Message from Matthew
August 26, 2017
loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin
by addressing a reader’s email that is much the same as numerous others my
mother is receiving: “Every light worker I know is either sick or in
situations which are less then enviable. It makes us wonder if it's all for
naught. People are on the verge of exhaustion and do not have the energy level
to keep sustaining others in either teaching or just being present. Maybe
Matthew could give us some insight.”
Beloved brothers
and sisters, you knew before you eagerly volunteered to help Earth’s
peoples awaken that you would not be immune to physical, mental or emotional
conditions that dense bodies are vulnerable to and you wouldn’t be exempt from
hardships that are commonplace in a third density world. Of the many, many
souls who volunteered, only the strongest were chosen—you are among them
because your abundant inner strength helps you surmount encountered obstacles.
know from experience that it is far easier to confidently choose such a mission
than to manage its challenges when everything known at soul level is forgotten.
However, along with the advantage of advanced conscious and spiritual
awareness, you have information that most people do not. To keep on topic, you
know that low energy can be one of the effects of bodies adjusting to
increasing vibratory levels and, for light-filled bodies, the changing of cells
from carbon to crystalline. The side effects of the adjustment process can be
alleviated, and rather than enumerate the suggestions offered in previous
messages, I asked my mother to note the dates. [July 4, 2013 and August 12,
2014 messages posted on have the most
comprehensive coverage. If you are feeling depressed, reading April 26, 2010
and July 19, 2015 messages on that site may be helpful.] Thank you, Mother.
know, too, that discouragement—perhaps because progress is coming more slowly
than you anticipated—emits the low vibrations that not only lower energy
levels, but the universal law of attraction responds to those feelings by
providing more circumstances that evoke them. And, dear ones, far from “if
it’s all for naught,” there is good reason to feel encouraged! Light
beamed from powerful civilizations afar and increasingly radiated on the planet
is uprooting influence of the Illuminati and their minions in governments and
economic, corporate and military sectors. The illusory cold war with Russia
they concocted will not achieve their goal of starting WWIII and neither will
their covert maneuvers. The Islamic State, which they have funded and fostered,
is losing ground. You are avoiding their GMO foods and agricultural chemicals,
and the dangers of their prescription drugs are becoming widely known.
Expansion in renewable energy fields is cutting into their profits from fossil
fuel industries; and although the United States president has withdrawn from
the Paris Accord, many states are joining the other nations in the Accord in
efforts to decrease “carbon footprints.” Iran will not produce nuclear
weaponry, and if any country launches missiles with nuclear warheads, universal
family members will prevent detonation.
to the state of your world only a few years ago, those are grand milestones!
And, there are heartening strides in other areas such as animal rights; greater
use of natural remedies; innovative community programs and restoration of
blighted districts; and renewed emphasis on the arts, which nurture the soul.
Indeed much more must be accomplished and shall be. As
grassroots movements keep spreading and major undertakings behind the scenes
come to fruition, all peoples can feel encouraged about the future. And, dear
ones, you know that ultimately the future is Earth’s Golden Age in full
likely you will not stay on the planet until it has been completely restored to
its original health and beauty, when simply by thought people can travel
wherever in the universe they wish and manifest whatever they want and live
hundreds of years in a perfect body. You will have those same experiences in a
different world, and you can view Earth’s glorious Age with the fulfillment of
knowing you helped her civilization co-create it. And, when once again she is a
paradise, you may choose to return for many joyous years in that world of
peace, love and life in harmony with Nature.
the total solar eclipse have any lasting positive effects in the world?” Yes
indeed, and it was a sight to behold from our vantage point. During the period
of the eclipse’s powerful energy surge—surges build, they don’t strike like a
lightning bolt—we saw light within many people grow from sprinkles to sparkles,
you could say, while others were glowing like spotlights, and all activity
within the light gained momentum. The surge also magnified negative traits and
behavior, which accounts for bursts of violence and intensified contentiousness
in the weeks prior to the eclipse. The new profusion of light will render those
kinds of actions and attitudes less and less in number and effectiveness until
darkness no longer exists in the society.
feel this current President and administration mirror our greatest shadows. For
that, I am grateful in hopes it will not only jump start us back to light
action, but assist in removing the insidious negatives interwoven in our
‘progress.’ The fact so many have allowed such heinous behavior in order to
gain political traction leads me to believe they will all go down with the
ship, so to speak, or evolve.” The reader is referring to the
US president and his administration, but our comments are for our entire family
on Earth.
“mirror our greatest shadows.” When you observe what someone says
or does, your reaction—agreement, disapproval, compassion, anger, joy, sadness,
whatever it may be—mirrors your image of who you are, and
there is a tendency to relegate less admirable aspects of self to the shadows
of the mind. Contemplating how closely your thoughts and actions are aligned
with your self-image can expand conscious awareness and engender the satisfying
sense of being true to soul-self. Introspection may include: Do I consider that
perspectives different from mine may have merit? Am I as sensitive to others’
feelings as I want them to be of mine? Am I letting others’ opinions influence
my decisions? Do I judge others even though I cannot know their soul contracts?
Am I grateful for the goodness in my life or taking it for granted? Have I
forgiven myself and others or am I holding onto regret and resentment? Do I
allow trivial issues to unbalance me? Am I trusting my intuition or still
looking to external sources for answers?
the world “jump start us back to light action” is happening as
more and more people are awakening and standing tall. The rallying calls for
“peace, not war,” “love, not hate,” and “equal rights for all” are resounding
worldwide. This is light in action, and all along lightworkers
have been in the vanguard.
“they will all go down with the ship, so to speak, or evolve.” Every
soul has the choice to embrace the light or not. Individuals who choose not to
do so will see their folly during lifeprint review in Nirvana and strengthen
their resolve to “see the light” in other incarnations.
last message included information, which the reader ascribed to “trusted
sources,” about multiple negative ET factions that are using technology “to
remove and permanently steal souls.” Apparently the dark ones are stepping up
their game to create fear by making outlandish claims about what happens when
Earth lifetime ends. The following are two of several more emails recently sent
to my mother—our response is a reminder to all who are familiar with our
messages and a cogent alert to newcomers.
have been several articles written lately about how, after death, the
Light/Tunnel and Beings who meet us are all contrived of darkness to interfere
with our transition. Furthermore, it is said that we meet with a group of
beings who immediately sign us up for another tour of duty, reinforcing that we
must heal our karmic debts. Is it true that we are met by people who aren't
what they appear to be, only to recycle us thru another lifetime? Is it
possible to be so deterred from going ‘home’ that we go to a place that
resembles heaven, but isn't?” The only truth therein is, (you)
must heal (your) karmic debts. But let us express this accurately:
Souls choose karmic lessons to achieve the balanced experiencing they need to
grow consciously and spiritually, or evolve; completing the lessons is growth,
evolvement, and that is the goal of every soul in every lifetime.
“Can you verify what I have read that Earth is a hologram and there is an
energy net around it to trap souls into a never ending cycle of reincarnation,
like a ‘soul farm’ where we are trapped so that entities can use our energy for
their own purposes? Is going into the light after death a trap to hold us and
recycle us?” We can verify that Earth, like the rest of the universe,
is a hologram, and the cycle of reincarnation continues until the soul
reintegrates with the Supreme Being of this universe, then with Creator, the
origin of everything that exists throughout the cosmos. The rest of that
information is false.
receivers of transmitted messages unwittingly are connecting with base entities
that claim to be well known, respected light beings and other “channeled”
messages are written by dark individuals on the planet. Information from those
sources may contain a grain or two of truth that resonates with readers so they
are beguiled into believing the false, fearful parts, too. Fear is
exactly what the dark originators intend—they feed on the low vibrations of
fear, they cannot survive without that! Their predictions of catastrophes such
as coastlines flooded inland as far as mountain tops or the imminent disastrous
eruption of Yellowstone’s volcano or some astral body on a collision course
with Earth have the same ulterior purpose; but once on the Internet, those
kinds of predictions are circulated by well-meaning people. That cycle of
fear-creation is why we often have urged you never to feel
fearful about any information—instead, trust your intuition, messages
to the consciousness from the soul, wherein all truth is known.
Matthew please elaborate on this statement: ‘Debt
forgiveness that you may have heard about will be done on an individual basis,
not across the board.’” [May 30, 2017]We thank this reader—that
statement does beg more explanation than we have given in previous messages.
Many who know of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, United
States legislation commonly known as NESARA, interpret its debt forgiveness
provision as canceling all debts incurred by all citizens of that country.
is not correct. The intent of that provision is financial fairness
worldwide, and that would not be accomplished by wiping the slates
clean of people whose debts are due to flagrant spending and luxurious living
while ignoring the people who owe nothing because they have nothing. The
provision is part and parcel of global economic reformation that will end the
dark ones’ international web of deceit and control that for centuries has been
enriching the wealthiest few and consigning the masses to impoverishment.
one aim of the provision is eradicating the balance of loans made to countries
by the International Monetary Fund, an Illuminati operation. When national
leaders kept the monies in exchange for control of the country’s natural
resources and the debt went to the people, reimbursement of loan and interest
payments will go directly into building or upgrading those countries’
infrastructures and other areas in consonance with the voice of the citizenry.
This comprehensive undertaking will be supervised by experienced managers
selected by and accountable to a council of internationally respected persons.
Loans that have been repaid in full will be returned with interest to
governments that used the funds to benefit the people; that will undergird
those nations’ fiscal stability and promote the growth of prosperity.
relief on an individual basis will benefit people who pay usurious interest
rates and burdensome taxes. This part of the provision calls for reducing
balances of mortgages, other loans and credit accounts by the amount of
interest and income taxes paid through the years. The combination of payments
will eliminate the debt load of many, and if it exceeds debts, individuals will
be given the amount of the excess. Financial assistance will be provided to
people living in rental residences or are homeless and to persons who have
student loans—those also will be calculated on an individual basis. If people
who qualify for the described reimbursements or assistance no longer are
living, the amount will be distributed to their families or in accordance with
their wills.
have been told that this mammoth undertaking will begin as quickly as possible
after acquisition of the funds, the Illuminati’s illegally and immorally
amassed vast fortunes that still are in their grasp. Because this endeavor is
global in scope and aiding the impoverished is the first priority, patience
will be your ally as you await “your turn.” During the interim, please use the
universal law of attraction for your best interests—the power of positive
thoughts and feelings cannot be overstated!
family, light beings throughout this universe honor your steadfast dedication
to helping Gaia and her Earth family and support you with the unequaled energy
of unconditional love.
is very meaningful to receive notes of appreciation for Matthew’s
messages—heartfelt thanks to all of you who have written.
you received this message as a forward or are reading it on www.matthewbooks.comand
would like to receive future messages directly, please send an email That
will add your address to the group moderator’s distribution list.]
I love you Matthew. Love you too Suzy.