery folks; veterinarians, employees and volunteers at animal shelters; national military forces helping in numerous ways.
Others may have slipped our mind, but not the minds of all who are so very grateful for the services and stability those individuals are providing during these troubled times.
“Social distancing” is offering the opportunity for parents and children to be together as well as time for introspection, meditation, prayer and appreciation of the goodness and beauty in your world.
It is so that anxiety, grief, confusion and finger-pointing are part of today’s world, too. But in far, far greater measure are optimism, hope, caring about and assisting others, and unified determination to keep on keeping on until this virus is conquered.  
Like the pathogen itself, unity of spirit doesn’t differentiate as to national borders, gender, age, nationality, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social or financial status, level of education, field of employment, philosophy, political ideology.
This unified spirit, the countless acts of kindness, multitudinous methods of assistance and expressions of thankfulness are love in action. This is why the light on Earth never has been brighter and why the aftermath of this pandemic will bring about the healing of society’s deep wounds caused by rampant unjustness, deception and divisiveness. 
Many speak about “when things return to normal.” “Normal” will not return. Your world is destined to be and will be dramatically different, incomparably better. It is not laws or money or technology that will make the difference, it is the will of the people, and the ranks of lightworkers have increased ten million-fold. As an aside here, my mother would say gazillion-fold.   
Social, economic, religious, political and cultural separateness will give way to peaceful cooperation and mutual respect. Darkness in all of its diabolical forms will come to light and those who are responsible will be held accountable.
The transition of the global economic system—computer transactions that let the wealthiest few control all others—to a system based on precious metals will be done as smoothly as possible to alleviate further disruption in commerce and trade. The Illuminati’s illegally and immorally amassed fortunes will be retrieved and distributed to end the unconscionable disparity between the haves and have-nots.
Suppressed technologies will come forth and be conscientiously applied to energy, medicine, manufacturing, communication, agriculture, transportation and environmental restoration.
The dangers of vaccines and 5G emissions will be exposed; the former will be eliminated and devices using 5G will be redesigned so as to prevent harm to your health and the planet’s. Many millions will be employed in rebuilding cities in ruin and replacing decaying infrastructure. 
What was intended to devastate the populace has instead resulted in a unified desire to create a better world. As efforts move forward in your concept of time, your mission in this lifetime already is triumphant—that glorious world you are helping Earth’s people manifest is flourishing in the continuum. 
Beloved family, we honor and support you with the power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward

[In Bookshop on you can read topics and sample chapters of Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven, Revelations for a New Era, Illuminations for a New Era, Voices of the Universe and Earth’s Golden Age. There also are excerpts from my little book, Amusing to Profound–My Conversations with Animals.]

Friday, January 10, 2020

EN - Message from Matthew, January 09, 2020

Message from Matthew


January 09, 2020

Due to policy changes, Yahoo no longer can host message groups. Messages from Matthew now are sent by the moderator, but they may not be reaching all subscribers. The most dependable way to read the messages is on, where they are posted, archived, and always available.     
January 9, 2020
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Your calendar year 2020 had an intense beginning, with fires raging in Australia and saber rattling by leaders in Iran and the United States. In reply to your comments and questions about these situations, we shall first address the devastating bushfires.
They are not Mother Nature’s doing. Arson is involved and so is weather manipulation technology, which Illuminati minions are using to prevent heavy rains and to create gusting and shifting winds.  
The operator of the respected site asked if I would speak about the fires and how lightworkers can help. I asked my mother to copy my response because prayer and visualization are applicable wherever love-light energy is needed.   
     At this station we see the fires raging in Australia from two vibratory perspectives—love and tragedy.
     Love’s high vibrations—the outpouring of assistance to and compassion for everyone affected by the fires—are alongside the low vibrations of tragedy—the lives lost, sorrow, fear and destruction. 
     Dear brothers and sisters, your prayers and visualization will help this country and all of its residents, thereby easing Gaia’s sadness about the loss of her body’s many life forms.  
     Prayers that flow from the heart send out the high vibrations of love. It matters not what words you use—the intention of the prayer is what counts. Visualizing golden raindrops drenching Australia’s parched earth and dousing the fires also issues love’s high vibrations.  
    Please do not doubt your ability to manifest whatever is desired, and know that when many put forth the same loving, caring intention, the beneficial effects increase a hundredfold. 
    All light beings in this universe are continuously beaming love-light energy to all of Earth. 
Thank you, Mother.
Sabre rattling will not lead to War III or a war waged in the Middle East. Matters of longstanding throughout that region—religious vs. secular factions, invasions, enmity between Sunnis and Shiites, revenge for injustices to previous generations, male-dominated culture—are rooted in prejudices passed down from each generation to the next.
Now, energy streamers with those low-vibratory attachments are being dispersed by rising vibrations. During this “energetic unraveling” process there will be confusion, mixed emotions and very likely skirmishes as individuals and rogue groups engage in “face-saving” or vengeful terrorism. Resolution of those numerous complex situations as well as agreeable attitudes will come about incrementally as rational discussion replaces threatening rhetoric and what serves the common good replaces ill will.  
The following comment, which is similar to many other readers’ comments or questions, is somewhat related to what we just spoke about. “I miss the insights that Matthew and the guides used to give us about President Obama and the unknown pressures he faced and wish we could get some guidance on this current Trump administration.” 
From our vantage point, we see that President Trump, albeit unwittingly, is nudging the aforementioned Middle East situations into hastening the dispersal of streamers with dark attachments. He isn’t aware that some of his closest advisers and his ally, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, are Illuminati. Although he followed their advice to assassinate Iranian General Soleimani, he is resisting their pressure to wage war with Iran and to turn against Russian President Putin, who, along with his country, has been unjustly maligned by your controlled media.  
Behind the scenes Mr. Trump is working with other influential individuals to hold the Illuminati accountable for their crimes against humanity. Other aims include revealing the truth about 9/11 and the presence of other civilizations, ending impoverishment and destruction to the planet, and ushering in a peaceful world.  
We are not discounting your unfavorable and understandable views of the US president. We are asking that you acknowledge the higher good he is serving, however unawares insofar as energy activity in the Middle East, and that you put his administration’s distressing policies into the context of what we said shortly after the 2016 presidential election:
    The election outcome doomed the Illuminati’s plan to put one of their own back in the White House after eight years of having to fight a president who fought back to the extent he could.
    Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting.
    Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature.
   The world where life is like that and the planet is restored to health and pristine beauty—the world you are helping to create in linear time—already is vibrantly flourishing in the continuum.
Former president Obama, the highly evolved soul that agreed to go to Earth and become US president, was light-filled when he embodied and his light has not diminished one iota. Persons who recognize this truth are not fooled by the photo-shopped pictures and fabricated films disseminated by dark ones to besmirch his character.  
What is true is that due to Illuminati threats to kill his family if he didn’t cooperate, he gave in to demands that he was told were nonnegotiable. One was appointing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and another was endorsing her in the 2016 presidential race—the threats against his family are ongoing. An example where Illuminati in Congress and beyond had their way is the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Obama had to abandon his comprehensive plan that included a single payer insurance provision and push the healthcare program designed by the heads of insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Wrinkled brow and graying hair are the physical signs of his emotional and mental struggle that required compromising spiritual and moral integrity to protect his family.  
“Does Matthew remember how difficult it is here? how density, gravity, time all weigh so heavily on those who work to be light-filled but are daily assaulted by what wears us down? I believe I am a lightworker. That I am here to hold the light, be the love. I would like to believe that Matthew can see and feel and understand that the heaviness of living is crushing. One feels as if we’ve been deposited on a timeline from which there can be no escape, there is no hope of righting the wrongs. At every turn, one feels we have yet to work harder and we are already exhausted. I sent this with gratitude and with anxiety that maybe I am just not faithful enough.”
That excerpt of a lengthy email describes the feelings of the dear soul who expressed them in other ways, too, and enumerated many reasons. Other lightworkers have written much the same. Whatever any and all of you are experiencing is important to us—we love you!
Dear ones, the described feelings come from preoccupation with what you see as the state of the world. The sense that so much is wrong that ever making all of it right seems hopeless does wear down the spirit, and thinking that you have to work harder even though you’re already exhausted is a continuous energy drain. The results of those views of life are heavy because they are within third density’s limitations. The purpose of messages from us and other off-planet light beings is to help you rise above those limitations so that being a lightworker is joyous and fulfilling.
Please think how often we have said that simply by BEing the souls you are, you radiate light out into the world. Just as often we have told you that your light is awakening Earth’s peoples and inspiring them to move forward in manifesting the world they want. Probably most frequently what we say to you is, light beings throughout this universe are supporting you with the power of unconditional love all along your Earth journey. 
In no way are we minimizing the discomfort and stress of depressing sensations—what we have earnestly tried to do is help you avoid or dispel them. We have advised being knowledgeable about world affairs as an observer and not enter into the drama of souls experiencing chosen karmic lessons. We have urged you to use the universal law of attraction to your benefit by changing negative thoughts to positive, and we’ve offered numerous means to adjust more easily physically, emotionally and mentally to energy changes as Earth proceeds steadily on her ascension course. And we tell you about the light’s progress that we see from our vantage point and you cannot see from yours.  
Now then, yes, all of us at this station do indeed remember world-weary feelings. Like you, we have volunteered to help civilizations mired in third density, and in the timeless continuum, those lifetimes are happening simultaneously with the bliss at this station, thus we always have awareness of them.
More so, we are inseparably connected with you and feel what you do.  However, we cannot let disillusionment or despondency last long or it would adversely affect the overall frequency here—those and other low-vibratory feelings adversely affect your personal frequencies, too. And consider this: God feels the “crushing heaviness of living” in the identical measure that each and every one of his children do throughout this universe. To us that intensity is incomprehensible. 
You are embarking upon a year of an exciting and occasionally bumpy ride as the light continues exposing pockets of darkness in governments, the economic sector, legal and justice systems, technologies, and corporate structures. The high vibrations that are the driving force toward peaceful negotiations also are crumbling everything that is based in dark intention. The perpetrators will try to keep those going as they need that dense energy for sustenance, but their time is up. The long reign of darkness on Earth is ending.
Beloved brothers and sisters, forge ahead with confidence and optimism. Your invaluable contributions to the light’s victory still are needed!
Suzanne Ward

[In Bookshop on you can read topics and sample chapters of Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven, Revelations for a New Era, Illuminations for a New Era, Voices of the Universe and Earth’s Golden Age. There also are excerpts from my little book, Amusing to Profound–My Conversations with Animals.]